PETA Rocks! <--- warning, female nudity
Apr 2, 2002 at 7:53 PM Post #46 of 106
not to uncrap this thread or anything (you can only be a vegetarian if you haven't ever eaten at Peter Luger's or Ruth's Chris) but i heard Britney Spears is going to do one of these ads and be topless in it. just something out there for the dirty old men with airbrush fetishes.

"murder is murder!" hey, let's spend all our time worrying about the deaths of livestock animals, when in our own country thousands of people die each year from hunger! what a grand plan! donate now!
Apr 2, 2002 at 8:28 PM Post #47 of 106
Sorry, this is nearly totally off topic, but as a tox person, I HAVE to respond.

MacDef wrote:
"I'm a meat eater; I love beef, chicken, fish, turkey, and even pork occasionally. That said, Kubernetes is 100% correct: you can get 100% of your nutrition from a vegetarian and even a vegan, diet; raising animals for food is incredibly inefficient and wastes an amazing amount of resources each year; and vegetarians who eat a balanced diet are MUCH healthier than non-vegetarians who eat a balanced diet, simply because they have less fat, less sodium, less cholesteral, fewer additives, etc. "

Sorry, most of what you included in this post is simply untrue. Vegetarians are not necessarily healthier than folks who are non-vegetarian. There are a couple largely quoted studies (at least, largely quoted by groups like PETA) that have demonstrated better outcomes from folks that were veg only. But, they compared small numbers of folks who were vegetarians (who also happened to be physically fit, went to the doctor regularly, had high incomes, didn't smoke, etc.) with non-comparable populations (low income, cigarette smoking, two-Quater Pounders large fries and a shake eating couch potatos), and looked at some outcome measures.

Imagine stating that Senn HD 600s are better than ALL other headphones. To prove it, you compared them to a pair of Sony StreetStyles. It's true that the Senns are MUCH better than the streetstyles, but that doesn't prove the argument.

Studies that have been done looking at comparable groups have found:

a.) no differences in outcomes (longevity, illness, etc.) between groups; or

b.) have found that vegetarians, and especially vegans, have GREATER numbers of health problems and died earlier than comparable groups of normal controls.

There are a lot of folks who FEEEEELLL better about not eating meat or curbing fat in their diets or whatever. That doesn't necessarily translate into better health. There are several large studies of cardiac patients that have shown that patients with extremely low fat diets and low cholesterol/lipids have similar rates of death to folks that maintained the high fat diets. They just died of different causes (many more suicides and accidents in the low fat group that resulted in equal numbers of deaths).

BTW: additives aren't necessarily bad for you. Sort of like saying lima beans are bad for you. Lima beans have cyanide in them. In theory, if you ate lima beans, you could die from cyanide poisoning. But, no one could ever possibly be exposed to enough lima beans to get sick. Same thing with the food additives. The doses are so lw that no one has ever developed any toxicity from food additives.

Sorry for the thread drift. Just needed to clarify some common misconceptions.

Apr 2, 2002 at 8:46 PM Post #48 of 106
The observant Jewish population is very small here, and the observant Muslim population is probably even smaller. A friend of mine from Pakistan who goes to school here says that last semester, like me, he wouldn't eat meat... but he got so sick of it he's eating meat now anyway.

But it really isn't so bad. I've found that having a positive attitude towards the situation helps a great deal -- like with lots of things! Except maybe your audio system.
Apr 2, 2002 at 11:40 PM Post #49 of 106

Originally posted by grinch
"murder is murder!" hey, let's spend all our time worrying about the deaths of livestock animals, when in our own country thousands of people die each year from hunger! what a grand plan! donate now!

Grinch, if you did some research on the livestock industry you would realize that a) it is not very profitable and the farmers often require federal aid (that could be spent on relief) and b) we would have a lot more total calories available to humans (90% energy loss each step up the food chain.

redshifter- it puts the lotion on its body...
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:11 AM Post #52 of 106
I gotta go with Russ' opinion here. I know some vegetarians that look deathly ill and are sick all the time. One friend in particular who's always sick and she's a strict vegan, so who knows.

Maybe it has something to do with what whether or not the person's body is capable of handling the change in nutrition. When it comes down to it, i'm not much of a meat eater, but i don't care what other people eat. We're all going to die of cancer anyway, so enjoy your life.
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:19 AM Post #53 of 106
Meat is murder only if you are the meat killing your own kind... otherwise, um, what the hell did you do that carrot, you MURDERED IT!!!
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:20 AM Post #54 of 106
Obviously there's more food available that's not meat. DUH! I still have to have my meat, almost everyday.
My normal breakfast: bacon eggs n sausage, plus the grains and fruits.
Apr 3, 2002 at 12:47 AM Post #55 of 106
Meats no treat for those you eat

Pigs are friends not food

eat beans not beings

Fur is for animals

Meat's no treat

This reminds me of a story my friend told me. Some animal rights activists put 100 or so orange sweaters on 100 or so deer so that the hunters wouldn't shoot them. Neesless to say almost all of the deer died. What idiots. Muwahahahahah

Animal Rights Activists; when will they ever learn?
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:12 AM Post #56 of 106

Originally posted by Tim
Animal Rights Activists; when will they ever learn?

Maybe when they get shot? Or when the animals they are trying to protect kill them. Irony serves its purpose.
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:43 AM Post #57 of 106

Originally posted by Tim
[size=x-large]MEAT IS MURDER!!!![/size]

Only if you're a cannibal. The standard legal definition of murder applies to one human killing another. Killing a fish or cow is not murder.



Thanks for listening.
Apr 3, 2002 at 1:59 AM Post #58 of 106
I'm a little late on this thread. It surely has taken a turn.

The pictures are both very nice. Eating meat is good for you. PETA is a twisted organization. God is good for some but not for all.

One last thing............God put the animals here for our use. Eat them ride them have them pull a plow or just for companionship they are all here for a reason. Yes, even those that will eat you, kill you or just use you as a host for their offspring.
Apr 3, 2002 at 4:18 AM Post #59 of 106

They must be eaten together so the partial protiens and amino acids in whole-grain rice and red beans can work together in your body.

This is actually a myth. You can get protein in pretty much every food. Meat is a particularly efficient way to get it, but protein is protein.

As for general health, I've met very few unhealthy vegetarians. Vegans are different, and that's because it is very, very difficult to eat a balanced vegan diet, especially strict vegans. On the other hand, it is not difficult to be a healthy vegetarian...assuming you live in the right part of the country. It is relatively more difficult to be vegetarian in the South than it is in, say, California.

Still, I think vegetarians are more healthy because they're always conscious of what they're eating and because every third idiot asks if they're getting enough nutrition.
Most non-vegetarians probably don't worry all that much if they're getting enough protein or B12 or iron or anything else for that matter. Most vegetarians do. You probably don't see too many obese vegetarians, do you? Almost all of the obese people in this country are meat eaters, and probably half of them are actually malnourished.

Oh, and if you're seeing a lot of gaunt, unhealthy looking vegetarians, it's probably because they have eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia). They probably don't eat meat because they don't each much of anything to begin with.
Apr 3, 2002 at 4:46 AM Post #60 of 106

Kubernetes said...

This is actually a myth. You can get protein in pretty much every food. Meat is a particularly efficient way to get it, but protein is protein.

Wrong. Protein is made up of amino acids. Some amino acids are essential (i.e. your body must be supplied w/ them in order to function healthily) and some are not (your body can make them, if necessary, from the essential amino acids). There are many different types of proteins, including soy, egg, whey, etc... Different proteins have different amino acids, and very few vegetarian foods have protein that contains every essential amino acid.

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