People are true to their iBuds!
Apr 5, 2006 at 3:39 PM Post #17 of 71

Originally Posted by luckybaer
She'd be FTW and ultimate L337 if she had on DT 770. LOL.

I may or may not agree with this post. I will not commit to either side.
Apr 5, 2006 at 4:12 PM Post #18 of 71
After reading this post I went and pulled out the buds that came with my nano. To my untrained ears, they're surprisingly decent sounding with an amp. Yet they don't fit in my ears. Maybe I have midget ears or something, but they just don't fit. Also, it seemed to me like the midrange was way dominant on them. I could make my $30 Sony IEM's sound like the buds when I EQed up the mids pretty far, so maybe that's why people like them...punchy vocals in pop music or whatnot? (I don't know what I'm talking about, so please ignore the immediately preceeding sentence if it made no sense).

Still waiting to order 580's, after which I'll almost certainly think both the iBuds and Sony's are complete trash :)

Apr 5, 2006 at 4:53 PM Post #19 of 71

Originally Posted by luckybaer
She'd be FTW and ultimate L337 if she had on DT 770. LOL.

Nah, I don't think so. Rock chicks are much cooler, and a Grado headphone would say "I'm a Rock Chick."
Apr 5, 2006 at 4:56 PM Post #20 of 71
When I got my iPod I was curious if they were really that bad... I put them on and it was like
"...hmmmmm, sounds like Rat Shack drivers in empty soup cans... beautiful"

I had a problem with my iPod and brought it back to the store, I brought my Hornet, PS-1, and DT770 with me... you should of seen the confused and curious looks I got
All of the sudden people were asking me questions about Bose
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:05 PM Post #21 of 71

Originally Posted by mattigol
But thanks for the heads up, I will check if I can dump mine on eBay.

Wasn't there someone on this forum who suggested you could make back a bit of money by ebaying off your new ipod ibuds? I believe they also suggested that you could call Apple every so often to get new ibuds, and repeat.

EDIT & NOTE: I don't exactly approve of this tactic. I'm just saying it is possible.
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:07 PM Post #22 of 71
The thing is, iBuds are hip in the *other* crowd that is *not us*. I've seen iBuds attached to all sorts of junk. People buy into the cool at the lowest rate available. I am totally with lan, there are folks who will just have them dangeling from their ears for mere decorative reasons. Don't you have that trash-couple demographic in the US where he, she, or both of them have *at least* one bud in while he / she is talking to him / her? I see that a lot and it kind of makes me sad. Then I remember I have fully modded HD-25s on and all is fine.
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:12 PM Post #23 of 71

Originally Posted by Naris
Wasn't there someone on this forum who suggested you could make back a bit of money by ebaying off your new ipod ibuds? I believe they also suggested that you could call Apple every so often to get new ibuds, and repeat.

Selling the cheap dope to the unwashed so you can finance your high quality addiction at zero loss, what an intriguingly evil idea
I never thought I'd see this kind of maneuver in the *audio* market.
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:22 PM Post #24 of 71

Originally Posted by cheechoz
Well she was quite classy by the way she was dressed, a hottie to say the least, so this would lead me to beleive that the poor thing is just misguided!

yes cute hotties, they can be misguided. The uncute, well.... Tell us more about this misguided hottie!
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:44 PM Post #25 of 71

Originally Posted by wakeride74
When I got my iPod I was curious if they were really that bad... I put them on and it was like
"...hmmmmm, sounds like Rat Shack drivers in empty soup cans... beautiful"

I had a problem with my iPod and brought it back to the store, I brought my Hornet, PS-1, and DT770 with me... you should of seen the confused and curious looks I got
All of the sudden people were asking me questions about Bose

Once someone asked me if my DT770 WAS a Bose headphone.
Apr 5, 2006 at 5:46 PM Post #26 of 71

Originally Posted by Naris
Wasn't there someone on this forum who suggested you could make back a bit of money by ebaying off your new ipod ibuds? I believe they also suggested that you could call Apple every so often to get new ibuds, and repeat.

I suggested that. If you have recently purchased an iPod and it is under warranty, they will send you new earbuds with no questions asked. Totally free.
Apr 5, 2006 at 7:01 PM Post #27 of 71
The iBuds are adequate as a provided earphone. Except for the serious lack of bass, they're not as bad as many make them out to be. I couldn't afford phones for the first month after buying a Nano, and so used the buds. They didn't fit at first, but within a week, they mutated the shape of my ear and now fit decently. I have, however, moved on though.
Apr 5, 2006 at 7:08 PM Post #28 of 71

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
I suggested that. If you have recently purchased an iPod and it is under warranty, they will send you new earbuds with no questions asked. Totally free.

But of course those of us with a conscience only do this if we actually have problems with the buds, or we at least lose them. If people abuse the policy they'll stop it.
Apr 5, 2006 at 7:36 PM Post #29 of 71
I've actually started using the stock Creative earphones that come with the Zen MicroPhoto, and they're surprisingly good. Not really close to my PX100's but they are pretty comfy, sound good enough to be enjoyable, and are more portable. I'll still use the PX100's at home but on the move I like a smaller form factor. Of course, I've never heard the iBuds so I can't say how they compare to my experiences with Creatives buds.
Apr 5, 2006 at 7:40 PM Post #30 of 71
A lot of people here also use ibuds or ibud clones with their non-apple players. Status symbol thing, I really don't get it to be honest. My own friends find it strange that I use non-ibuds and an ugly arse case (agent18) for my ip-od. (I do wish I had a completely clear case though . . .) The sound of the ibuds isn't that bad, pretty decent compared to some other stockies. Still, not worth the $30-40 apple charges.

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