Pass Labs - HPA1
Sep 8, 2022 at 4:31 PM Post #136 of 328
When I got the HPA-1, both my other amps, the (fantastic) Violectric HPA200 and the sweet Icon Audio HP8 mk2 (pure triode, output transformer) became redundant and were sold off. The Pass was in a different league indeed, unsurprisingly though being 4x the cost of either of the orhers. What I would say about it is that it just "sings" and that everything is just right, effortless and natural. Sound-wise it felt closer to the Icon Audio.
What I would say about it is that it just "sings"

Thats a good description!!
Totally objective!

Sep 8, 2022 at 7:23 PM Post #137 of 328
This amp has been on my radar for a long time now... I already have too many amps, and this one is a little too big to just squeeze it somewhere among them, but never say never... :wink:
(maybe after I try it out - I will just use it to replace other amps 🤷‍♂️)
Sep 8, 2022 at 7:29 PM Post #138 of 328
This amp has been on my radar for a long time now... I already have too many amps, and this one is a little too big to just squeeze it somewhere*** among them, but never say never... :wink:
(maybe after I try it out - I will just use it to replace other amps 🤷‍♂️)
*** your first cramplifier?…..🤣..🤔..😖..👎
Sep 8, 2022 at 8:14 PM Post #139 of 328
*** your first cramplifier?…..🤣..🤔..😖..👎
Most my amps are tube amps, so they take A LOT of vertical space!
My rack is already overflowing, amps all around... :unamused:
Sep 8, 2022 at 8:24 PM Post #141 of 328
I got a full size audio rack next to my desk so I don't have to awkwardly stack gear I'm trying out, and still the HPA-1 proved problematic because it's so deep that it doesn't fit between the support bars, thus leaving little space to the side if you don't put it on the top shelf, despite being relatively narrow. Ah, first world problems.

Sep 8, 2022 at 8:33 PM Post #142 of 328
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Sep 8, 2022 at 8:43 PM Post #143 of 328
Never enough amps !!!

Rime of the Ancient Head-Fier:

Amps, amps everywhere,
And all the shelves did shrink.
Amps, amps everywhere,
And not a headphone to link…
😳😵‍💫😡 😳😵‍💫😡 😳
Sep 8, 2022 at 11:58 PM Post #144 of 328
Sep 9, 2022 at 12:20 AM Post #145 of 328
Sep 9, 2022 at 1:19 AM Post #146 of 328
Sep 13, 2022 at 10:19 AM Post #149 of 328
Buy, build, listen sell or keep:

HAd 30 + amps here a few years back, down to 8 or so now...
Many more not in pix...cant keep track !!

Seeing you have had so many different amps, I'm genuinely dying to know what your thoughts are, i.e. if there are masses of differences in sound quality, build quality, operation, solid state vs. tubes vs. hybrid, output transformer or OTL, budget vs. high end, etc. and why so many amps? Are you bored or curious or looking for the one and only end-gamer or something else?
Sep 13, 2022 at 10:43 AM Post #150 of 328
Long story...

But, I have been a electronics tech / engineer for 35 years.
Love circuits and grew up with a keen interest in stereo, speakers and the good reproduction of music in my home.

As an analytical engineer, the science and technology fascinated me.

Knowing what a circuit does and what it doesnt is the real magic for me.

Over the years being exposed to the myraid of often outlandish claims that this amp or this tube or this cable is the answer to audio nirvana often
left me thinking what the heck are all you guys drinking out there...

I grew up building amps and speakers...

So its a hobby and pastime and the only way to really tell if there is any difference is to have the stuff here and use it with my music and ears...

There are NOT massive differences in most modern hi-fi gear, that is "well" built and designed. Its shade of grey...there are some more noticeable
differences but they are usually tied to the actual "load" that your trying to drive. Usually more $$$ means better quality parts, knobs, dials, switches, etc..
billet aluminum (aka Pass), does it always equate to a order of magnitude better sonic experience ? Again..shades of grey IMO.

The amps today, most of the SS and SS hybrids are really clean and what you put into them comes out.....and its more of the quality of the actual
source or recording....THIS IS A REALLY A WIDE RANGE of DIFFERENCES.

Then of course the transducer is very very important , its design and acoustical coupling to your head/ears etc...matter more than a good amp etc.

Having amps that cost thousands of dollars vs a good amp that only costs $200 can be pretty much the same sonically (Dependent of the other things).

The bottom line IMO is how honest are you to yourself?

How big is your EGO and your WALLET ?

Nothing wrong with spending money for stuff and enjoying this, but you dont have to spend tons of bucks on an amp to get a good experience.

I often think when I swap between my 8 or house amps, : Gosh, this is really decent and why do I have all these other amps ?? Time to Sell ?

Human beings are funny creatures!

Enjoy the music!

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