Ouch!! My tube blew up (W/pics)
Nov 13, 2004 at 6:36 PM Post #31 of 65
Perhaps my previously suggested caution label for tube equipment should be revised.

"Das tubenmachine is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, und poppencap, mit spitzensparken, UND SMOKENTUBES!"

Nov 13, 2004 at 6:58 PM Post #32 of 65
you know kevin, i really don't think tuberoller is the type of person to make up stories and lies. i mean, we all know he doesn't like a certain brand... but lying is quite out of character. heck, i don't even agree with 1/2 what he says normally, but i would never call him a liar--and if i read what you wrote correctly, that's basically what you were saying.

so, i would give him the benefit of the doubt that whatever he said did indeed happen. instead of jumping to conclusions and let your overly confident brain spew out conclusions, based on incomplete data, and arrived by obviously flawed logic, i would suggest you also give him the benefit of the doubt that his story is mostly correct and figure out how to arrive at the reported results.

i am not saying that tube's conlusion that it was a short in the circuit was correct. i dunno--i don't know much about circuits. i mean, i think it's obvious that there was a gas leak, cause there's no way something could burn inside the tube without oxygen. but i'm saying your final conclusion--that tube's full of crap--must be wrong.

you work for a famous university kevin, so act like it. facts have been presented to you. see what you could make out of them.
Nov 13, 2004 at 7:35 PM Post #33 of 65

Originally Posted by Tuberoller
One more pic. As can clearly be seen,the lead shorted and the glass is burned from the inside and there is thinning of the glass right where the burn occured.


Unless I've missed something, that pic does not directly show a short, but more likely the result of a short elsewhere in the tube or amp. A short causes a large current to run in the circuit, and the weakest link will blow. That weakest link may or may not be anywhere near the actual short - usually the fuse is the weakest link.
Nov 13, 2004 at 7:37 PM Post #34 of 65

Originally Posted by mkmelt
Perhaps my previously suggested caution label for tube equipment should be revised.

"Das tubenmachine is nicht for gefengerpoken und mittengrabben. Oderwise is easy schnappen der springenverk, blowenfus, und poppencap, mit spitzensparken, UND SMOKENTUBES!"


Check my sig - thanks mkmelt
Nov 13, 2004 at 7:38 PM Post #35 of 65
I'm doing my very best to maintain a semblance of a truce here,though I never really made an effort to do or say anything that was'nt true. If every one of my threads is crapped on by the fanboys(take a look at the last two threads I started or participated in) then there will be no peace.

If I was really trying to say or do something to hurt this manufacturer do you guys not think I have the means to do it right. If I was trying to hurt this person,he would be hurt. This stuff is joke and is the kind of stuff a kid without the resources or knowledge I have would do to try to piss somebody off. I'm not the kind of person who will turn and run and these attacks will only serve to do damage to the people these folks are trying to protect. This is my very last effort at maintaining peace. Period.

I said at the very beginning of this thread that I have seen tubes fail in a similar fashion many times. I assembled and built tube amps for a living for a time and own much tube audio gear. I am very sure the tube was faulty and have said at least three times that I'm sure the amp was not at fault here. What else needs to be said? Kevin does'nt know what happened to the tube,he can only guess,something he's not very good at. Obviously he's never seen a tube fail in this fashion but clearly the pictures show that these failures happen.
Nov 13, 2004 at 7:45 PM Post #36 of 65

Originally Posted by Dane
Unless I've missed something, that pic does not directly show a short, but more likely the result of a short elsewhere in the tube or amp. A short causes a large current to run in the circuit, and the weakest link will blow. That weakest link may or may not be anywhere near the actual short - usually the fuse is the weakest link.

This is the most likely scenario. The tube shorted,(I don't know where,I was standing 25 feet away at the time),smoked the glass, weakened and broke and this is what I saw when I walked over. The tube could very well be shorted somewhere else but this open is most certainly the result of a short in the tube. The amp seems fine and still sounds OK. Nope,I was'nt standing right over the tube to watch it blow and have no idea where the short might be located.

Yours is a reasonable and informed opinion on what may have happened based on the pics and the information provided. Thanks
Nov 13, 2004 at 8:07 PM Post #37 of 65

Originally Posted by john_jcb
You guys are just too smart. It took Tuberoller a couple of weeks to find just the right defective tube to take pictures of. He then sent one of his agents over to Fermilab who contracted with them to build a device that would make the tube appear as if it blew apart rather than struck with an object. All in all it cost about 7 grand to put those pictures together. I also have it on good authority that this was all paid for by a shadow audio organization. Funds were routed through several countries to avoid detection by the super sleuths here at Head-Fi.

John,I think I spent 10 grand on this.
Nov 13, 2004 at 10:30 PM Post #38 of 65
Kevin does'nt know what happened to the tube,he can only guess,something he's not very good at. Obviously he's never seen a tube fail in this fashion but clearly the pictures show that these failures happen.

As usual tubes is full of it. I worked at the Zenith Rauland tube plant for
about 3 years. I forgot more about tubes than tuberoller will ever know
in his 13 year younger than me lifetime. I've assembled various electron
gun assembly's by hand numerous time. I've installed, sealed, evacuated
and finally gettered many tubes. A while ago i was doing custom work
on 6l6's by putting them back on a vacuum chamber and introducting
small amounts of particular gasses to change the characteristics of the
tubes, something the guitar amp crowd sought very highly. And i continued
to do so up till the turbo crashed.

At one time i owned more than 25 seperate Mcintosh amplifiers. I've
seen kt88's flame out in spectacular ways. The 6as7's in tubie's
atmaspheres are also known for such behavior which is why there are
fusable links actually inside these particular tubes.

I'll say again that the two circles of wires, one of which is now open are
in fact getters, are one wire circuits hooked to nothing, and are insulated
from the rest of the tube by the top mica. They can't short to anywhere.
You can't even reflash the getter without having a fairly high power
rf generator laying around. Probably what happened is one of the
filaments overheated which cracked the glass which let the oxygen in
and the getter material which is highly sensitive to oxygen burned up.

you know kevin, i really don't think tuberoller is the type of person to make up stories and lies

I'm not calling him a liar, i'm calling him misinformed and uneducated.

you work for a famous university kevin, so act like it.

I can think of many professors that act far worse than i do, and for
much more of the time. One who is definitely on his way to a nobel
in fact. In a major university when you act like a complete jerk you
are considered eccentric. And this is a good thing
Nov 14, 2004 at 12:14 AM Post #39 of 65

Originally Posted by kevin gilmore
Kevin does'nt know what happened to the tube,he can only guess,something he's not very good at. Obviously he's never seen a tube fail in this fashion but clearly the pictures show that these failures happen.

As usual tubes is full of it. I worked at the Zenith Rauland tube plant for
about 3 years. I forgot more about tubes than tuberoller will ever know
in his 13 year younger than me lifetime. I've assembled various electron
gun assembly's by hand numerous time. I've installed, sealed, evacuated
and finally gettered many tubes. A while ago i was doing custom work
on 6l6's by putting them back on a vacuum chamber and introducting
small amounts of particular gasses to change the characteristics of the
tubes, something the guitar amp crowd sought very highly. And i continued
to do so up till the turbo crashed.

At one time i owned more than 25 seperate Mcintosh amplifiers. I've
seen kt88's flame out in spectacular ways. The 6as7's in tubie's
atmaspheres are also known for such behavior which is why there are
fusable links actually inside these particular tubes.

I'll say again that the two circles of wires, one of which is now open are
in fact getters, are one wire circuits hooked to nothing, and are insulated
from the rest of the tube by the top mica. They can't short to anywhere.
You can't even reflash the getter without having a fairly high power
rf generator laying around. Probably what happened is one of the
filaments overheated which cracked the glass which let the oxygen in
and the getter material which is highly sensitive to oxygen burned up.

you know kevin, i really don't think tuberoller is the type of person to make up stories and lies

I'm not calling him a liar, i'm calling him misinformed and uneducated.

you work for a famous university kevin, so act like it.

I can think of many professors that act far worse than i do, and for
much more of the time. One who is definitely on his way to a nobel
in fact. In a major university when you act like a complete jerk you
are considered eccentric. And this is a good thing

You must have forgotten the important stuff. How do you suppose the tube blew then? I'm game for the facts as you know them. I was there and saw the tube go,you know better so describe how this could have happened. I really don't have any clue and would love to hear your theories.

As far as my education goes,I see you have no idea about that either. You don't know how much or how little I know. You talked to me on the phone twice for a total of less than two hours. I won't go around bragging about how little someone else knows, first, because I have more respect for myself than that and secondly, because I have no idea what they know. You are forced to assume,something which is dangerous to begin with and something you are obviously not good at. I'm sure you do know more about tubes,circuits and such than I do. I'm sure there are plenty of things I know that other folks don't,what is your point. The problem with the tube alludes me as it does you. The tube was faulty,it does'nt take a genius to realize that. It would likely have failed in any amp it was installed in. The question is,why? Do you know? I don't. I never pretended to know why the tube failed,you did.

Whatever you learned in school does'nt compensate for your lack of even basic social skills. I did'nt need to talk to you on the phone to realize that the the basis for all your feelings of superiority come from your fans on the net,most of whom have never met you and don't know any better. You are truly a legend in your own mind.

About me being misinformed,you find anywhere here or anywhere else I make any misinformed statements. I take great pride in actually putting in the time and making the effort to inform myself before I make any statements. I typically own or have extensively auditioned the gear I talk about and I only feel comfortable talking about why that tube failed because I was standing right there and saw it fail. I only talk about the things I know well. You can argue I don't know much but the things I do know,I know as well as anyone. You're an engineer I'm not. I bet there are things I can do and have done that you would'nt even dream of attempting. Let's leave it at that.
Nov 14, 2004 at 12:17 AM Post #40 of 65
In Europa it's not allowed to sell tube amplifiers with the tubes freely exposed. They simply don't conform to the CE-standards. I guess these pictures do show why. Imagine no fuse was blown and 400 or more Volts were exposed while you're kid is playing around!



Nov 14, 2004 at 1:09 AM Post #41 of 65
Actually the singlepower is only 250 volts.

Most of the conrad johnson and mcintosh tube amps are 450 volts or
more. Those really are dangerous. And the MI-200 has exposed tubes
and about 800 volts on the plate caps.
Nov 14, 2004 at 1:37 AM Post #42 of 65

Originally Posted by kevin gilmore
I can think of many professors that act far worse than i do, and for much more of the time. One who is definitely on his way to a nobel
in fact. In a major university when you act like a complete jerk you are considered eccentric. And this is a good thing

So by that rational the more of a jerk you are the more respected you are as a teacher. I'm sure your students just love that attitude. Isn't tenure great?
Nov 14, 2004 at 1:38 AM Post #43 of 65

Originally Posted by tom hankins
Do you know how to tell when he's lying? His lips are moving.


Originally Posted by tuberoller
How can you tell he's a stupid fanboy,look at his profile and search his last 100 posts

Signatures - battlefield of the month?
BTW, I don't appreciate the tuberoller bashing.
For the record : I'm not from Illinois, I don't even know where that is.
Plus tuberoller hates the germans.
All the bogus accusations and conspiracy theories are ridiculous at best.
Relax, listen to the music, and watchen the pretty glowentubes.
Nov 14, 2004 at 1:42 AM Post #44 of 65

Originally Posted by cosmopragma
Signatures - battlefield of the month?
BTW, I don't appreciate the tuberoller bashing.
For the record : I'm not from Illinois, I don't even know where that is.
Plus tuberoller hates the germans.
All the bogus accusations and conspiracy theories are ridiculous at best.
Relax, listen to the music, and watchen the pretty glowentubes.

Point taken and signature changed. Thanks for your efforts to make peace.

BTW,I don't "hate" anyone,not even Germans.
Nov 14, 2004 at 2:02 AM Post #45 of 65

Originally Posted by superjohnny
So by that rational the more of a jerk you are the more respected you are as a teacher. I'm sure your students just love that attitude. Isn't tenure great?

Mr. Gilmore has lived 13 years longer than me and has'nt learned any real useful skills,like how to talk to people. I've seen 25 year old MARINE CORPS Drill Instructors who have better social skills.

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