Oops I did it again: Radiohead "The Bends"
Apr 16, 2004 at 9:57 PM Post #16 of 38
It is just because they are overrated. Radiohead fans have ruined the band for more than one listener.

If they were presented more as good music instead of the second coming, more people would be able to stomache their sound. I personally like radiohead, and they are easily one of the best bands out right now. However, try and compare them to anyone else out right now, and radiohead fans start giving you that "smart music" bs.
Apr 16, 2004 at 10:22 PM Post #19 of 38

Originally posted by raif
If they were presented more as good music instead of the second coming,

I am so accustomed to this happening so often with so many bands to different degrees im immune. My 1st memory of such 2nd comings was the 'Bay City Rollers'!!! circa 1975?
Apr 17, 2004 at 12:39 AM Post #20 of 38
Personally i think "The Bends" is a good album, but i never found myself addicted to it...yes, "Street Spirit" is a great track, probably my favorite off of it. I was completely hooked on "Ok Computer" probably for a year or two. I do find myself listening to HTTT more and more...i think it's mostly because i've exposed myself to many live recordings of the band and find myself enjoying most RH songs in a live environment.

Some bands are just not meant to be liked by everyone, we all have our personal preferences for what hits the sweet spot in our brain. I could listen to fifty live versions of "Talk Show Host" and still get excited to hear it.
Apr 17, 2004 at 4:09 AM Post #23 of 38
In my opinion, The Bends has one weaker track only, and that is sulk. However, I have to admit that i couldnt appericate the beauty of The Bends until I attend their gig. The tracks in The Bends sounds like a bomber live!
Apr 17, 2004 at 4:21 AM Post #24 of 38
Of course you're absolutely right, and I read the 'no crap threading' after I'd posted, so my bad. It was meant in a lighthearted way, and I respect everyone's freewill to choose whatever music they want to listen to.

I just think a lot of people's taste in music is very dated. There, I said it. It' s like a time warp, everyone's talking about artists from years ago, and if not, they're talking about mind numbingly boring bands like radiohead, metallica, van hale..'*yawn*

I see norah jones mentioned all over this place as though she's gods gift to female singers. Good grief, she's average at best. Every time I mention bands or various singers, ( who are planets ahead better of norah jones and that's not just an opinion), it pretty much falls on deaf ears.
Yeah, call me a snob, but I listen to music where I don't find myself buying CD's with only one or two good songs. They're all good. Why? Because the standard of musicianship, songwriting and groove is there. As for headphone listening, why would anyone want to listen to some awful thrash or metal band? A wall of noise surely couldn't justify an audiophile pair of headphones.

I know I'm being unfair, and probaby wrong. I can't change people's tastes just because I like it, but that's how I feel and I thought I'd express it.
Hehe, sorry for the rant, I'm just thinking aloud. My apologies.
Apr 17, 2004 at 5:59 AM Post #25 of 38
This album sounds a bit dated to me now, but it's funny that some of these songs have become favorites, as sirob says, only after I heard them live (eg. Bones). I don't think I'm your typical Bends fan. At the time, the track everybody was raving about was Street Spirit. I could never get into that one - I thought it was dull (still do I guess). What I liked about the album was that it had a classic rock style, but was fresh rather than a reworking of Stones (Primal Scream,Charlatans), Zeppelin (Stone Roses), or mod bands (Oasis). The key to me was that Jonny was a guitar god. His old riffs are still original (and naturally excellent). Phil was a powerful drummer with an awesome sense for breakbeats. Then there was Thom who displayed a brave vocal, and melodic range. So in a nutshell, they were an incredible band (um, not better than Zeppelin
). I hope that helps explain why they might have been popular in '95-'97 at least.

btw, I fell off the Radiohead bandwagon in 2000 when it became the Thom Yorke show. My favorite post ok songs are still band efforts. National Anthem, and Morning Bell (Kid A) come to mind, though Thom's work on Pyramid Song was blissful. By that I mean he could carry that song with no instruments, and I'd still love it.
Apr 17, 2004 at 7:41 AM Post #26 of 38
Don't you guys know that writing about music is like dancing about Architecture...

Sorry DRuM, but I have to say that I belive that everything you typed in that last post was complete elitist garbage.

You see.... music should make you feel good. While mainstream hip-hop fills me with a terrible feeling of bowel illness.... Bands like Radiohead fill me with a calm, entrancing feeling. While it may be it may be the opposite to you....... it just isn't that way for me.

I know you said you were joking outloud.... but you don't seem to be getting the whole picture.
Apr 17, 2004 at 8:47 AM Post #27 of 38
"the bends" has influenced hundreds of bands and albums over the past decade. calling radiohead a "hack band" is just plain naive, in my opinion, but hey, some people like norah jones.. to each his own.

i just pulled out "the bends" a few weeks ago and had my first listen to it in over a year, and it's still a great album for me. my girlfriend (who is younger than i) had not yet heard it and she too enjoyed it.

i'm not much of a radiohead fan anymore. the idea of combining politics with art just seems so ludicrous to me, it really sickens to see one of my favorite bands release an album that is entirely about george w. bush and election scandal. what also killed it for me, is the fact that when i saw them during the first leg of the kid a tour, they played a crazy packed roseland ballroom. during the most recent tour, they played two sold out nights at madison square garden (emphasis on 'sold out'). i will no longer attempt to bring others radiohead, nor will i drive to boston so that i might be able to see them twice in one week.

i think the bends is easily one of the best albums of the 90's, and the funny thing is, there's quite a few that agree with me. songs like "blackstar" help make me remember what music was in the early 90's, as oppose to the limp bizkit age of now. during this time in my life, plenty of the songs on the bends feel a little overly melodramatic, or maybe just too damn melodic and catchy. either way, i only listen to this album once in a while, as with all of my radiohead releases these days, but when i do, it is definitely a joyful hour.

coldplay is and always has been, what i like to call "radiohead for dummies." this doesn't really mean that they're necessarily evil, and i do enjoy a track from them from time to time, but they're certainly a bit overrated and the complete obviousness as to where they got their style and sound from can be a bit annoying. i like travis too though, so maybe i'm just a fan of the brit-pop-alternative or whatever you'd like to call it.
Apr 17, 2004 at 9:49 AM Post #28 of 38
Count me in as a "The Bends is a classic" guy. The songs might not be as deep or innovative as their later stuff, but they're still mighty fine songs!

Sometimes I can't decide whether I like The Bends or OK Computer more. I've had obsessive phases with both albums.


coldplay is and always has been, what i like to call "radiohead for dummies." this doesn't really mean that they're necessarily evil, and i do enjoy a track from them from time to time, but they're certainly a bit overrated and the complete obviousness as to where they got their style and sound from can be a bit annoying.

Well put.
Apr 17, 2004 at 12:36 PM Post #29 of 38

Originally posted by zombietycho
Don't you guys know that writing about music is like dancing about Architecture...

Sorry DRuM, but I have to say that I belive that everything you typed in that last post was complete elitist garbage.

You see.... music should make you feel good. While mainstream hip-hop fills me with a terrible feeling of bowel illness.... Bands like Radiohead fill me with a calm, entrancing feeling. While it may be it may be the opposite to you....... it just isn't that way for me.

I know you said you were joking outloud.... but you don't seem to be getting the whole picture.

Oh I get the whole picture alright. But you're right, I'm an elitist, a musical snob. I think coldplay are good though, but that's about it.
Apr 17, 2004 at 4:13 PM Post #30 of 38
I am still trying to figure out The Bends.
I can understand the linking it to classic rock, in the sense that America is classic rock. I'm not picking up "drum breakbeats" or the guitar god riffs.
The music is painfully slow to me. My least favorite track is Fake Plastic Trees, which is closely followed by Bullet Proof. I can't comment on the quality of the artistry, because I don't feel qualified to do that.
I can't get past the slowness of this music. Or, is it just drawn out? It's like I want to tap my toe, but there is nothing after the first tap. Start and wait for the second beat. It's hard to describe. Street Spirit is playing right now. It's leaving me in a lurch.

Coldplay probably wouldn't be any better for me.

I'm going to go now, and put on some Darkthrone to get my brain back up to speed.

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