Originally Posted by Mr_Penut /img/forum/go_quote.gif
good meat everyone, I had a good time
Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great meat. (take THAT mr. peanut)
Gentlemen, I may be saying this b/c I'm old and a tight ass, but it is MEET, not meat. Aside from what was on the pizza, there was no meating yesterday!!!
Yes, Renato is a madman - this should not be contained to his driving alone
A special thanks to: Ryan (Glendale Viper) for all his effort and cash put out to get the meet going - if ANY of you haven't yet paid him, stick a crowbar in your wallet(s) and pony up the $10 already!! PP works fine. I'm dead serious, btw. I think Ryan lost money on this deal and that's not right. Also a thanks for letting me pry open his ECSS so that I could peer inside and critique the circuit (Sorry Ryan
, I can't help myself) - PS, I'll gladly help you mod the circuit if you ever want to start paying way too much for small gains in sound
Peter McAlister - for the largest and most beautiful sounding tube amps I've ever heard - and I'm an SS guy! I now realize that tubes and GS 1000's can live in harmony
Ray Samuels - For cracking open his apache for me, spending countless hours yapping w/me about everything audio and technical, as well as for fielding my million and 1 Q's... p.s. loving the Apache!!!
I took such a beating for my support of my GS 1000's and Triple.fi's yesterday, I almost sold them when I got home!! Luckily I came to my senses and realized that most of you others don't have any taste
- I mean seriously, Jay with his K340's, Renato and his MS-Pros? Especially Nick and his tool box of D-jays....
As for Brian's two portable amps, I'm sure someone found them after you left and stored them for safe keeping. I've checked my goodies and they're not there. Everyone, please check your stuff and ask the people you know from the meet if/when they remember seeing the goodies.
Finally, a cheers to Laurent and Julien from la belle province, who endured us anglophones for nearly 12 hours! I really appreciated those SR 100's - time to build a custom Al housing for them.