Official NYC Spring 2010 Meet Saturday, March 13th
Jan 22, 2010 at 3:11 AM Post #33 of 402

Originally Posted by Towert7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm a tentative for this one. I'm not sure where I'll be in terms of my schoolwork.

you sure this doesnt fall on spring break? it does for me
Jan 22, 2010 at 3:28 AM Post #34 of 402
OK, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that the recession must be lifting because the Adria is booked for the entire month of March in all their rooms.

So, I got us 2 rooms (Salon A, which was the first room of the National Meet in 2006...and Salon D, the same room where we had a lot of the higher end gear last week.)

The bad news, and this might be such bad news to most people, is that the new date is Saturday, February 27th, (which is in 5 weeks) from 10-5, and people are allowed to set up anytime after 8:30 a.m. so you travelers and early risers can start early, I will be running the cake mixer for brownies at that time in the morning!

If you already said that you were coming, and can still make this date, then just leave your post alone. If you can't make it, then please post that you can't, so I can start an attendance list in Post #2.
Jan 22, 2010 at 3:59 AM Post #35 of 402

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you sure this doesnt fall on spring break? it does for me

As a Ph.D student, I get no vacations...........
Jan 22, 2010 at 4:06 AM Post #36 of 402

Originally Posted by Towert7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As a Ph.D student, I get no vacations...........

surely one day of one weekend can be spared from the lab, no? not many things in physics are that time-sensitive

i'm doing a second semester of numerical analysis and financial mathematics, but you can be damned sure I wouldnt miss a head-fi meet
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:08 AM Post #40 of 402

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
not many things in physics are that time-sensitive

Ah, if only it were that easy.
Actually, you'd be surprised how many times I have strict time pressures.

Hopefully I'm not off site (that's the biggest problem). No way I could make a NY meet if I'm in Germany.

Just gotta keep my fingers crossed.
Jan 22, 2010 at 5:31 AM Post #42 of 402
For me, I start counting down the days until spring from the last day in September
Jan 22, 2010 at 7:00 AM Post #43 of 402
I'l be there assuming the awesomeness of the melos dosnt get to me....

Originally Posted by jp11801 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
maybe a Melos Gold

So, um JP, about your amp.... Ummmm Well its like this you see. I unbroke it Then I listened to it. I decided it was too close to being as nice as my Melos and for the safety of all living creatures on earth I cant let that out of my house. Bad stuff happens then, you have to contain the awesome. I am actually afraid to open the door to my bedroom after running the amp for more than the time it takes to warm up the tubes least some of the awesome escapes and harms my family. You can clearly see that this is in your best interest as well as the best interest of the rest of the world. I would hate for this awesomeness to be set loose accidentally, like I said bad stuff happens then. What bad stuff? errr, are you sure you want to know? fine then, you asked for it! Other amps no longer satisfy the discerning listener despite costing several times as much. Whew, Im glad I got that off my chest. I hope your happy knowing that. What? NO? Fine, I'l explain: The bottom end of the world seems to implode into nothing: A thin soulless shell of where bass should be but isnt. Can you believe anyone would make a machine capable of such indiscriminate devastation? I have to live with this monster in my house for the good of all mankind. Please dont make me go on! Fine. Once released the awesomeness will make the midrange on your other amps take on a simultaneously gritty and glared sound. OOH! I wish it were anything but the truth. I would happily pay full retail price for 2 RSA Raptors and sacrifice them to the audio-dieties to even slow the horrific plague that this amp spreads. Im sorry to have told you that, but you asked for it. Whats that, you think theres more? Please dont make me! NOOOOOOO! Fine, the worst is yet to come. Are you sure you can handle it? I really hate this part. My stomach is already turning violently. Ugggh I'l just tell you then. This one effects the little details somewhere between the saliva in a singers mouth and the subtle differences in the tone of a kick drum. ugggggh just thinking about these little details that I KNOW are there but cant hear from other amps makes my stomach feel worse, dosnt it just make you want to vomit? I have exposed myself to the awesome and am no longer satisfied by gear that should sound exceptional based on the accounts of those who have not been exposed to this virus. The awesomeness contained in this amplifier has literally sucked the details out of other amps despite never even being in the same room as them! I really wish I did not have to get to that last part, but you made me do it. I probably wont feel right about this for some time, but you did ask me to tell you. I hope you can still think well of me in spite of that.

As you can see this is for your own good. Considering that there will be many amps at this meet, and this amp is known for sucking the quality out of amps that have never even been in the same room with it clearly it would be most unwise to put this amp in the same room with other amps.

JK, It will be there. It does sound amazingly good.
Jan 22, 2010 at 7:07 AM Post #44 of 402
dang, jsut saw this and got excited, i probably could have made the drive from ohio in march, but february is too soon, wont have enough leave saved up by then
actually, wouldnt have enough money either, dang jh-13s

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