Official Denon AH-C700 Comparisons/Impressions
Sep 22, 2007 at 11:57 AM Post #166 of 1,418

Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Julie, I have the feeling that this tips will provide killer bass as replacement.
I need to have a confirmation, but they should be the same size as Denon, Sennheiser and Vibe tips.

OK, I'll wait for confirmation. I seem to remember the UE tips were hard and unflexible (on the's) - that's the only reason I'd be concerned. Even though other tips fit quite well, it does kill some of the bass.

EDIT: Are the clear UE tips made of some kind of thick plasticky material? I only tried those tips once with the's but didn't get decent enough isolation with them. And they were hard!
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:17 PM Post #168 of 1,418
Thanks CN. Just what I needed. More money to spend. It'll have to wait, though, because as you say, I use my Atrios mainly for isolation listening (trains, planes, noisy environments, etc.), but I am completely taken by the sound from the PK1s for non-iso listening (with amp, of course). So I don't know where the Denons fit in at this point. That doesn't mean I don't want to own a pair, but as both you and Warrior note, they are pretty close to the M5s, but with some incremental iadvantates.

Of course, I am more motivated than ever to sell my RP-21s now, and use the cash for the Denons (I never really use the RP-21s, because the SR-80s are fine for at-home over the ear listening).

Warrior, if you are reading this, what are your thoughts comparing the Denons to the PK1s? I have to say, the PKs really sound great ... the more I use them, the more they are my go-to phones at home or outside for walking around if I use an amp.


Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just received the Denon's today. Quite impressive straight away. I agree with all of Warrior's observations, and I look forward to these burning in and becoming even more refined. Right away I noticed the midrange being more up front than with the Atrio M5's (this is not to say that it's aggressive or harsh, just more present). These are nicer for vocals than the M5. The bass seems a bit more 'settled' or focused than them too- I'd describe it as just a little less flab & midbass overhang, if the Atrio even has any. As Warrior says, the soundstage is more expansive. The highs are maybe more detailed too. The bass detracts from the rest of the frequency even less than on the Atrio, if that's possible. They really are quite refined and nice. I'm pleasantly surprised. I thought I had found my ideal in the Atrio, but I think I'm going to wind up liking these even better. I LOVE the build quality with the aluminum housing...very nice. Future Sonics should take a cue from this aspect. They make the Atrio's plastic housing and thin cord coming out of the earpieces seem like a kid's toy earphone by comparison.

Funny thing, having read in this thread that some people were concerned about tip availability should something happen to the ones provided, I looked at them and thought the post looks awfully similar in shape to the Vibes. So out those came, and I tried swapping. Perfect. I have the Vibes mediums on the Denons, and they seem to be a better fit than the mediums provided. So they seem to be a pretty common size like other canal phones. Anyone know what else fits them?

I think these are definite keepers. I see them getting most of my everyday use at work because they are so quick to put in, and isolate so well for a canal phone. The Atrio's will probably be relegated to travel because of their superior isolation with the Shure Olives. I think I already prefer the overall balance of the Denons to the Atrios, although they are very similar indeed. Both phones hav e that fun factor, and rightness to them. I think it is safe to say that if you like the M5 you will most definitely like the Denons...maybe even a tad better.

BTW, I really like the look of them with the V-moda Vibes translucent medium tips.



Sep 22, 2007 at 12:20 PM Post #169 of 1,418
I have these Shure tips, and anyone who wants to try a pair, they are all yours (USPS only). They are hard as a rock, really uncomfortable. I have the mediums, and tried them with several phones, and all I can say is "ouch!" Maybe if they are a perfect fit, you will like them. I had no success with them, and for some reason, kept them around.


Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Still waiting for mine. They are at a friend's house in the US. I'm waiting for some books from to pack everything in a single envelope.

Julie, I have the feeling that this tips will provide killer bass as replacement.
I need to have a confirmation, but they should be the same size as Denon, Sennheiser and Vibe tips.

I tried the E500 version (different diameter) on my E500 and ER4P some time ago, and bass became incredibly powerful. Best sound with a silicon tip I ever tried.

Sep 22, 2007 at 12:24 PM Post #170 of 1,418
It's what I found myself using them with the Etys: a bit uncomfortable, probably 'cause the Etys go very deep. The Denon shouldn't go deep, so it could be a good bet.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:27 PM Post #171 of 1,418

Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's what I found myself using them with the Etys: a bit uncomfortable, probably 'cause the Etys go very deep. The Denon shouldn't go deep, so it could be a good bet.

Surprised they fit the Etys. I wanted to like them, cause I bought them. But they just didn't fit, and their hardness made them tough to get a good seal for me.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:30 PM Post #172 of 1,418
Hey, CN! Good to hear you like them! One thing you mentioned that I hadn't - the build quality. Yeah - those little aluminum bodies really have a nice solid feel to them and look the biz. A bit chilly when you first put them in after a chilly night of sitting around.
I've been using mine quite a bit but still use the M5s to fall asleep to since I can roll onto my side with them in and not feel like I'm trying to send the tip into my brain.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:30 PM Post #173 of 1,418
The Etys need the Shure E500 clear flex sleeves: they use the same material and opening of the E2c version, but different tube diameter (good for etys, westone, etc.)
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:33 PM Post #174 of 1,418
In regards to tips. The biggest thing I came away with from owning a pair of CX300s is their medium tips. They fit me perfectly - seal and comfort. So I ordered a 10 pack from Sennheiser who mailed them out immediately and I had within several days of ordering. They are very flexible silicon tips. Of course, I have them on my C700s now.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:35 PM Post #175 of 1,418

Originally Posted by warrior05 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In regards to tips. The biggest thing I came away with from owning a pair of CX300s is their medium tips. They fit me perfectly - seal and comfort. So I ordered a 10 pack from Sennheiser who mailed them out immediately and I had within several days of ordering. They are very flexible silicon tips. Of course, I have them on my C700s now.

And you didn't notice the bass drops out a bit? I've got the CX300 tips here which fit nicely, but I found it affects the bass (not a lot) but enough to make me feel cheated
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:44 PM Post #176 of 1,418

Originally Posted by warrior05 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In regards to tips. The biggest thing I came away with from owning a pair of CX300s is their medium tips. They fit me perfectly - seal and comfort. So I ordered a 10 pack from Sennheiser who mailed them out immediately and I had within several days of ordering. They are very flexible silicon tips. Of course, I have them on my C700s now.

Warrior, have you ever heard the PK1s? Just wondered how they compared with the Denons, since I love the PK1 sound, and feel the Denons would be nice, but not needed since the PK1s fill that "non-iso" void.
Sep 22, 2007 at 12:54 PM Post #177 of 1,418

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Warrior, if you are reading this, what are your thoughts comparing the Denons to the PK1s? I have to say, the PKs really sound great ... the more I use them, the more they are my go-to phones at home or outside for walking around if I use an amp.

It has been awhile since I've had the PK1s so take this with a large grain of salt.

I would say the Denons have a fair amount more bass extension. The mids are more upfront but I think the highs would go to the PK1s but barely if so. The thing with the PK1s is they are very open and headphone sounding. They certainly offer a more expansive soundstage than the Denons. I would recommend them over the Denons for walking because they aren't as isolating, thereby safer to use. I still use my JBL 220s when I walk the dog because I can easily hear cars coming from behind me. The C700s are too isolating for this.

The PK1s are more of a laid back sound than the Denons but I think that is largely due to the inherent format differences. If I listened to a ton of classical music - I might give the nod to the PK1s. It is why I usually reach for my balanced K701s for classical. I want to get that sense of instrument placement and spatial qualities of listening to a full orchestra. The C700s have more of a fun sound - certainly not analytical but very musical.

Personally - I feel the Denons have more to offer than the PK1s. I'll gladly sacrifice a bit of soundstage and that "headphone sound" for the musical presentation that the C700s offer up. To me it has just about everything - wonderful bass with impressive extension, sensual mids, detailed enough highs with no sibilance or harshness, decent soundstage especially in regards to IEMs/canalphones, quick and easy insertion, terrific build quality as CN mentioned and no cable microphonics.

Hope that helps.
Sep 22, 2007 at 2:08 PM Post #178 of 1,418

Originally Posted by soozieq /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Where did you get the Vibes tips, and do they come in assorted packs or can you just get a pack of 3 mediums? The ones on your Denons look like the 'thick' clear ones from UE (which I found uncomfortable). Are you using soft silicon ones? I definitely want some backup tips

Lastly, one thing I've noticed from this thread, is that everyone who's bought them seems to 'hear' the same sound as everyone else. When I first started reading reviews on headphones, I found it very confusing when one person said x phone had loads of bass and another person said the same phone had no bass. . . but so far, the C700s seem to sound exactly the same to all of us. There's no contradictory comments about the bass being crap, or the mids being recessed. I think Denon made a great headphone, easy to use, nice tangle-free wire and fantastic sound. I'm glad everyone's liking them so far. Now we just need antonyfirst's review. . .

Those tips are included with the V-moda Vibes (which is what started this insane purchase/demo/ journey). They were good for something now it seems! The clear tips are silicon just like the black ones provided. They feel just like the black ones in terms of hardness/softness and durometer. For me they give me exactly the same sound as included black mediums. I get a better seal even, because they are ever so slightly bigger (notice how the bottom edge of the clear tips rests right at the body of the earphone; there's more of a gap there with the stock mediums)- I can feel them fill my ear canal more. They also stay in place better.

Of course I had to demo the Vibes with the Denons. That was downright laughable. Then again the price difference about double- if you order from Amazon for $152 shipping included. But to me the Denons easily sounded like double the earphone, maybe even more.

I tried to look around on the V-moda site, but couldn't find any link to replacement tips. Of course I gave up pretty quickly because I was getting tired that late. I'll look more today.

I totally agree about people hearing the exact same thing with these. I've found all comments true from everyone so far. The only thing I hear a little differently is that Warrior says there is a bit more bass, or more depth with these, and I hear a TAD more (quantity only) on the Atrio; but to my ears there is more midbass bloat to the M5 (although they are quite respectable in that regard). The Denons seem to reach just about as low, but they are tighter and more focused in the bass. Perhaps that will fill out some as they burn in more. I hope it doesn't get leaner even, because I'm a self-admitted bass head... so far they're fitting the bill nicely in that area.

**morning edit** I just tried the large V-moda clear tips, and they fit my ears better even. They just go right in at the correct depth so quickly, and stay put. I think I could work out in these, or mow the grass without them working loose because of sweat. The bass as well as the entire frequency range is at least as good as with the black silicons provided, if not a bit better. Of course with that large a tip on these, it looks like some funky clear mushroom head or something- they literally stick out more than the aluminum housing! But it's working....... So apparently these are a bit dependent on the tips, and it will be fun to continue to experiment with other options as other compatible ones are proven out.
Sep 22, 2007 at 3:01 PM Post #179 of 1,418
Julie, it could be that you don't get the right fit with Sennheiser tips.
I had a very hard time when I used the Vibe: they just couldn't stay in place.
Sep 22, 2007 at 3:06 PM Post #180 of 1,418

Originally Posted by cn11 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I totally agree about people hearing the exact same thing with these. I've found all comments true from everyone so far. The only thing I hear a little differently is that Warrior says there is a bit more bass, or more depth with these, and I hear a TAD more (quantity only) on the Atrio; but to my ears there is more midbass bloat to the M5 (although they are quite respectable in that regard). The Denons seem to reach just about as low, but they are tighter and more focused in the bass. Perhaps that will fill out some as they burn in more. I hope it doesn't get leaner even, because I'm a self-admitted bass head... so far they're fitting the bill nicely in that area.

That's good to read. It seems that the Denon fix all the issues I used to have with the Atrio, at least concerning the sound signature (lows, mids, highs).
I hope that instrument placement will be comparable to that of the Etys and the Shure E500.

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