Of what team be ye?
Nov 15, 2001 at 10:05 AM Post #46 of 61
Well, even though I have not heard them yet....they are sitting in my sister's apartment, I picked team Ety. I would have picked team Senn, but the cable on my 580's broke yesterday, and I am ready to kick some major ass. I have no way to get a replacement cable out here in podunk Vladivostok, so I am stuck with earbuds. So yay ra ra Ety's, you are cool, you are small, and you will wipe the floor with 'em all! WHOOOOOOOOOA ETY'S!!!!!!
Nov 15, 2001 at 4:29 PM Post #47 of 61
Well, I am using my MS-1 more often, specially after my SR-60's got a really lethal blow and virtually fell apart, not before absorbing what could have been a very nasty impact on my head, wich left me with a very red and swollen left ear. Someday I'll let you know what happened. I plan to get the MS-Pro's sometime in the future (probably when my kid has his own job
) and those new Ety's by Xmas or sometime early 2002. So perhaps you can say I am an AlessGrado member, leaning towards Etymotic.

Ah, and I think I am also a Radioshack team member. I had to substitute the SR-60's and got some really cheap earbuds from the Shack. They are not the best on the sonic department, but at least they don't look as flashy as my defunct cans used to do, and I can prowl the streets ar nigth again.
Nov 15, 2001 at 4:45 PM Post #48 of 61
Onix: I want to get Ety's too, and I was told by Todd at Headroom that the price of $269 should be good till at least 1/1/2002. What "at least" means we dont' know, but I'm going to try to order mine by then to save the $60.
Nov 15, 2001 at 6:08 PM Post #49 of 61

Originally posted by Surfaday
Onix: I want to get Ety's too, and I was told by Todd at Headroom that the price of $269 should be good till at least 1/1/2002. What "at least" means we dont' know, but I'm going to try to order mine by then to save the $60.

Hola Surf. I was talking about the new Etys, the R-6, which should cost something like $160.00. Todd seems to like them a lot and would be available around Xmas.
Nov 15, 2001 at 11:05 PM Post #50 of 61
Where's team Koss? The KSC-35s are pretty amazing, and are the first good-quality cans many people get.

I voted Sennheiser, though -- the HD580s rule.


Russ "The Peripatetic Audiophile"
Nov 29, 2001 at 9:20 AM Post #57 of 61
Ooo, I'll be getting a Beyer DT770 Pro hopefully tomorrow, and maybe Etymotic ER-4S on Friday. We will see if my Sennheiser membership expires then.
Nov 30, 2001 at 12:37 AM Post #60 of 61
There, now I've gone and enlisted with the ETYrial.

Easy choice. I just considered which would be the last headphones that I would ever give up.

I pledge to defend my ETYs to the last!

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