NYC Bi-Annual Meet Impressions, March 3, 2007
Mar 4, 2007 at 11:37 PM Post #76 of 264

Originally Posted by nikongod /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yeppo, they were hp2's. if you were listening to my "black" amp, with no writing, it is a singlepower extreme platinum with black gate output caps.

yesterdays meet was probably the "hardest" it has ever been run, but it took it well.

for most of the meet it was running a pair of 6080 "hewlet packard" by rca outputs, with an rca 12av7 driver tube. yes folks, thats barely $30 in tubes.

ooh thanks!
Mar 4, 2007 at 11:40 PM Post #77 of 264
LOL. my kid just watched the celebrating Ray and laughed and said "what is he DOING? i dunno!" Me neither, kid.
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:42 AM Post #78 of 264

Originally Posted by MD1032 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes, I do believe we've hit the sweet spot!!!

Ah, I remember her. I was listening to the HE90 and she was listening with the Stax at the same time through the ES1 and she was saying how the Stax was just missing something. I asked her if she wanted to give the HE90 a try and she just looked at me and said, "Oh, I have those already." Boy did I feel... noob.

Dude, I remember just walking by, taking a look at Nikongod's K100's and all of his other toys and you turn to me and say, "you have to listen to this." You basically put the HP2's on my head. =] Thank you doing that because I would have skipped right over them.
Mar 5, 2007 at 12:50 AM Post #79 of 264
I am completely and utterly amazed (Simon Cowell expression) by the generosity of this group...even as we keep growing. Members kept coming up to me and saying "are you going to have enough money....if not let me know"! Multiple times, multiple members.
When you host a meet...especially one that cost $800 just for the room rentals, you are definitely taking a chance of absorbing a decent amount of offset costs if people don't pull through. Well this group is the "King of Pulling Through"...the "R10's of members", so to speak!

I had everything from one member (who I know doesn't want to be mentioned), give a $100 donation, to other members building amps and interconnects just for the raffle, and donate money above and beyond that. I am floored. Others donated their time by helping setup and start web pages dedicated to help members and ease the harder areas of running a meet. All without being asked. Huge amounts of personal time go into organizing these meets, and when people give what they can, it makes it a joy. That's what makes us so special...especially a group that comes from one of the rudest and fastest paced regions of the United States.

Besides covering the costs for the rooms we had a surplus of: [size=medium]$455.10[/size] which will go to Head-Fi as a contribution from the NYC March 2007 Meet group. The $0.10 was from Mr. Slacker, by the way, which should help offset Paypal fees

That's a total of $1255.10 collected!!!

I have lot's of pictures (I will post soon) and once again, no impressions (besides the ones listed above) because I never got to listen to more than half a song at any one time.
I did spend about 10 minutes listening to the Darkvoice amp running through an external DAC off a laptop using the 701's and I felt it was a nice combo.

Lost and found:

I have DA's Jansport Backpack with a scientific calculator inside sans the large amount of unmarked bills hidden in the secret pocket.

I also have a 30-50' orange powercord with duct tape all over it which was left under the tables that ran along the windows. Whoever it belongs to, drop me a PM. If more than one person PM's me, I'll just cut the power cord into equal lengths and send them out.

Special thanks to Hydrocity for spending the time to replace my IPOD battery.

Mar 5, 2007 at 1:06 AM Post #80 of 264

Originally Posted by immtbiker /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I did spend about 10 minutes listening to the Darkvoice amp running through an external DAC off a laptop using the 701's and I felt it was a nice combo.

Wow! My set-up has been singled out by the man himself. Glad you enjoyed, Aaron.

Many thanks for all your hard work!
Mar 5, 2007 at 1:17 AM Post #81 of 264

Originally Posted by laxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ah, I remember her. I was listening to the HE90 and she was listening with the Stax at the same time ...

That's the infamous "Brownie Lady" who actually would have made brownies for 90 people, but I stopped her because of the no food or beverage rule in the room. Everyone would have gone home with brown fingerprints on their amps and Mikhail would have needed extra elbow grease keeping his amps purty for the pics.

Mikhail, I have to give you some of that lens and mirror film remover that I have that I used for optics cavities when I worked at Xerox. You put a small amount (2 drops on a cloth) and wipe it on in a circular motion. It dries into a gentle, non-scratching powder (designed for copier mirrors) and one swipe, and "pffft....dirt es gon'" (I do like the cleanin', but not with the bucket...) anyone who remembers that commercial is to old to be doing the 50 yard dash anymore
Mar 5, 2007 at 1:18 AM Post #82 of 264

Originally Posted by warrior05 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I kept laughing at myself at how much stuff I had acquired in 6 months time. At the last meet I had my iMod/Hornet, Docs and SR225s and that was about it. I'm afraid what the next 6 months have in store for me.

Yeah, the K340s were pretty darn nice. Kind of hard to believe they're a closed can. But I've got to get me a pair of RS-1s first!

Quite understandable, I even liked the RS-1s through the Darkvioce. But the Melos/RS-1 rocked.

Is there a pic of you that someone could point out?

There was a Steve Thrice at the meet? What's his nic? That's pretty close to my name... Steve Tice
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:00 AM Post #85 of 264
Gah, back and setup the home rig again....all is well. It's late and I'm tired so I'll post pics and impressions later. Let me just say that this was one of the best meets I've been was great seeing and talking to:

Zatara: Breakfast and lunch together and set up next to each other...great rig man.

bozebuttons: A pleasure as always

jp3.1413958...aka Johnny, I don't know what Stevieo was talking about, you seen like a nice guy

The Monkey: good meeting you too man, let me know how your Bottlehead build goes....oh yes, it's just a matter of time man.

The Dan of Steel: nice to meet you and no problem about the cotton dock...although I have a nice portable amp to trade if you're interested

Ray: Good seeing you again buddy! As always you're ne of the most colorful people at the meet. I enjoyed the time with the Tomahawk and B-52.

Mikhail: So did you just pack up your company and come to NY? Man you know how to come to a meet with gear, you've been hanging around Hirsch too long.

immtbiker and n_maher: you know why.....*cough* It's nice to know that I'll have company on the way to hell.
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:10 AM Post #86 of 264

Originally Posted by swt61 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is there a pic of you that someone could point out?

People were too afraid to take a pic of my ugly mug. Afraid I would crack their lens!
I'm in 2 pics so far but only 1 shows off some of my radiant beauty. Here - eighth pic down, I'm talking to Thrice - red T, hand to my noggin', we're sitting in front of my rig. He just gave a listen to my DT990s through the Darkvoice. Queued up some Bonnie Raitt and enjoyed.
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:21 AM Post #87 of 264
Incoming longish post.

First and foremost thanks to everyone who had a hand in organizing this meet. I don't know the specifics of who did what so please pardon me lumping you all into one group. You did a great job adapting what was supposed to be a small local meet (which quickly turned into an East Coast regional meet).

Impressions: much like Aaron and Tom I spent a majority of my time at the meet catching up with folks that I generally only get to communicate with online. I did set out to listen to two rigs in particular to experience the "I'll never own it" factor.

1. Thrice's Stax Mania - I didn't get to spend a ton of time with this rig but what time I did was great. Whether the source was the sweet Wadia or his new budget vinyl rig both the Lambda Pros and Sigs sounded very, very good. I could easily live with either pair fed by the Stax amp, that's for sure. And the for being all of a couple hours old the Bottlehead phono stage sounded good to me. I'm no vinyl expert but it was very listenable. I didn't get a chance to check out the third pair of Stax he had at the meet
, I looked up at the clock realized it was getting near 4pm and I hadn't checked into the hotel yet. Good thing I did, they had my reservation listed as 0 days. What, am I going to check and check out on the same day?

2. Meridian 508.24 + Ray's B-52 w/ balanced HD600s - me =
. This rig sounded amazing. Recently I've spent a fair bit of time with balanced HD650s and seen the difference that balanced drive makes for that headphone - it would appear that the same is true for the HD600s as well. This amp was as clean, extended and detailed as any I've heard. It's not too hard on the eyes either.

Otherwise I spent a fair amount of time hanging around my rig, explaining it to folks and hoping against all hope that the beta wouldn't go Mount St. Helens on us since it was stuck running a fuse half the required rating (blame the builder). It finally went poof at the end of the day when it was time to pack up so I guess it has an internal clock that I didn't mean to install. It was a lot of fun having people check it out and comment, especially Tom (bozebuttons). He sat down, gave it a critical listen and said something to the effect of, "It's a great amp Nate, but that source is crap!" This started a trend for the rest of the day and he finally convinced me to bring the amp over and run it off of his Theta/AckDAC rig. Boy am I glad I did. The Tushi is a nice budget transport but ultimately lets the amp (and DAC for that matter) down quite a bit. A few folks who'd listened to the amp earlier in the day came over to check it out again and confirmed what Tom and I had already heard. We even hooked up my Monica DAC to the Theta and the difference was there again. Color me convinced. I think I did a fair job of taking Stephen and Tom's ribbing for the remainder of the day (and into the night) and how you really should start with the source first. Guys, I GET IT!

As luck would have it one of the next projects on my bench is building a dedicated transport so we'll see if that can live up to the Theta. So far it looks promising, the chassis for this beast must weigh 15lbs. If you guys throw another meet in the fall/early winter I'll see if I've accumulated enough points to take off for the weekend again. I might even have a new DAC by then...

So that's all the text that's fit to print. Onto the pictures.















Thanks again for letting me spend my birthday with you folks. I didn't bring it up for the precise reason of not wanting a cupcake episode at dinner.

See ya next time!

Mar 5, 2007 at 3:24 AM Post #88 of 264

Originally Posted by thrice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
immtbiker and n_maher: you know why.....*cough* It's nice to know that I'll have company on the way to hell.

Don't tell me you went to that Gentleman's Establishment where Important Business Meetings could be conducted?
Mar 5, 2007 at 3:30 AM Post #89 of 264

Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't tell me you went to that Gentleman's Establishment where Important Business Meetings could be conducted?

Of course we didn't, we simply went out to a juice bar.

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