Not Sure About the iPod? Well this might be your thing... Zune Launches TODAY.
Sep 14, 2006 at 10:20 PM Post #16 of 64
i like the brown one. kind of a retro color.

yeah, the shuffle, i'm picking up for sure. the rest... nah, i'll wait until the next generation probably. not enough of a difference to upgrade.
Sep 14, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #17 of 64
I don't think it was launched today, just announced.

Quote from engadget: "Sadly, Microsoft still won't spill the beans on pricing and availability (other than a vague "this holiday season"), so we'll keep an eye out for that just like always."
Sep 14, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #18 of 64
I don't know how different this is from Toshiba's gigabeat series, but really, that's not a bad place to start from. A few of my friends in Japan have Gigabeats and atleast in terms of sound, it trumps over the ipod over and over. That I know for sure.
Sep 14, 2006 at 10:51 PM Post #19 of 64
Does anyone else NOT see this thing knocking the iPod off the throne? I just think the iPod has too much of the mass market and the Zune will only attract the critical buyers if it indeed does sound better and have a better battery life.
Sep 14, 2006 at 10:56 PM Post #20 of 64
Brown doesn't look to bad, although, why they chose to have brown and not other (more vibrant) colours is a real mystery.

I'll have to wait till more details regarding battery life, video format/resolution support, size, accessories, etc are announced before judging it.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:19 PM Post #21 of 64

Originally Posted by volcomjerk
Does anyone else NOT see this thing knocking the iPod off the throne?

It looks like another player that favors features over ease of use. Gadget nuts will, as usual, wonder why it doesn't take more of the market, people who just want easy portable audio will continue to get iPods, and people who want the cheapest players will continue to get Sansas.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:24 PM Post #22 of 64
it kinda sucks that its only 30 gigs and doesnt play FLAC

but.. who knows, im looking for a new DAP since my 40 gig zen touch is kinda dying on me.

im hoping for a line out or a digital out or something
Sep 15, 2006 at 1:31 AM Post #23 of 64

Originally Posted by pds6
I could be wrong, but I believe the Zune was launched on May 31, 1911.


Though im going to wait for more final info to drop the hammer...
Sep 15, 2006 at 1:44 AM Post #25 of 64

Originally Posted by milkpowder
I'll have to wait till more details regarding battery life, video format/resolution support, size, accessories, etc are announced before judging it.

i agree. it is still way too early to judge it.

but judging from appearance standpoint, it does not look too appealing. the gigabeat S design is much better.

but who knows, if the price is right, this player can be a hit, as it has wifi. and you know how domino effect works, that's how most of us end up with aim, msn, icq, myspace, facebook, etc. it only needs one or two brave souls before it starts spreading.
Sep 15, 2006 at 3:13 AM Post #26 of 64

Originally Posted by sethsez
It looks like another player that favors features over ease of use.

I really doubt it. The thing about Zune is that it's not being done by Microsoft's media people (the people who gave us WMP, PlaysForSure, and Portable Media Center -- all technologies that I love, but all undoubtedly technologist-oriented things), but by the Xbox people. The Xbox people, as anyone who's used a 360 knows, sweat the details and make things easy.

Personally, I hate the Zune because (Microsoft's protestations aside) its success means the downfall of PlaysForSure and its relatively open ecosystem; but I'm 100% convinced that the Zune experience will be way better than the current experience you'd get using PFS with, say, a Creative/WMP/Yahoo combination.

It won't kill the iPod instantly, but give it time, and it can probably do to the iPod what the Xbox is doing to the PlayStation. A win for Microsoft, a loss for Apple, a win for stupid consumers who don't care about lock-in, and a loss for consumers who like openness and choice.
Sep 15, 2006 at 3:36 AM Post #28 of 64

Originally Posted by bonethugz
you can't find any gigabeat in US but you can find it in a lot of places, ie asia and europe. i read from other forum the toshba has great sound and good battery life

there are lots of retailers for gigabeats in the US....

this might be an interesting shift for the DAP/music industry. if MS pushes the Zune media store hard, we might be seeing something similar to console pricing: manufacturers taking a loss on players, but making it up in selling games.
Sep 15, 2006 at 3:39 AM Post #29 of 64

Originally Posted by cire
there are lots of retailers for gigabeats in the US....

this might be an interesting shift for the DAP/music industry. if MS pushes the Zune media store hard, we might be seeing something similar to console pricing: manufacturers taking a loss on players, but making it up in selling games.

I doubt that highly, although it would be great. People who buy Xbox 360s are guaranteed to buy ~60$+tax games. No matter how hard you push the media store, you won't make up the money because alot of people will never want to pay for music they already have, or media they can receive by other means that will incurr them no cost.

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