Northern California (San Mateo) Meet - Feb. 26
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:12 AM Post #17 of 105

Originally Posted by strogg
the UE5's were awesome. they sound similar to the ER4's... almost the same, but then, the UE5's didn't exactly fit in my ears, and the ER4's weren't all the way in my ear, so yeah.

Actually, those weren't the UE5c's that you tried on. UE5c's would've never been able to get into your ear, because it's made from hard acrylic; it was the Sensaphonics ProPhonic Soft 2X that you had in your ear for a while

This meet was very fun and enjoyable.. thanks for everyone for bringing all their hardware, and getting ticketed by the malicious San Mateo parking police... geez... they were there the second the meter expired!
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:18 AM Post #18 of 105
It was a great meet, guys! We counted about 23-27 people at the meet. The room looked big when it was empty when I went to take a look at it. But with 20+ people there, it looked kind of tight. I was glad that it was during the winter, as the heat generated by all the electronics and bodies made it quite warm in the room even with both windows open.

All in all, it was great to see some old and new faces. Whoever made those little name tags with people's call signs and avatars, thanks! It was really helpful, but I think half way, most people had lost their "name" tags.

I ended up bringing just two amps, the Rudistor and the HP-100A. I mainly wanted to try other headphones. Well, the Rudistor didn't fare well with two Sonys I tried. With the Sony R-10, it had sibilance. You can hear it with the Sssssss. With the other model which I forgot the model number, the problem wasn't as bad but still there, and the bass was bloated. That leads me to conclude that this amp is only good with Sennheisers and other high-impedance phones. Yeah, the Rudistor didn't sound impressive at the meet. It sounded kind of flat for some bizarre reason. After I removed the T connector, it improved some. I had to check after I got home to make sure it wasn't busted. It's sounding fine right now. Maybe it's the stable electricity at night.
It probably needs more burn in as well, as I was only able to have it on for about 4 to 6 hours at most since I got it two weeks ago.

One riddle I was able to solve was that the hum problem I was having with the HP-100A, which I complained about in so many threads. I think the problem before was because I had it plugged into a power conditioner, and it didn't like that too much. Now I know to plug it directly into the wall. It doesn't have a pitch black background, but it sounds pretty good. Not as refined as Rudistor, but it costs 1/10th of Rudistor. It's like comparing the handling of an Integra R to a Ferrari or NSX.

I didn't get to hear AMB's M^3. I was very impressed of its predeccesor when I first heard it last year.

I guess the parking maids were out in force today (end of the month). I am sorry if any of you got a ticket. I did not realize San Mateo has started charging for parking in the parking lots.

Thanks for keeping the place clean. My cousin was expecting that she would have to do a lot of cleaning afterwards. She said we can use the place again in the future if we want. She'll give us a big break on the rental fee now that she knows we are pretty good at keeping the place clean and didn't make too much of a distraction to her regular business.

I would like to make a suggestion that in the future, when there are rooms available, that people carry on discussions outside of the main listening room so that others can actually listen to different equipments in the main room in a somewhat tolerable environment. I think that's what most people are there for.

Also check to see if there's climate control! Especially if the meet is in the summer time.

I noticed that only 17 people had signed the liability released form, which led me to believe that probably only 17 out of the 25+ people had paid. I didn't want to make this a big deal during the meet, but I think the burden should be shared by all who attended as we all benefited from this type of event, and the burden should not be carried by only a few honorable men and women. Had we rented a conference room at a hotel or some other facilities, we would have had to pay a set fee, and the rest of us would have to fork over mor money to cover for the people that didn't pay. If the fee is a financial burden for somebody, just speak up, I'm sure all of us would be glad to cover for a few outstanding members.

Lastly, thanks to everyone that made this meet happened. It was a real team effort by several people to coordinate and get things organized in a short amount of time.

If anyone's interested in hearing the Rudistor again, feel free to contact me and you can come over to my place after I give it at least another 30 or 40 hours.
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:30 AM Post #19 of 105

Originally Posted by lindrone
Actually, those weren't the UE5c's that you tried on. UE5c's would've never been able to get into your ear, because it's made from hard acrylic; it was the Sensaphonics ProPhonic Soft 2X that you had in your ear for a while

hehe... well, ok. i only made 2 errors so far
both fixed
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:51 AM Post #20 of 105
I'll put photos in the thread later with captions... but for now you can look at them here.

UPDATE: put the pictures in the thread. they start a few posts after this.
Feb 27, 2005 at 4:13 PM Post #22 of 105
The only thing that would've made that first video better is if you had yelled out after them, "Don't be jealous because my cans are bigger than yours!"
Feb 27, 2005 at 5:09 PM Post #23 of 105

I noticed that only 17 people had signed the liability released form, which led me to believe that probably only 17 out of the 25+ people had paid.

I paid $10 and bought 2 drinks and some dumplings but declined to sign the liability form. You might ask your cousin how many other people paid but didn't sign. Surely I was not the only civil libertarian there.

Thanks for organizing the event, it was a lot of fun. Xin Feng's SuperMacro is a marvel of miniaturization, and gets my vote for best pocket amp. Sennheiser Orpheus headphones were driven to high volume with clarity and guts by the HeadAmp Gilmore Electrostatic, a vast improvement over the original underpowered Orpheus amp.

I was pleased but surprised at the compliments M³ received saying it blows PPA v1.1 away, as we had a hard time hearing more than a subtle improvement in airiness, bass, and dynamics during the listening tests at amb's home a few weeks ago. Raif and NeilPeart, what do you think made the difference at the meet? Perhaps it was the nice new case.
Feb 27, 2005 at 7:31 PM Post #25 of 105

Originally Posted by morsel
I was pleased but surprised at the compliments M³ received saying it blows PPA v1.1 away, as we had a hard time hearing more than a subtle improvement in airiness, bass, and dynamics during the listening tests at amb's home a few weeks ago. Raif and NeilPeart, what do you think made the difference at the meet? Perhaps it was the nice new case.

It's just head-fier speak, I'm sure.

With all the noise, I honestly had trouble telling the difference between the orpheus and the k-501. I tend to go to these things more to meet people and prove I am not as bad as my jokes make me seem to be.

Toor, Alex and I ended up spending some more time with ayt's gear at home.

My impressions:

I love the AT amp/dac - l3000 combo. I feel that it takes the audio technica sound and fully presents what they consider to be audiophile sound.(basically the reference for the A.T. house sound) It is a little to early for metaphors and flowery language so I will try to explain what exactly I mean by the "AT house sound" at a later date.

I have come to the conclusion that I am a "grado man." If they made a ps-1 with the bass scaled back just a bit(i.e. bowl pads bass, with flat pads richness) I would have no issues stating that they were the "best" headphones I have ever heard. As it stands, there wasn't a single headphone at the meet that I enjoyed more than the ps-1s. If the qualia is allowed in to the upper echelons of head-audiophilia, despite it's massive bass deficiency, I would submit that the ps-1s be allowed in to compensate.

Blockhead->hd-650s..... Kick @$$. I really enjoyed the hell out of this combo. I know headroom kinda gets downplayed around here, but I have never heard the sennheiser sound better.

The big boy sonys(r10,qualia) weren't given a fair shake. Though they are bass deficient and overly analytical, I have seen them shine with a powerful and warm source. I will researve my judgment until I hear them with alex's new singlepower amp.

Alex is a very gracious individual. You don't see many people that have that many expensive toys and yet, still share the way he does. Many thanks.

My favorite thing about this meet was to be able to switch through all the different flavors of excellence. I personally believe that once you reach a certain level of quality, it isn't about better or worse, but about what flavor you like.

I was able to switch between:
balanced gilmore->ps-1
blue hawaii->he90
t-amp->k1000(leeav was right, the environment nuetered its potential)
Feb 27, 2005 at 8:28 PM Post #26 of 105
A few random impressions:

1) What a great group of people! It was fantastic to meet all of you.
2) There are a LOT of very very good amps!
3) It was truly inspiring to see the passion and knowledge which morsel, amb, and xin put into their designs. They are doing some truly amazing things.
4) It is a VERY good thing to have Ety's or other noise cancelling headphones at these meets!

more later...
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:40 PM Post #27 of 105
pictures are a lot more fun with captions so here they are. if I got something wrong, send me a PM or something. I didn't take any notes at the meet so this is all from memory....

the meet starts off with a large number of people. I think this was about an hour and a half into the meet.

utep10's setup on the left (with lindrone's WooAudio1) next to strogg's watercooled-computer setup.

gundam91's setup.

huge PS Audio Statement power cable and MIT RCA cables on gundam91's RudiStor amp.

xin's setup (on left) and episiarch's setup (on right).

xin's huge bag of opamps and buffers.

ayt999's setup. I took over the whole table apparently with my gear.

clarke68's setup on far left, then raif's DAC1 / Powerbook setup, and NeilPeart's K1000 and upgraded T-Amp. don't know whose laptop & DAC2 & PPA that is. clarke68 brought the extra table which was very useful since we had a lot of gear present.

lindrone presents his king canaling setup. his portable setup was very impressive, but he also had a nice home rig.

amb and morsel's test area. the MMM / PPA comparison went on through most of the meet, and amb's modified SDS Labs and xin's SuperMacro got A/Bed with the MMM too at times.
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:41 PM Post #28 of 105
pictures continued:

amb refused to let me have the MMM prototype. he told me to wait a few days until the production PCB's came out. raif and NeilPeart were also unsuccessful in obtaining the MMM.

better picture of lindrone's setup where you can see his canalphones.

A/B testing in progress between the MMM and modified SDS Labs.

the back of my setup. there's nine PC's, three pairs of IC's and an optical cable there. I had a running springs audio Haley power conditioner hooked up to everything, and a PS Audio P300 powering my japanese market Accuphase DP-85 and audio-technica AT-DHA3000 at 100 volts.

upgraded T-Amp next to the stock T-Amp.

KurtW arrives later with his standard cable HP2 and ATH-L3000 so those get added to my setup. raif's listening to the ATH-L3000 from the AT-DHA3000 DAC/amp in the picture.

Jorg's amps. he let me take them to the meet as long as they were kept in mint condition. thanks a lot Jorg.

close-up of the AT-DHA3000 and BlockHead on top of fliz's eXemplar Audio modded Denon 2900. I brought fliz's source over, but he wasn't at the meet.

close-up of the Blue Hawaii and Balanced Reference on top of ayt999's Accuphase DP-85.

Zoide arrives and the DAC2's start to multiply.
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:42 PM Post #29 of 105
pictures continued:

gundam91's huge Z-Stabilizer.

I stealthfully took a photo of the CD3000 w/ R10 woodies being worn backwards. he seemed to be enjoying the music so I didn't say anything.


raif, NeilPeart, and clarke68 talking.

the guys from Davis, strogg and Xin. Xin told me it took them almost two hours to get to San Mateo. thanks a lot for coming guys!!

and now for a short break from the hilarity inside the meet room....

toor helping NeilPeart set up the portable rig.

NeilPeart marveling at his creation.

NeilPeart heads downstairs to test his portable rig in the streets of San Mateo.

action shot of Zoide taking a video of NeilPeart talking to San Mateo citizens waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

Zoide wants to try the rig himself.

looking good there Zoide.
Feb 27, 2005 at 10:43 PM Post #30 of 105
pictures continued:

back to the meet. Ray's Tea Time (the location of the meet) had a sign in their front door advertising the gathering.

I guess this is the last picture I took in San Mateo. those huge interconnects were so interesting that I had to get a closer picture.

the meet resumes at my apartment's living room. my grace 901 and grado HPA-1 join the mass of equipment.

later on, the Blue Hawaii joins in on the fun.

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