North Jersey 7/26/2008 meet impressions
Jul 28, 2008 at 3:24 AM Post #47 of 68

Originally Posted by grandenigma1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How about annual NORTH Jersey meet

Ah, you guys just go to NY meets and root for the Mets and stuff like that.
Jul 28, 2008 at 9:27 PM Post #49 of 68
Oh I almost forgot. I got to listen to my first pair of Koss KSC-35s that Zach let me try with my iPod/Tomahawk. These things really are as good as the hype. I thought they sounded better than several full size headphones at the meet.
Jul 29, 2008 at 12:17 AM Post #50 of 68
OK -

I guess I have a different outlook on my impressions from the meet. To be honest, I only had a few minutes to listen to other head-fier's stuff. Every time I thought I had a chance, someone pulled me back to my rig(s).

I did however make some general observations that I would like to share. So here it goes...

The age group was huge. Some in their 60's, while some still in their teens. If walking down the street, we would most likely not carry on a conversation with someone that was 50 yrs apart. They did that this meet.....

Music was what folks came to hear. Sources from Video, Vinyl, SACD, CD, iPod, Crown and so on and so forth. Headphones from AGK, STAX, HP, Koss, Senns, and again...blah, blah, blah.

What I saw were people trying new things, listening to music that they have never heard, and those trying a combo that they always wanted to hear. Small is becoming more popular with listeners using iQube, Predators, Pico's and other small works of wonder. What stay the same was the passion for music without age, $$, tastes and all of the other things that shape our decision. I saw groups of people gather for lunch and diner as if they knew each other because of a common interests. I know this sounds corny, but it is true. We all had a good time. I did without sampling many rigs...

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that over the years, technology, file type, and old classics did not change the fact that having meets help us understand what others are doing and why they listen to certain combinations of equipment. Please continue to have meets so that the industry changes based on our likings. I came out of the meet with several new ideas. Some of which are in prototype stage as we speak.

Thanks for everyone in making it enjoyable. Put down your tissues and lets fire up some music!!!

Jul 29, 2008 at 6:37 PM Post #53 of 68
1,000 thanks to Larry and John for organizing this meet, and for everyone who lugged their gear.

Lots of interesting gear and music, and a really great group of guys - the level of camaraderie was pretty remarkable.

Here's to making meets in NJ a regular event.
Jul 29, 2008 at 9:42 PM Post #54 of 68
Hey youse guys. That was fun. Rarely do a group of relative strangers get together like this and share good will so well. As for myself, this meet will likely cost me some money. I was very impressed with the K-1000 attached to my Cayin amp. Impressed enough that I may just have to buy a pair. Some were for sale, now gone so drop me a line if you know of one for sale at a reasonable price.

Also, another high point of the meet was the new amp from Head-Direct. Hooked up to Sennheiser 580 and Fang's wire and Meridian CD player, it punched waaaay above its class. Very transparent very musical. Could you tell that I liked it? Slick looks as well.

Whiplash set up some AB tests with wire and if I was a sceptic before (and I am not sure that I qualify) I am convinced that good wire makes good music. The biggest difference to my ears is the size of the soundstage and what I call flow of the music.

The last highlight that comes to mind, besides the Stax headphones - for me especially the Lamda Pros and O2s, was the analog. Now there was a time when all music reproduction was analog. Now I know that you kids find that amazing, but it is true. And I missed it. Not hearing analog for awhile meant that I had forgotten the sound and thought that digital was music. Well it sort of is and sort of not. Hearing the great turntable setups just ruined it for me. I have to forget it all over again, or else resign myself to getting up every 20 minutes to change record sides. And of course I still have all my records and a lovely Pink Triangle turntable in storage. Sigh.

Every conversation and every audition had some interest, but these are the highlights that come to mind. I hope to see you all again.

Thanks to Larry and John and well, thanks to everybody for making this so much fun and so interesting.

TTFN (points if you know what that means)
Jul 30, 2008 at 4:39 AM Post #55 of 68

Originally Posted by Barry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
TTFN (points if you know what that means)

Very nice meeting you Barry, thanks for taking the trip up from Philly, and yea, I like your Cowon better than mine!

Ta Ta For Now ...
Jul 30, 2008 at 3:28 PM Post #56 of 68
Fang's amp is going to drop a bomb on the market when it comes out, especially if it comes out at the price he suggested. It's a good thing, though, because it'll force all of the other amp manufacturers to compete for once.
Jul 30, 2008 at 6:16 PM Post #57 of 68

Originally Posted by MD1032 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Fang's amp is going to drop a bomb on the market when it comes out, especially if it comes out at the price he suggested. It's a good thing, though, because it'll force all of the other amp manufacturers to compete for once.

Playing it through the Meridian certainly was something to notice....
Jul 30, 2008 at 6:59 PM Post #58 of 68

Originally Posted by SACD-Man /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Playing it through the Meridian certainly was something to notice....

Give the gear the best shot it has. Im not a member of "team source first" or even close, but the source can hold back a good amp.

Singlepower and Ray-Samuels audio both bring meridians to meets.

At the last NYC meet Woo had a denon (if memory serves) from a similar price bracket to a meridian 508/20

I liked the little amp Quite a bit.
Jul 30, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #59 of 68
That's a really good point, but an amp will hold back a source just as much, no? I've heard meridians used in a few high-end setups at Head-Fi meets and the only memorably good ones were Ray's and Fang's so far. I heard a Gilmore Reference once hooked up to one and, well, it just wasn't the kind of sound I'm into. I also heard one of Mikhail's (sp?) amps through one and that was great, but not quite as good as Ray's B52, IMO. I've also heard Ray's Raptor in two different rigs and the overall tonal signature was nearly identical. I think the amp is definitely a huge factor in how things will sound, most noticably in the high frequencies. My headphones sounded crazy different through the different amps at the NJ meet here, just plugged into my MP3 player! Fang's amp, though, had a noticably smooth sound, and that's what I like. He did admit, of course, that he was "lucky" to have that Meridian.
Jul 30, 2008 at 10:23 PM Post #60 of 68
looks like it was a fun meet! Wish I had gone.

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