Norah Jones - distortion on track 1?
Feb 27, 2003 at 12:26 AM Post #31 of 38

Originally posted by Audio&Me
Gosh you people complain too much. Is it a sign of dissatisfaction with your systems? Because when I get into an album, I totally see right past production flaws and my system's not even intact yet. Or is it just a nit picky habit?

No. I've always been one to bitch. Whenever I got a record that was warped or had a scratch that bugger went back to the store. When Tim mcGraw can put out a technically better cd then you know there is a room in hell freezing over or something's wrong.
Feb 27, 2003 at 6:49 AM Post #32 of 38
I have gone over and over ... and over... the "Don't Know Why" segment 1:10 through 1:20 with my system (Denon DCM-350 + W1000's) and I can't for the life of me (to coin a phrase) find the (now infamous) clipping. Is it truly because (1) I don't have a good enough system, (2) my old ears are not too good, or (3) both. If (2), well I'm out of luck; if (1) then that just reinforces the notion that I oughta get an amp. If (3) well, you wouldn't really know would you
... what to get for the W1000's? But, really ...I just don't hear the problem, please elucidate!!!
Feb 27, 2003 at 7:12 AM Post #33 of 38
well, i said before, the problem is easier to hear on different models of headphones. if you were to come to my meet on march 1st (sorry for the ad... heh he) i could prove it to you!

it's possible your w1000's are one of the harder headphones. on my ear buds (mdr888), i can't even hear the problem, even if i listen REALLY carefully. but on the k1000's, for some reason, it just pops out at you.

...of course, your hearing could also be damaged.... but not likely. this problem is pretty audible with the 7506's and hd600's.

...instead of trying to specifically listen for static or that sort of noise..... close your eyes, and try to feel the tone of her voice. it just doesn't sound right. like something's distorted.... then you can pinpoint it to some sort of clipping problem... it's like water rippling upon a lake--the lake isn't moving, just the surface is shaking. it's like that.... her voice sounds fine in the middle, but something on the surface is grainy and staticky...

i think some people are more sensitive to these types of problems.... personally, i've been critically listening to music for a long time, trying to mix my own music. you develop a ear for this stuff over time. don't worry if you don't get it.... someday it will hit you. i can hear lots of problems my friends can't hear..... i'd be like, "the balance of this speaker is different from the other"--and my friends would be like, "yeah right...." but i know i'm right.... but like i said, don't sweat it if you don't hear it, right now.

you know, i posted a thread on DJ Sammy's CD months ago too about similar problems..... the girl's voice on his famous song is WAYYYYYY distorted. same thing... thought i broke my k1000's................ scared me for a moment. those k1000's are really handy..... everyone should get one just for critical listening....

hope this helps.
Feb 27, 2003 at 7:17 AM Post #34 of 38

Originally posted by Orpheus
instead of trying to specifically listen for static or that sort of noise..... close your eyes, and try to feel the tone of her voice. it just doesn't sound right. like something's distorted.... then you can pinpoint it to some sort of clipping problem... it's like water rippling upon a lake--the lake isn't moving, just the surface is shaking. it's like that.... her voice sounds fine in the middle, but something on the surface is grainy and staticky...

hope this helps.

Would you say sometimes it sounds kind of splattery? You kind of had to have been in band to get the reference. Ever since I went to higher quality headphones I've found some cds to sound splattery. Anyone else... or am I hearing distortion?
Feb 27, 2003 at 7:22 AM Post #35 of 38
Thanks for the input, Orpheus.
...I'll keep trying . Hey! That's the challenge!

P.S. Like most of us... I have taken care of my ears... I hope it's not MY equipment
Feb 27, 2003 at 7:22 AM Post #36 of 38
yeah... i think you can put it that way--"splattery." an extreme example would be something like Nine Inch Nails, where their distortion is on purpose.... listen to the sounds. nothing is well defined... everything is "splattery." very few sounds sound detailed or sparkly....... for those 5 seconds on the first track, Norah Jones sounds like she was imitating Nine Inch Nails. well, okay... not really.... but something to that effect. perhaps if you try recording something to your computer, but turned up too loud.... then you'll know what clipping sounds like.
May 4, 2003 at 5:10 PM Post #38 of 38
omg I hear it!

At first I notice a slight hint of .. sore throat kinda.
My HD580s are on a soundcard, no amp yet.

I tried cranking volume up, couldn't hear.
Lowered volume.... wow, it just pops. Guess it shows that I really need an amp

There's a click on 1:56 too I think.

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