noise / cracking noise on high notes...
Apr 29, 2005 at 8:53 AM Post #16 of 18

Originally Posted by morphie
are you using ASIO?

I did install the ASIO, but I have no idea how to use it and what changes it can made to the sound or the sound card...

perhaps anyone in here can tell me how its actually useful for the sound or the sound card... or refer me to a thread ?

thanks for all the reply
Apr 29, 2005 at 8:57 AM Post #17 of 18
Hmm ok, what do you use to play that DVD Audio? Having ASIO enabled on a player and using another ouput on another player causes lots of cracking noise.

About the FLAC file, try playing it many times 1 after another. If EVERYTIME at the exact same moment of the song you hear cracking noise - its the recording. If the cracking noise varies, or can only be heard once every 2 songs or something, its your computer lagging a little at that moment.
Apr 29, 2005 at 9:42 AM Post #18 of 18

Originally Posted by morphie
Hmm ok, what do you use to play that DVD Audio? Having ASIO enabled on a player and using another ouput on another player causes lots of cracking noise.

About the FLAC file, try playing it many times 1 after another. If EVERYTIME at the exact same moment of the song you hear cracking noise - its the recording. If the cracking noise varies, or can only be heard once every 2 songs or something, its your computer lagging a little at that moment.

I use Power DVD 5.0 on WinXP Professional. ASIO is turn off.

the cracking noise is happen on the exact range of time when the song is played. I played it couple times and heard it on the same exact time. I guess it is the bad recording based on what u say...

hm.... then why the **** they record in such a way???

just a question a bit out of topic, what is roling off high frequency means?

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