No T-n-T'ers in my 'hood... -_-'
Nov 1, 2006 at 7:50 PM Post #16 of 29
It was raining out so we only got about 9-10 people.

Kinda depressing really.

Of the 9-10 people 4 of them were from my grade! And I'm in 11th grade!
Nov 1, 2006 at 9:00 PM Post #17 of 29
people didn't even know we moved in yet so no one - ZERO knocked. which stinks because my kid loaded up on serious candy (he made for a cute froggy) and i was hoping to get rid of it all by giving it out - but instead i was forced to eat all the stuff not good for him. meaning, 90 percent of it.

FORCED, i tell you!
Nov 2, 2006 at 2:23 AM Post #19 of 29

Originally Posted by RedLeader
it was all over by 8:20, and it was like 11 degrees out. I don't get it, by far the most sparsely attended halloween in my neighbourhood since I moved here 6 years ago.

Ditto. It's weird with the Daylight Savings time that it was all over at like 830-ish. Halloween is losing popularity over the years if you ask me. I remember when it just used be insane on the 31st.

Edit: and if anyone >17 years old (even 16 is pushing it) then you should hand them some long-division homework. I don't care that everyone in Canada is complaining that kids have too much homework, if they have time to dress up like bunnies and wear top-hats, then they have time to dust off the ol' arithmetic homework.
Nov 2, 2006 at 3:35 AM Post #20 of 29

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
Ditto. It's weird with the Daylight Savings time that it was all over at like 830-ish. Halloween is losing popularity over the years if you ask me. I remember when it just used be insane on the 31st.

Edit: and if anyone >17 years old (even 16 is pushing it) then you should hand them some long-division homework. I don't care that everyone in Canada is complaining that kids have too much homework, if they have time to dress up like bunnies and wear top-hats, then they have time to dust off the ol' arithmetic homework.

i think the point of going out when you're that old is to relive your youth and try to ESCAPE from some of the stresses of school and being forced to grow up..
If we really wanted candy that badly, it would be a simple trip to the supermarket.
Nov 2, 2006 at 5:34 AM Post #21 of 29
We had under 10 groups of kids come to the house this year. It was even worse last year. It can't be the weather, it is always cold on Hallowe'en here. There were kids all over the place when I was young enough to go out (not THAT long ago!). I guess people just don't want their kids going out like that anymore. It's pretty sad, really
Nov 2, 2006 at 6:35 AM Post #22 of 29
we didn't get any kids around my hood.

one of my friends didn't let his kids go trick or treating but instead their church had a halloween festival. he felt that this was safer, which i agree but seems to take the fun out of trick or treating.
Nov 2, 2006 at 1:50 PM Post #23 of 29

Originally Posted by roastpuff
I guess it's too cold.

Just btw, we had the first snow for this season over here just last night - only a thin layer though, and most of it has already melted away in today's sunshine...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Nov 2, 2006 at 4:05 PM Post #24 of 29
Yeah, things are changing. We didn't get a single trick or treater and we had a bag of twix bars...yum, they were tasty.
Nov 2, 2006 at 11:28 PM Post #25 of 29

Originally Posted by roastpuff

I LOVE chocolate...but I can't eat it because then I'll get fat. But it's SOOOO good!

Family Guy!

Me and a couple of my friends have been messing with holloween for a couple of years now. This year, we went door to door with a bowl of candy and gave it to people. Last year, we went door to door with posters that said "Fight the Power, Join the cause!" with a picture of the black power symbol. It makes holloween alot more fun when you do it different every year.
Nov 2, 2006 at 11:41 PM Post #26 of 29

Originally Posted by Beach123456
Me and a couple of my friends have been messing with holloween for a couple of years now. This year, we went door to door with a bowl of candy and gave it to people. Last year, we went door to door with posters that said "Fight the Power, Join the cause!" with a picture of the black power symbol. It makes holloween alot more fun when you do it different every year.

Hahahaha, my friend and I did that 2 years ago in her huge apartment complex (the bowl of candy thing, not the black power thing, because that's intensely weird, and we probably would have gotten shot). We even had little bags to give the people. Not many kids in the complex, so we knew we wouldn't have people knocking on the door. We amassed candy and started this whole crazy thing in the apartments, where eventually like half the people were running around giving out whatever the heck they could find. She called me yesterday and said that she heard it's still going on there (she's moved since then but still has friends there).
Nov 3, 2006 at 1:43 AM Post #27 of 29

Originally Posted by NightWoundsTime
Hahahaha, my friend and I did that 2 years ago in her huge apartment complex (the bowl of candy thing, not the black power thing, because that's intensely weird, and we probably would have gotten shot). We even had little bags to give the people. Not many kids in the complex, so we knew we wouldn't have people knocking on the door. We amassed candy and started this whole crazy thing in the apartments, where eventually like half the people were running around giving out whatever the heck they could find. She called me yesterday and said that she heard it's still going on there (she's moved since then but still has friends there).

No one really made the connection on the black power symbol and the saying on the paper, we kinda just handed it to them and walked away without saying anything. My neighborhood is really all white people anyways, dont wanna go offending anyone on one of the coolest holidays of the year.
Nov 3, 2006 at 1:53 AM Post #28 of 29

Originally Posted by Beach123456
Last year, we went door to door with posters that said "Fight the Power, Join the cause!" with a picture of the black power symbol. It makes holloween alot more fun when you do it different every year.

So you used a black empowerment symbol/slogan as a joke? How is that funny? It's tasteless and demeaning, even if you yourself are black.
Nov 3, 2006 at 4:37 PM Post #29 of 29
I think part of the reason it is less popular is because of the parents. Alot of parents now dont think of it as safe. Could get bad candy, could get hurt, and so on. They would rather have them stay home and watch a halloween movie or something. and to prove my point Jahn u took 90% of your kids candy because its no good for him, if that happend to me when i was a kid i wouldent want to go out as badly, because i know my parents are going to take MY candy. They are just thinking why go out for nothing in return.
My parents never were worried about halloween, they let me go by myself when i was like 7. And we would come home with pillow cases of candy, thats the fun of halloween.

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