NITSCH x Schiit Pietus Maximus Release/Impressions Thread
Dec 25, 2023 at 5:20 PM Post #196 of 476
I'm using audiophile grade power strip from one of the world's biggest company owned by one of the richest man. :joy:

I'm not using power conditioner LOL.

I normally turn on my computer in the morning then I also turn on PMax, then turn off at night when I go to sleep.

Did that for 3 days so far? So it's at least on for 16 hours ish per day? And I typically listen at night time so it's at least on all day.

Yeah I feel like it might just be the "sound signature" of this amp probably. 😛

But you'd think Lawton TH900 is dynamic enough.............
Surge protection usually limits dynamics. Try a power strip without surge protection.

Dec 25, 2023 at 6:51 PM Post #197 of 476
Surge protection usually limits dynamics. Try a power strip without surge protection.

Interesting! Didn't know about this. I'll give it a try tonight.

Though I never run into this issue in any of the previously owned Schiit amps, such as Vali 2+, Asgard 3, and Lyr 3.

But I'll try anyway for science. :laughing:
Dec 26, 2023 at 6:19 PM Post #198 of 476
As an Asgard 3 owner I'm wondering what future Asgard 3 will have..

Is the Pietus a big step up?
My Pietus arrived today so I've only had a few hours of listening time, but based on first impressions I would describe it as a bit more upper-mid forward compared to the Asgard 3, as others have noted. This gives it the impression of being more resolving but also a bit less impactful on the lower end (I think the low end heft is all still there, but the Pietus seems to shift my focus). I can't rule out placebo after reading so many reviews, but there definitely seems to be some holographic sparkle in the upper mids and treble that's very reminiscent of a nice tube amp (Tor Roger + HD 6XX is my reference there, which I absolutely adore).

I'm running the Asgard with an ESS 9028 card (low gain) and the Pietus (high gain) from an AKM Modius using a pair of Diana V2's, so perhaps not the cleanest A/B test. I'll give it some more listening time on some of my warmer headphones (e.g. Modhouse Argon Mk3), but from what I'm hearing so far I imagine the multibit DAC card might be the best pairing for the Pietus if you're looking for an all-in-one and are going to be using very resolving headphones. Maybe that's the one clear take away that echoes what others have noted: the Pietus is going to reveal more differences elsewhere in the chain, especially transducer synergy!

If I didn't have such a "gotta catch 'em all" obsession with new Schiit (and the new gray color wasn't so darn good looking, not to mention the discrete topology) I could be very happy for a long time with the Asgard 3 + Diana V2 (or just about any other planar, dynamic or IEM I've thrown at it). Time will tell if a little more brain burn-in reveals any new preferences!

Edit: I somehow missed this earlier review by @Voxata, I think that really sums things up very well (including pairing recommendations)!
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Dec 27, 2023 at 9:59 PM Post #200 of 476
How is the pre out performance with dac card & external dac to power amp?
It probably depends mostly on the DAC in question. I didn’t get the DAC card but I have been running the PMax as a pre into an Aegir. I thought it perfectly serviceable which sounds harsh, but I don’t expect a $500 hpa to replace my main pre. Used a Chord Qutest or Soekris dac1421 on my main system running Zu Soul Supremes. No complaints, but no real hypercritical listening either. Just made a new Qobuz playlist and am running through it with a few setups while doing other stuff. Right now I’m pushing the Aegir a little making it run Dynaudio Audience 82 (4ohm, 87dB/2.8V).from a Wiim Mini and Topping E30. Of course I’m listening from the cat’s room at the moment. Resting after sweeping up glass in the kitchen. I needed to apologize for yelling but it was an awful mess. The Dynaudios have traditionally been matched with a Musical Fidelity A300 integrated (250W into 4 ohms) since I bought them both new. This setup in the bedroom lets me use any of my IEMs or headphones as well. Any of them.
If you’re interested here’s the Qobuz playlist.
Dec 28, 2023 at 2:52 PM Post #201 of 476
Any views here on break-in period? Just got mine today and am looking forward to seeing what this puppy can do!
Dec 28, 2023 at 8:51 PM Post #202 of 476
Surge protection usually limits dynamics. Try a power strip without surge protection.

NGL I didn't believe you, but I noticed an improvement with my magni+ after plugging it into the wall. Tested with my Grado RS1x. Mind blown. Why is this a thing?
Dec 29, 2023 at 4:55 AM Post #204 of 476
Fewer components, like thyristors, in-line with the current.

Can this theoretically make a difference to a digital USB signal coming from a PC that's plugged into a surge protector, or just the amplifier?
Dec 29, 2023 at 9:25 AM Post #206 of 476
Fewer components, like thyristors, in-line with the current.


Most consumer level surge protectors have MOV or zener in parallel to the current. Which ones have thyristors in line?
Dec 29, 2023 at 10:49 AM Post #207 of 476
There are so many theoretical and systemic variables involved with a PC that a case-by-case practical evaluation would provide a more definitive result.

My guess is it's probably not as important with the dac. Just a guess tho. If anything the information fed to the dac is probably more important. With that being said, I've been considering buying a galvanic isolator after I get my hands on the pietus.
Dec 29, 2023 at 10:57 AM Post #208 of 476
I just bought a Audio Note DAC in the classifieds here. Anxious to hear it with this amp!!
Dec 29, 2023 at 11:52 AM Post #209 of 476
My guess is it's probably not as important with the dac. Just a guess tho. If anything the information fed to the dac is probably more important. With that being said, I've been considering buying a galvanic isolator after I get my hands on the pietus.
That would make sense; I only ask because amidst my A/B testing of the Pietus, I've discovered that the audio coming from my main PC is meaningfully different (in a worse way) to the same source / DAC / headphone chain when played from a different PC as well as a Wiim Pro. Best I can describe is that dynamics are somehow limited, almost as though there's a veil over the sound (it's also a bit like switching from stereo to mono). I've ruled out Windows sound settings, so the only differences I can imagine would come down to the motherboard itself, some kind of internal RF noise or interference, or the electrical chain (or maybe Windows 11 is doing something weird!). It's truly maddening. Time to start A/B testing power strips and wall outlets!
Dec 29, 2023 at 12:11 PM Post #210 of 476
That would make sense; I only ask because amidst my A/B testing of the Pietus, I've discovered that the audio coming from my main PC is meaningfully different (in a worse way) to the same source / DAC / headphone chain when played from a different PC as well as a Wiim Pro. Best I can describe is that dynamics are somehow limited, almost as though there's a veil over the sound (it's also a bit like switching from stereo to mono). I've ruled out Windows sound settings, so the only differences I can imagine would come down to the motherboard itself, some kind of internal RF noise or interference, or the electrical chain (or maybe Windows 11 is doing something weird!). It's truly maddening. Time to start A/B testing power strips and wall outlets!
Let us know what you discover. And yeah, computers are known to be a really noisy source. That's why I'm buying one of those isolators. Different hardware configurations and different processes in windows could possibly affect it. Definitely interested to know what you discover tho. When I said surge protectors probably don't affect dacs in the same way they do amps, that was only a hunch. I'm not really sure. With amps, it kinda makes sense tho, because theyre powering your headphones and amplifying the source. I'm intrigued to learn more.

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