Nintendo Wii First Impressions
Nov 19, 2006 at 10:45 PM Post #16 of 169

Originally Posted by jdimitri /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was highly considering ps3 because FFVII will be re-released on it

The FFVII trailer was only a tech demo.
Nov 19, 2006 at 10:49 PM Post #17 of 169

Originally Posted by AlanY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have the same feeling. I'm not a gamer and would never consider buying the 360 or PS3, but the Wii is intriguing. It just seems like a fun concept. It gets away from the "pounding away on a handheld keypad staring at the TV" video game concept, which I'm way too old for. Also, the inexpensive cost makes it an option for people who just want to have fun, not make a huge investment in a hobby.

I think the Wii will be a hit with both younger players and older, casual players. The 360 and PS3 appeal to a different group, mainly people in the 14-30 age bracket with a lot of free time.

Ya, I think they will start to be a big hit, for older people, at parties, or gatherings. Throw the joystick around, and enjoy trying to swing it, or shoot it, a nice icebreaker and loosens everyone up. Its hard to get that, trying to teach someone knew how to play Tony Hawk, Halo or Call of Duty
Nov 19, 2006 at 10:49 PM Post #18 of 169
I have to say that the Wii is the only new console that I've been even remotely interested in. When it was first announced I wasn't sure but as I see more and more about it I think it could be a really great casual gamers console. Plus, with the prices of the PS3 and 360 the Wii is the only one I could come close to affording.

Actually a mate of mine has a 360 and got it on release day here in the UK. Other then Gears of War and Dead Rising there isn't anything being made I'm that interested in.

The final kicker for me is first person shooters - I adore them and have played lots on my PC but I think the Wiimote could be the first controller that can actually compete with the mouse/keyboard combo.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:15 PM Post #19 of 169
Will it really play Gamecube games? Can you use a regular controller? How much are SNES games going to cost?

If I can buy one of these and instantly be able to play Chrono trigger, Mario Sunshine, RE4, Wind Waker, etc. for $200, I'm definately ending up with one. And ten minutes ago I had no interest in it, because I didn't know about the SNES and backwards compatibility.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:21 PM Post #20 of 169

Originally Posted by trains are bad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Will it really play Gamecube games? Can you use a regular controller? How much are SNES games going to cost?

If I can buy one of these and instantly be able to play Chrono trigger, Mario Sunshine, RE4, Wind Waker, etc. for $200, I'm definately ending up with one. And ten minutes ago I had no interest in it, because I didn't know about the SNES and backwards compatibility.

It can play Gamecube games. You should be able to use a Gamecube controller or the new Wii standard controller (The one that looks like a mix between the SNES pad and the Dualshock). SNES games are $8 a piece (Quite expensive, IMO, but whatever).

NES: $5
TG16: $6
SNES: $8
Genesis: $8
N64: $10
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:31 PM Post #21 of 169

Originally Posted by Azure /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It can play Gamecube games. You should be able to use a Gamecube controller or the new Wii standard controller (The one that looks like a mix between the SNES pad and the Dualshock). SNES games are $8 a piece (Quite expensive, IMO, but whatever).

NES: $5
TG16: $6
SNES: $8
Genesis: $8
N64: $10

Those prices are outrageous... For $10 per N64 game, you may as well go out and buy a used N64. It would end up costing less if you bought enough games.
Pretty much the same goes for all of them, but the N64 price is the worst.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:33 PM Post #22 of 169

Originally Posted by camille /img/forum/go_quote.gif
from the brainchild that brought you Smash my iPod, and Smash my 360....

yea, they're a real piece of work...

in any case, i can see me picking up a Wii next year...SSB: Brawl =

Don't worry Camille.

We can so play together.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:36 PM Post #23 of 169

Originally Posted by PYROphonez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those prices are outrageous... For $10 per N64 game, you may as well go out and buy a used N64. It would end up costing less if you bought enough games.
Pretty much the same goes for all of them, but the N64 price is the worst.

Also, rumble got taken out of N64 games.

What I want is to have the N64 games to be enhanced some how. Smoothed out, better resolution, improved sound that sort of thing. Instant saves would be welcome too.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:40 PM Post #24 of 169

Originally Posted by PYROphonez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those prices are outrageous... For $10 per N64 game, you may as well go out and buy a used N64. It would end up costing less if you bought enough games.
Pretty much the same goes for all of them, but the N64 price is the worst.

You're paying for convenience, although I agree the prices are kinda high.
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:42 PM Post #25 of 169

Originally Posted by 450 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, rumble got taken out of N64 games.

What I want is to have the N64 games to be enhanced some how. Smoothed out, better resolution, improved sound that sort of thing. Instant saves would be welcome too.

What, no rumble? That absolutely sucks (Especially for games like OOT where rumble was actually need to get everything...).

Nintendo should have handled the VC like Microsoft did with XBLA. Nintendo should have added extra multiplayer features, upped the resolution, and, most importantly, included online play. THEN those prices would be appropriate and the VC alone would make the Wii worthwhile.

I think we can do without instant saves (I'm not a really big fan of save states in emulation; it's kind of like cheating).
Nov 19, 2006 at 11:51 PM Post #26 of 169

Originally Posted by PYROphonez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Those prices are outrageous... For $10 per N64 game, you may as well go out and buy a used N64. It would end up costing less if you bought enough games.
Pretty much the same goes for all of them, but the N64 price is the worst.

$10 per N64 game is reasonable. If you go hunting around the bargain bins at a lot of stores, N64 games are often around $8-10 new. Sure you can buy them used at garage sales or off eBay for less, but that's always true.

In the same vein, $5 for a NES game sounds like a lot if you really look at it, but they needed to keep the prices high enough to make it worth the while of third party companies to put their games on the system.

And who wouldn't gladly pay $8 for something like Chrono Trigger that's hard to find on the used market?

The other neat thing that they haven't advertised a lot is that the Virtual Console also can play old Sega Genesis games.

By the way, there is a single save state in the virtual console. You can't have multiple save states because that would be cheating, but you can leave a game and return to it later.
Nov 20, 2006 at 12:15 AM Post #27 of 169
Wii got one (hehe), but I'm having a heck of a time connecting it to the internet.

I first thought it was my connection, but I can't even get to with any consistency, so I'm assuming that their servers are hit hard right now.

Anybody else having connection issues?
Nov 20, 2006 at 12:19 AM Post #28 of 169
Well, the reason why it seems to expensive is because it's a VIRTUAL copy of the game. I'll pay $10 for an N64 game cartridge. I won't pay $10 for the rom-err...the virtual console game. Plus, what happens if you sell your Wii or have to get it replaced (I know you can put VC games on SD cards, but I'm pretty sure there's going to be copy protection on there)?
Nov 20, 2006 at 1:28 AM Post #30 of 169
This is stupid...

"Will the Wii iron out all slow-down that existed in old games, including the 2D formats? It would be great to play all the old games at a silky-smooth framerate, but some retro gamers, for some reason, consider the slowdown to a part of the game's old-school appeal.

Nintendo: The Virtual Console games faithfully reproduces the original game in all areas, including content, movement and expressions. Principle programming, characters, sound etc. have not been changed."

Great. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with 4 players will still be unplayable!

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