Nintendo Wii First Impressions
Nov 27, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #136 of 169

Originally Posted by toastmaster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think the system is a lot more powerful than a GC. In any case, it's not about the graphics, it's all about the fun.

Indeed. I keep saying it: old school gamers will appreciate games whether graphics are great or not.
Some of the new items... are quite interesting.
The "Spinner" was something I did not expect as an item in Zelda.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, you'll see.
Nov 27, 2006 at 3:38 AM Post #137 of 169
isn't the Wii coming out with a super smash brothers? THAT is going to be worth the price of the Wii!

some guy on NYC craigslist offered the Wii at cost - his wife made him sell the unit after he beat Zelda, because he swore to her that he bought the Wii just for that game.

man, he does NOT know how to work the system!
Nov 27, 2006 at 3:39 AM Post #138 of 169

Originally Posted by nsjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The "Spinner" was something I did not expect as an item in Zelda.

I can imagine people wondering if Epona has rims.
Nov 27, 2006 at 3:46 AM Post #139 of 169
THAT is the spinner? Totally doesn't seem to go with the whole fantasy theme, but still, pretty cool!
Nov 27, 2006 at 5:48 AM Post #141 of 169
I tried out my friend's Wii today and it was pretty neat! We played Wii Sports and Red Steel. Wii Sports is definitely a workout, if you get into it. My bicep is going to be sore tomorrow from tennis, and boxing does indeed get your heart rate up. It was very fun, and we only had one Wiimote (or whatever you call it). I can only guess what will happen with a little human-human competition!

One thing that not many people may know about the Wii is that you can create your own little "Mii" for use in Wii Sports and in some sort of online chat (I'm guessing). It's similar to the idea of creating a Sim, but with greater customizability - height, girth, hair color/style, eye shape, skin color, nose type, etc. Creating little Miis that resemble people you know is quite amusing (the girth slider can be a very mean tool).

I found Red Steel disappointing - for one thing, every once in awhile the Wiimote would go haywire and I'd start aiming upward and spin around randomly, which was very annoying. I never had any problems in Wii Sports with the Wiimote, and I was well within the sensor bar's range (which wasn't very far - maybe 5 feet. It might've needed new batteries). In fact, I found the remote aiming system to be fairly intuitive. It's strange when you first try it out, but after a few minutes you get the hang of it. The exception is Red Steel. Nintendo did a great job on their end.

The aiming system for Red Steel isn't very good, IMO. I never got the hang of the fact that you have to aim to the left in order to turn left, as well as shoot at a target on the left side of the screen. I always managed to turn too far and miss (if the thing didn't go haywire first) if I was trying to shoot someone, and if I was just trying to navigate a building I wouldn't turn far enough and run into a wall. Despite nearly two hours of play, I never mastered it. I probably would have preferred the aiming system where the crosshair remains in the center of the screen, like in most FPS's. Red Steel reminds me very much of 007 Goldeneye from the N64. A little too much, really.

The game's story isn't very interesting, either.

EDIT: Unless I find several other games that blow me away, I probably won't be getting one anytime soon. I still have to try out Twilight Princess, and even then, I can't justify buying a Wii just for Wii Sports and Zelda.
Nov 27, 2006 at 5:58 AM Post #142 of 169

Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
THAT is the spinner? Totally doesn't seem to go with the whole fantasy theme, but still, pretty cool!

Man, you should see it against the boss. It was quite intense.

It looks like an old gear, thus it slightly fits in with the whole setting I guess. But enough spoilers.
Nov 27, 2006 at 6:00 AM Post #143 of 169

Originally Posted by ilovesocks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I can only guess what will happen with a little human-human competition!

Violence. Pain. Trust me.


Originally Posted by ilovesocks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
One thing that not many people may know about the Wii is that you can create your own little "Mii" for use in Wii Sports and in some sort of online chat (I'm guessing).

The Miis also come in handy with multiple people using the console (like roommates.) Each person has their own likeness and can post memos to the machine. When you send e-mails or messages to friends, your Mii can be your avatar. Coolest yet is that your Mii can be loaded on to your controller and be with you no matter where you play. I'm going over to a buddy's tomorrow with my controller, and I can play as my Mii. How cool is that?
Nov 27, 2006 at 6:07 AM Post #145 of 169
You guys with Wii are lucky. I still don't have one, but have Trauma Center, Zelda, and an extra controller. It's gotten to the point where I took the wiimote out of the packaging to play with it lol.

Can anyone who's played trauma center speak on how it was? I bought it because of the anime like feel it had, and based on some of the good reviews. I'm also interested in checking out Elobits i think? The Katamari like game. That should be fun in multiplayer, I know Katamari is
Dec 3, 2006 at 3:37 PM Post #147 of 169

Originally Posted by hentai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No console for me. Gamecube is my last set. I gave up on gaming and rather focus on music.

With an avatar and location like that you aren't going to get a Wii?
Dec 3, 2006 at 5:03 PM Post #148 of 169
My Wii impressions after owning it for a week now:

Again, these are still early impressions, and I only have two games so far, Wii Sports and Zelda.

Based only on those two games, IMO Nintendo has re-invented and re-introduced "real fun" back into the Video Game console market in a very innovative way.

I have had so much fun with the Wii that I have hardly listened to my Headphone rig in the last week, and that is saying a lot. The only thing that has gotten me to take a break from the nonstop fun is that my shoulder and back are sore, so I need a day or two to heal.
Seriously folks, I would suggest some pre-Wii stretching excercise, especially for 30+ people (or people who may be 'out of shape').

I don't think that the Wii controller scheme is a fad, or a gimmick - I think it is a revolution. The controller is surprisingly accurate and responsive. It really adds to the connection one has with the game they are playing. Sure, I could see some video game developers over-using the controller, but Wii sports and Zelda use it perfectly. The controllers really immerse you in the experience in a very fun way that normal controllers cannot.

I had my nephew and father over this weekend, and we had hours upon hours of fun playing Wii sports. My father even got in on the action - and we are talking about a 59 year old man who hasn't played a video game since Pong. The Wii appeal was so strong for him while watching us play bowling, that he simply couldn't resist. He asked me if he could play - I couldn't believe it! Bravo to Nintendo for reaching a previously untapped market in the console world.

Some (very) minor nitpicks:

I hate the name 'Wii'. I can now utter the word without cringing, but I still think it sucks pretty bad. I think they should have stuck with 'Revolution' because that word better defines what the 'Wii' is about.

As for the emulation, I guess it is neat that they included it, but I could honestly care less one way or the other. I also think that the virtual games are horridly over-priced. If they were priced at $1 to $3 dollars, then I would probably be interested, and purchase a few of the virtual games just for giggles.

The speakers on the Wiimotes are crap, but I suppose they do add a little bit to the experience - it is kind of neat to hear the "swoosh" of the tennis racket or baseball bat when you swing them. Or the 'clang' of Link's Sword in Zelda.

I don't trust the wrsit lanyard that comes with the Wiimotes. As such, I made my own Lanyards out of Paracord which is rated at a 500lb+ breaking strength. I can't imagine why some people feel the need to swing the Wiimotes with Gorilla-like strength because that really isn't needed. The Wiimotes are quite responsive, and you only need to make modest gestures with them to throw a 93MPH fast ball, or knock down 91 pins for a strike in the super-bowling game. With that said, I am still hedging my bets that some drunk idiot will still lose their grip in an attempt to 'accidentally' throw a Wiimote through my 60 inch HDTV - Hence the Paracord wrist lanyards. I would also suggest a Wii 'controller glove' which is made of silicone and is very "grippy".

Also, I would say that people who want Wii mutli-player action had better be sure to have a large enough room for everyone to fit into. I have quite a large living room area where my HDTV is located, and at times even with just two people playing, the potential was there for someone to bump into, or accidentally backhand one another.

Granted, the Wii graphics aren't next-gen, but Zelda looks very nice to my eyes, running in 480P 16:9 through the Wii Component cable and into my HDTV. As a matter of fact, I am quite impressed with the Graphics so far, especially considering the fact that 480P is the best the Wii does. But being an avid gamer for close to 30 years now, I can certainly say that it isn't about the graphics as much as about how fun the game is to play, and the Wii has plenty of fun to go around.

I think any self-respecting "hardcore gamer" would certainly own a Wii, but would of corse supplement it with an Xbox 360 and/or PS3 - at least, that is my plan. As to which console I will be adding in addition to the Wii: it is yet to be determined, and I can't mention which factor will decide it for me here on the message board, since it probably violates one of Head-Fis rules. So far I am leaning toward and Xbox 360 - I will see what the near future holds.

I have played games on both the Xbox 360 and PS3, and the graphics are beautiful, but that was about all I was impressed with, especially when compared to the amount of fun I have had with the Wii. Xbox 360 and PS3 = games I have played a billion times in the past, except now they look prettier. Wii = a new experience for me that makes playing video games fresh, and has renewed the fun factor and immersion in console gaming.

Nintendo has a winner with the Wii. I think they will give the PS3 and Xbox360 a run for their money (especially this holiday season). Whether or not the Wii will have the staying power to achieve and maintain the coveted top position in the console world is yet to be seen.

If you want to take an already rockin' party, and crank it up to the next level, you pull out your Wii
. Watch as the Wii tears the roof off the place with people having an unhealthy amount of fun. The only game that has achieved this for me other than Wii sports has been Guitar Hero 1 and 2.

If you want pretty graphics, deeper and possibly more invloved gameplay or online play, that uses the same old tried-and-true anti-innovative 'blah' controller scheme, then by all means fire up your Xbox 360 or PS3.

The following video almost perfectly sums up how I feel so far with regard to the Wii versus the PS3:

Warning, PG-13 rated content. If you are offended by a 'hot chick' in small tight shorts and a bikini-top don't bother clicking:

Wii versus PS3

That video is a perfect representation IMO. It clearly demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of both consoles, and proves my point that it would be optimal for the hardcore gamers to have the best of both worlds by owning both a Wii AND a PS3 (or Xbox 360).

That's all the time I have for impressions for now, I have to get back to playing with my Wii.
Dec 3, 2006 at 5:09 PM Post #149 of 169
Great review lmilhan! Can't wait to get one.
Dec 3, 2006 at 5:19 PM Post #150 of 169

Originally Posted by lmilhan /img/forum/go_quote.gif

QFT. I can't wait until school's done so I can get some quality time with my Wii.

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