Niimbus Ultimate Series US4/US4+/US5/US5 Pro Headphone Amps - by Lake People
Aug 5, 2023 at 9:23 AM Post #1,516 of 1,794
Please tell us how Niimbus and gsx-min coexist simultaneously in your system.

My Vio reigns supreme in my stack. Soloist defeated.

Aug 5, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #1,517 of 1,794
Please tell us how Niimbus and gsx-min coexist simultaneously in your system.

My Vio reigns supreme in my stack. Soloist defeated.

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The gsx mini is on another system out at my office and for now - the Niimbus is in my home office on a different rig.
Aug 5, 2023 at 4:38 PM Post #1,518 of 1,794
For anyone interested, I have a very nice condition Niimbus Us4 + for sale if anyone is looking for one. Only selling due to switching to 2 different tubes setups. Already double boxed and ready to go.
Aug 6, 2023 at 7:17 AM Post #1,519 of 1,794
For anyone interested, I have a very nice condition Niimbus Us4 + for sale if anyone is looking for one. Only selling due to switching to 2 different tubes setups. Already double boxed and ready to go.
You had Niimbus and Enleum AMP 23R. Tell us about your impressions, how do they compare with each other on the same headphones?
Is there a clear advantage of one amplifier over another?
Aug 6, 2023 at 10:13 AM Post #1,520 of 1,794
You had Niimbus and Enleum AMP 23R. Tell us about your impressions, how do they compare with each other on the same headphones?
Is there a clear advantage of one amplifier over another?
In my opinion, the Enleum is the superior amp, but only for Susvara. I would argue it's worth the price just to hear it with those headphones. Enleum is super crisp, detailed, and doesn't add anything that isn't there.

Niimbus is very different. Just as powerful, but is slightly more relaxed in it's presentation. Where the Enleum yells at you, the Niimbus suggests.

Bass: Enleum is cleaner, Niimbus is more fun and musical.

Treble: Enleum can be sharper, but is still very well controlled. Might be an issue with a hotter sounding dac or preamp. Niimbus has no real issues, except the treble is not as forward as Enleum. Again, super clear, but more relaxed and fun.

Mids: Pretty much a tie. Again the Enleum is more crisp, the Niimbus more relaxed.

Lows: See above. I would say that the Enleum doesn't have the extended bass the way the Niimbus has, and that can make it more tiring to listen to for long periods of time. Enleum is the more accurate and resolving amp, but it can wear on you. I never listened to the Enleum for more than a few hours whereas I could listen to the Niimbus all day.

Both are fantastic, it just depends on what sound signature you like. I've never heard an amp as clean as the Enleum before, I can't overstate that enough, it truly is impressive. And some people would think the Niimbus sounds muddy by comparison, but the Niimbus is just FUN and knows how to boogie. It also sounded more musical to my ears.

Can't go wrong with either. But for reference I sold the Enleum first and kept the Niimbus for longer. Tells you everything you need to know 😉
Aug 6, 2023 at 10:24 AM Post #1,522 of 1,794
What? IMO is oposite, Enelum sound is relaxed, tube like and Niimbus is crisp and focused.
Tried it in two systems. Enleum was definitely sharper to my ears. First was fed by NDX2 and tt2, second was nd555 and dave/Blu.

I'm also not sure if it's a direct fair comparison, as Enleum can only do rca in, and single ended out, while Niimbus can do xlr in and xlr out. A minor note, but worth including.
Aug 9, 2023 at 1:49 PM Post #1,523 of 1,794
Tried it in two systems. Enleum was definitely sharper to my ears. First was fed by NDX2 and tt2, second was nd555 and dave/Blu.

I'm also not sure if it's a direct fair comparison, as Enleum can only do rca in, and single ended out, while Niimbus can do xlr in and xlr out. A minor note, but worth including.
So the Enleum is the better amp for the Susvara. Good to know :).
Aug 9, 2023 at 2:16 PM Post #1,524 of 1,794
So the Enleum is the better amp for the Susvara. Good to know :).
All day and twice on Sunday. I literally almost kept that amp just for those headphones.


Also, they had slightly different configurations. Niimbus was running cardas clear xlr with audioquest hurricane power, and Enleum was running transparent ultra rca with transparent reference power.
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Aug 13, 2023 at 3:13 PM Post #1,527 of 1,794
Does anyone know why activating the "-6" and "-12" dip switches at the same time gives a gain of "-15"?
For all Violectric products, the use of dip switches always gives an arithmetic sum. In Niimbus, the total negative gain is considered differently.
Who managed to unravel this phenomenon?

If the total negative gain in the instruction is considered true, then Niimbus has one undeclared gain value.
"+9 dB" - the value at which all dip switches are in the "on" position.
This feature gives the device additional flexibility and the ability to fine-tune your system.
Aug 21, 2023 at 2:40 PM Post #1,529 of 1,794
Another great synergy is Erzetich Charybdis, TOTL SQ for amazing price/performance ratio m
Aug 23, 2023 at 12:30 PM Post #1,530 of 1,794
Among the owners of Niimbus there are those who switched to it from Vio 550?

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