NHL Playoffs Thread
Jun 20, 2006 at 3:34 AM Post #226 of 234
was no one else watching the second period? that was one of the most boring periods of hockey the entire playoffs!
Jun 20, 2006 at 4:05 AM Post #227 of 234

Originally Posted by RedLeader
was no one else watching the second period? that was one of the most boring periods of hockey the entire playoffs!

Go and buy a kilo of sugar, It might take some of the bitterness out of you

Come on the Oilers did step it up in the third period. At least they didn't completely roll over.

J-Pak>The funny thing is, it's not a Canadian sport. It was made popular by Canadians for sure, but it was actually devised by an Englishman. He was the Governor general. The cup is named after him. But his title was Lord Stanley of Preston.
Jun 20, 2006 at 3:59 PM Post #229 of 234

Originally Posted by J-Pak
Why are Canadians so bitter about Americans and hockey? I get the same vibe fromt the Canadian crowd at my med school.

It may not have been "invented" by a Canadian (like that matters, an englishman invented it (maybe) and look at the UK national team... oh wait... Same goes with B-Ball, a Canadian invented it and we never play it) but it is one of our national games. It is a national past time, and part of our identity.
Most of us grew up playing it, and watching our favourite Canadians play for national pride against the USSR (Our cold war) and in the Olympics/Canada Cup. When Edmonton got into the finals, Canadians everywhere were pulling for them because we all love the game. Other than some isolated pockets in the US, you just dont care about the game. It's rated 10th in sports TV viewership because no one is interested. But for some reason the NHL sees that as a reason to try and somehow get you guys interested, when back here in Canada we already have a nation that loves it that gets ignored and taken for granted.
As a hockey fan I feel jaded about all of the attention that the US gets, simply because there is some more cash there because of the larger markets. With this "new NHL" small market franchises are able to do MUCH better, and that should mean more Canadian teams. Not loosing them like we've had to do in the past. But if someone like Pittsburgh finally goes completely belly-up, will we get the team? Not an ice-rinks chance in hell, it will go to another american market that doesn't care in the slightest.
When Hartford moved to Carolina, there were several Canadian bids that should have won. Instead they moved to Raleigh, where honestly no one really cared. They didn't even have an arena to play at for the first year, they had to play an hour down the road in a little 5,000 seat place. Completely ridiculous, and another example of how the NHL treats Canada. If you look at the NHL all star games, you will notice that 1/3rd of the players are Canadian. Our representation in the NHL by nation is nowhere even close to the 9:1 population ratio that US:Canada has.
I'm sick of it, I say we do the CFL thing and start our own league with strict restrictions on import players. If you want, after we're done our championship our best team can play your best and we'll decide the cup that way. That is perhaps the only way to truly showcase our homegrown talent (Take Carolinas goalie for example...) to people who actually care.
Jun 20, 2006 at 4:23 PM Post #230 of 234

Originally Posted by RedLeader
I'm sick of it, I say we do the CFL thing and start our own league with strict restrictions on import players. If you want, after we're done our championship our best team can play your best and we'll decide the cup that way. That is perhaps the only way to truly showcase our homegrown talent (Take Carolinas goalie for example...) to people who actually care.

Problem is that the CFL players all want to be in the NFL...and I doubt players would leave the NHL which is established to go play in a new league for less money. I don't think any of the players, no matter how patriotic to Canada, would agree with you. I think Carolina winning the cup is good for hockey...I would have liked Edmonton to win also, but no biggie...the Canucks didn't win so I'm indifferent...
Jun 20, 2006 at 8:01 PM Post #231 of 234
I'm not saying it would work, and I know it would never happen but I can dream, can't I? And actually, there are a great many players who love the CFL and wouldn't leave. Money isn't everything my friend. I used to play football, and if I was offered $500,000 to play for Hamilton or $5,000,000 to play for Buffalo, I would play for Hamilton in a heartbeat.
I prefer the play style, I prefer the fans, I prefer the rules, IMO it's a better game. I'm sure there are a bunch of guys who will go where the money is, but I know from talking to a number of long-time CFL guys (Tiger-Cats season ticket holder!) that they never even bothered to try out because they never wanted to play in the US.
Jun 20, 2006 at 8:11 PM Post #232 of 234

Originally Posted by RedLeader
It may not have been "invented" by a Canadian (like that matters, an englishman invented it (maybe) and look at the UK national team... oh wait... Same goes with B-Ball, a Canadian invented it and we never play it) but it is one of our national games. It is a national past time, and part of our identity.
Most of us grew up playing it, and watching our favourite Canadians play for national pride against the USSR (Our cold war) and in the Olympics/Canada Cup. When Edmonton got into the finals, Canadians everywhere were pulling for them because we all love the game. Other than some isolated pockets in the US, you just dont care about the game. It's rated 10th in sports TV viewership because no one is interested. But for some reason the NHL sees that as a reason to try and somehow get you guys interested, when back here in Canada we already have a nation that loves it that gets ignored and taken for granted.
As a hockey fan I feel jaded about all of the attention that the US gets, simply because there is some more cash there because of the larger markets. With this "new NHL" small market franchises are able to do MUCH better, and that should mean more Canadian teams. Not loosing them like we've had to do in the past. But if someone like Pittsburgh finally goes completely belly-up, will we get the team? Not an ice-rinks chance in hell, it will go to another american market that doesn't care in the slightest.
When Hartford moved to Carolina, there were several Canadian bids that should have won. Instead they moved to Raleigh, where honestly no one really cared. They didn't even have an arena to play at for the first year, they had to play an hour down the road in a little 5,000 seat place. Completely ridiculous, and another example of how the NHL treats Canada. If you look at the NHL all star games, you will notice that 1/3rd of the players are Canadian. Our representation in the NHL by nation is nowhere even close to the 9:1 population ratio that US:Canada has.
I'm sick of it, I say we do the CFL thing and start our own league with strict restrictions on import players. If you want, after we're done our championship our best team can play your best and we'll decide the cup that way. That is perhaps the only way to truly showcase our homegrown talent (Take Carolinas goalie for example...) to people who actually care.

Thats pretty childish.

I grew up in Saskatchewan/Edmonton for 7 years of my life and I feel the US has an equal right to enjoy the sport as much as you guys.

Have you ever been to a Carolina game in Carolina? How are you making assumptions about fans you've never met? I'm not a Carolina fan, but I did go to one of their games the season before this one and they are great bunch to be around; very dedicated. Talked to a few of them and many were old Hartford fans that came down to watch the game.

Anyway be glad you're Canadian, you have 6 teams to potentially cheer for everytime you're in the playoffs. As opposed to us dedicated fans that stick to cheering for 1 team.

Jun 21, 2006 at 1:10 AM Post #233 of 234

Originally Posted by RedLeader
I'm sick of it, I say we do the CFL thing and start our own league with strict restrictions on import players.

** cough ** cough ** DougFlutie ** cough ** cough **

Ahh, just jokin'

Canada's talent at hockey is incredible, and it IS indeed sad that the Canadian teams can't often compete for their own talent due to the USD/CAD exchange rate. These last few years have been an exception, but one that may not last.

But I actually like the fact that teams like Tampa Bay and Carolina won. It exposes the excitement of hockey just a little bit more, and maybe a few more fans will be found, and then again next year, etc etc.

But bottom line, this was for me, perhaps the most exciting group of playoff series I've seen in MANY MANY years. Even though my beloved-but-moribound Bruins weren't in it.
Jun 21, 2006 at 4:09 AM Post #234 of 234

Originally Posted by J-Pak
Thats pretty childish.

I grew up in Saskatchewan/Edmonton for 7 years of my life and I feel the US has an equal right to enjoy the sport as much as you guys.

Have you ever been to a Carolina game in Carolina? How are you making assumptions about fans you've never met? I'm not a Carolina fan, but I did go to one of their games the season before this one and they are great bunch to be around; very dedicated. Talked to a few of them and many were old Hartford fans that came down to watch the game.

Anyway be glad you're Canadian, you have 6 teams to potentially cheer for everytime you're in the playoffs. As opposed to us dedicated fans that stick to cheering for 1 team.

How about you read what I've actually said:


Originally Posted by RedLeader
Other than some isolated pockets in the US, you just dont care about the game. It's rated 10th in sports TV viewership because no one is interested."

Never said americans don't "deserve" to enjoy the game. I don't believe I ever said anything of the like. My point was that by and large the US doesn't care. Yes, I do know alot of Americans, I have many relatives there and my dad is one. Other than my dad who moved here when he was 14, no one has the slightest interest. They are more into leagues such as the NFL.

Now, if the NFL decided to try and expand into Canada (wouldn't work anywhere other than TO, but thats another conversation) and started moving established franchises and screwing over US tv deals and the like, do you think NFL fans would be happy? Not by a long shot, they would be annoyed that the loyal fans were being ignored and taken for granted all in the name of questionable expansion. That's another point, 30 teams is too much. They want to improve the game? Knock off 6 teams that are barely surviving in uncaring US markets and better the talent pool. Cut it to 6 playoff spots per conference and you're good to go.
And really... I have my favourites (TO/Ed) and am not a bandwagon jumper as you seem to imply. Thats pretty childish...

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