New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000
Dec 19, 2021 at 3:44 AM Post #9,091 of 9,436
Hi guys,

Does anyone have an A&K SP1000M? I would like to know if this DAP is noiseless with the Solaris 2020?(Completely dark background)
I have solaris og. And at least on sp1000 (3.5) no hiss.
Dec 26, 2021 at 11:25 AM Post #9,093 of 9,436
Well, after 4+ years I am replacing my SP1K with a 2000T. It should be here next week (I hate waiting but I purchased it from a retailer that allows for returns so am willing to give up super-fast shipping). After reading reviews and specs, and asking some reviewers more precise questions, I decided to go for it. I'll be putting my SP1000 with lots of extras up for sale (assuming the 2000T is all it is supposed to be). I have a Zeus XR/PWA 1960 2-wire and am looking forward to seeing (well, hearing) what it will do with all of the T's modes and filters.

If you are in the market for a near-mint SP1K with multiple leather cases + a very expensive and hard-to-get VanNuys leather belt case, drop me a pm or watch this space.
Dec 26, 2021 at 7:12 PM Post #9,094 of 9,436
Well, after 4+ years I am replacing my SP1K with a 2000T.
Looking forward to hearing your impressions - the 4.4mm jack is what is driving my interest in upgrading, but not interested if it’s not an upgrade in sound.
Dec 28, 2021 at 5:24 AM Post #9,095 of 9,436
Just a quick follow-up: I've rolled back to v1.52 and the problem is gone (and so are all the nice new features and roon support of course :)): But, most importantly, sound signature is "back to normal". To me, this somehow confirms that it appears to be a problem that has been introduced with the "DAC filters selection" feature.
Hi Rosci, may I know how you could roll back to older firmware? I have the 1000M Gold stuck at 1.65CN firmware and this muffed sound has been bugging me forever. I use the device much less because of this bug because I needed to reset DAC filter every time I load a song. I hope you can help. Thanks.
Jan 9, 2022 at 3:44 AM Post #9,096 of 9,436
Hi Rosci, may I know how you could roll back to older firmware? I have the 1000M Gold stuck at 1.65CN firmware and this muffed sound has been bugging me forever. I use the device much less because of this bug because I needed to reset DAC filter every time I load a song. I hope you can help. Thanks.
Not only roll back old fw, you can also install Chrome, Email... onto it.
Some app below sticking me to old fw: Netflix, SoundID(Sonarwork TruFi), UAPP, NeutronMp, Samsung internet.
Install and upgrade apps via APKPure app. No cable, no copy paste...
If you own a fw file for your dap, PM me.
Jan 12, 2022 at 11:32 AM Post #9,097 of 9,436
Jan 15, 2022 at 11:30 AM Post #9,098 of 9,436 I look a DAP device that would pair well with my Final Audio Sonorous X, this apparently does quite well according to one prestigious review. However, last time I checked A & K even today *refuses* to support ISO files (which nearly my original SACD entire collection has been carefully cultivated as).

I know Fiio in particular held out for the longest time but finally relented...but is that still the the case with A & K? If so, it's a no-go even in 2022 which is just ridiculous at the prices they're charging. Why didn't they just stay "lowely" Iriver?
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Jan 15, 2022 at 1:19 PM Post #9,099 of 9,436
The SP1000 supports a wide variety of audio formats including WAV, FLAC, WMA, MP3, OGG, APE, AAC, ALAC, AIFF, DFF, DSF, as well as native DSD. The player is equipped with dual AKM AK4497EQ chips, which provide a playback resolution up to 32-bit / 384 kHz and native DSD playback of DSD256 (1-bit / 11.2 MHz). It also plays MQA.

The SP2000 plays MP3, FLAC, WAV, ALAC, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, AIFF, WMA, DFF, DSF, and MQA file formats

When I had ISOs, I simply converted them to DFF/DSF (I forget which, I stopped playing DSD-type files years ago). If AK doesn't offer the features you need, there are so many other brands that it shouldn't be hard for you to find one that does offer what you need. AK prices are their prices, they sell lots of devices at their price points, and the exclusion of an ability to play ISO files doesn't seem to affect their sales.
Jan 15, 2022 at 1:29 PM Post #9,100 of 9,436 I look a DAP device that would pair well with my Final Audio Sonorous X, this apparently does quite well according to one prestigious review. However, last time I checked A & K even today *refuses* to support ISO files (which nearly my original SACD entire collection has been carefully cultivated as).

I know Fiio in particular held out for the longest time but finally relented...but is that still the the case with A & K? If so, it's a no-go even in 2022 which is just ridiculous at the prices they're charging. Why didn't they just stay "lowely" Iriver?
I have a Final Audio Sonorous 6, the player is AK SE100, SR15.
I like with SR15 more, it is more musical, not so dry as in SE100.
Jan 16, 2022 at 9:49 AM Post #9,104 of 9,436
Jan 17, 2022 at 11:59 AM Post #9,105 of 9,436
When I had ISOs, I simply converted them to DFF/DSF (I forget which, I stopped playing DSD-type files years ago). If AK doesn't offer the features you need, there are so many other brands that it shouldn't be hard for you to find one that does offer what you need. AK prices are their prices, they sell lots of devices at their price points, and the exclusion of an ability to play ISO files doesn't seem to affect their sales.

I can't/not going to do that for 500GB of ISO files on my SD card I pulled off my original discs using Oppo extractor. Looks like it's going to be the also potent Fiio M17 for me then. Before deciding I was just checking to see if AK still held that shortsighted & archaic stance in 2022 (you can download them directly from record labels such as (attached) Pentatone Music for quite some time it's not exactly an underground format any more).

I should take bets to when AK will finally relent and offer it :)



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