New telephone sales hysteria on TV
Jul 11, 2008 at 2:15 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 29


Headphoneus Supremus
Jun 14, 2005
Watching TV, it appears a newer model of the iphone is out today. Am I the only person who thinks it's all a little nuts, with people queueing up for days, and whooping and high fiving sales staff, for a phone.

I think the last time I bought somehting the day it came out, was a playstation, and there was no whooping and high fiving, just an exchange of cash and then some heavy duty ridge racer and tekken sessions.

So when did it all change? I don't use a phone that much so obviously I'm not the tatget market, but the seemingly false sense of acheivement these stores are imparing on the customers seems odd to me. Staff applauding customers - what's that all about?

That's not to say I don't think the iphone itself is an impressive bit of kit, but is it worth $2000 or so over 2 years, when my phone costs me $10 a month - not to me.

So anyway, who's getting one, and if you already got one, was it all that exciting?

Just wondering?


I mean, what? high fives and applause for buying a phone? What's their acheivement?.. way too much of this "you're special" mentality going on here.

Meh maybe i'm just being grumpy.. work conference calls suck
"shh don't tell anyone" I should be working...
Jul 11, 2008 at 2:27 PM Post #2 of 29
Just to share with you another masterpiece of Apple marketing:


The guy who came first in the Hong Kong queue has been given and instructed to put on this T-shirt. (If you look closer you can see the word has a dim reflection, much like icons on an OSX Leopard dock) Brillant Apple! Sure hit the nerve of the emotionally immature and insecure youth demographic.
Jul 11, 2008 at 2:55 PM Post #3 of 29
I've never really understood the phenomena, and the way apple markets gives me no reason to do them any favors.

That said, it's a good UI, but I wouldn't pay 50$ for an iphone... seeing as my existing blackberry doesn't get used save making phonecalls and reading emails.
Jul 11, 2008 at 2:56 PM Post #4 of 29
People get suckered into the hype. Plain and simple. A lot of people are in for a big shock when the realize how much this thing is actually going to cost them. The only things I sometimes buy on the day they come out are CDs, but I certainly don't line up overnight for them.
Jul 11, 2008 at 4:00 PM Post #5 of 29
My wife and I were discussing this very thing last night after the news. Just amazing what people will do to get the latest and greatest. Is this need simply a matter of ego or are they afflicted with some sort of mania that dictates they have the most current technology? I would be interested to know if these same people are early adopters of any and all technology or if they always have to watch a movie on opening night, etc.

Perhaps several years down the road, they will have identified some gene that's responsible for this behavior.
Jul 11, 2008 at 4:56 PM Post #7 of 29
Firstly.. I have no comment on people having the glory of saying (or something along the lines) "I'm first, in your face!". It's absolute stupidity UNLESS it's a limited edition.
Secondly... The iPhone's specs and functions are still far from being called worthy of its price and hype.

Apple is the next Sony. That's all I can say..

I'm waiting for Android
Jul 11, 2008 at 5:23 PM Post #8 of 29

Is this need simply a matter of ego or are they afflicted with some sort of mania that dictates they have the most current technology?

I would think it's pretty much a matter of ego by getting it first. These people probably can't wait to rush home and show all their friends their new toy. Unfortunately, it appears Apple is having an activation issue again.
Jul 11, 2008 at 5:28 PM Post #9 of 29

Originally Posted by zotjen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would think it's pretty much a matter of ego by getting it first. These people probably can't wait to rush home and show all their friends their new toy. Unfortunately, it appears Apple is having an activation issue again.

They always have issues. Lol.

As the saying goes,
"People these days..."
Jul 11, 2008 at 6:00 PM Post #10 of 29
Yup, I'm amazed that in some cities people are willing to wait days in advance to be the first to get their hands on a iphone. Like craiglester, the last item I actually waited in line for at launch date was the Playstation II. I was on the pre-order list and waited in line for two hours for the pre-order pick ups. There were no hype or celebration upon receiving my unit. Just picked it up and went straight home.
Jul 11, 2008 at 6:34 PM Post #11 of 29
First off, I will be getting an iPhone in a month or two. Would never wait in line though, it's a bit too much worshipping on a product. I would argue though that the mentality of owning an iPhone or anything considered "hi-end" isn't far off from buying audio gear. Almost everyone in here like to show off what they have and look down upon the peoples using the packaged earbuds and 128kbps music.

But, the iPhone is a game changer. Even if you'll never own one, it will have a big influence on competing phones.
Jul 11, 2008 at 6:38 PM Post #12 of 29
Heh, playstation II? mine was a playstation (Mk1).

Maybe they should have put some of the back slapping staff on duty monitoring the Activation servers..
Jul 11, 2008 at 8:03 PM Post #14 of 29
I went by the Apple Store this morning with my brother-in-law. We went mostly because there would be free t-shirts and possibly food. But the line was more than we expected, so we left.

Why the hate? I've picked up Apple products on the first day many times. I know it's marketing, but it is fun to talk with the other people and I like the shirts. Trying to lord this over others isn't a factor. Hell, anyone can show up. It's not like some snotty nightclub. And a $200 item is hardly exclusive.

Having had an iPhone for a year now, I can say that it is the most useful electronic device I've ever owned. I use it for at least a few hours every day and haven't had any problems. I could use the GPS and 3G, so the new one makes sense. Also, I want to give my current iPhone to my father - he could use one.

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