NEW Sony Walkman Z Series mini review!!!
Jun 3, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #1,936 of 4,019
It seems that most of the Z owners on this thread are only capable of posting demeaning and derogatory remarks on other products as well as on other members.

Most WM-Z owners that I have seen are very happy with their purchases and are more than happy to help, advise or recommend other Head-Fi'ers how to buy, amp and assist in any way they can. I more than most have had problems with the WM-Z (my own doing) but the help I have received along the way has been first rate and that is what I see this thread for.... help.
I do not go into other threads/discussions slagging off other people's purchases nor do I search the internet looking for information/data with the sole purpose of demeaning a particular device... apparrent intelligent people come into this thread with 'data' then go on to make assumptions that the device is 'crippled', if you dispute their view you are then deemed as unintelligent because you have dared to challenge them and they go on to call you 'fan-boys', they will then take a hi-brow stance where no matter what you say is completely & utterly ignored because they have some data that makes them academically superior to the actual people who own or have spent quality time listening to their device.
I had an unfortunate email from an Administrator yesterday warning me of my conduct, now I don't really have any defence to what I said but I am not just going to sit here and take someone slating something what I consider to be a good investment and then call me & other Head-Fi'ers unintelligent and the ilk especially when they haven't even heard or owned the product to physically judge it.
In my time on Head-Fi it has been very rewarding for the right reasons and for the most I consider that I have helped many people but the last few days I have allowed myself to be drawn into a debate that was pretty senseless... for that I will say sorry to my fellow & potential WM-Z owners plus Currawong for bringing trouble to what is an informative thread... I won't be posting much anymore as I'd probably only be drawn into some pointless debate with some ultra-intelligent academic and that is not what I joined this site for.
ps... UEL has been very helpful to me in the past and my post is in no way aimed at him... his statement was a good starting point to what I wanted to say.
Jun 3, 2012 at 10:09 AM Post #1,937 of 4,019
IMHO, if this thread continues it's path, it's better off locked - which will benefit no one. My interpretation of this thread in the past few pages is that the loudest speakers are more engrossed own owning this thread and kicking others out than about the talking about the product itself. This thread has started off as a review's not a "fan thread", not a "troll thread", and it's definitely not about "my opinion is better than yours" thread. Let's stick to the topic and talk about the product so others (current and potential owners) can learn.

Jun 3, 2012 at 10:14 AM Post #1,938 of 4,019
IMHO, if this thread continues it's path, it's better off locked - which will benefit no one. My interpretation of this thread in the past few pages is that the loudest speakers are more engrossed own owning this thread and kicking others out than about the talking about the product itself. This thread has started off as a review's not a "fan thread", not a "troll thread", and it's definitely not about "my opinion is better than yours" thread. Let's stick to the topic and talk about the product so others (current and potential owners) can learn.

I completely agree with you and hope it does just that.
Jun 3, 2012 at 10:17 AM Post #1,939 of 4,019
Most WM-Z owners that I have seen are very happy with their purchases and are more than happy to help, advise or recommend other Head-Fi'ers how to buy, amp and assist in any way they can. I more than most have had problems with the WM-Z (my own doing) but the help I have received along the way has been first rate and that is what I see this thread for.... help.
I do not go into other threads/discussions slagging off other people's purchases nor do I search the internet looking for information/data with the sole purpose of demeaning a particular device... apparrent intelligent people come into this thread with 'data' then go on to make assumptions that the device is 'crippled', if you dispute their view you are then deemed as unintelligent because you have dared to challenge them and they go on to call you 'fan-boys', they will then take a hi-brow stance where no matter what you say is completely & utterly ignored because they have some data that makes them academically superior to the actual people who own or have spent quality time listening to their device.
I had an unfortunate email from an Administrator yesterday warning me of my conduct, now I don't really have any defence to what I said but I am not just going to sit here and take someone slating something what I consider to be a good investment and then call me & other Head-Fi'ers unintelligent and the ilk especially when they haven't even heard the product to physically judge it.
In my time on Head-Fi it has been very rewarding for the right reasons and for the most I consider that I have helped many people but the last few days I have allowed myself to be drawn into a debate that was pretty senseless... for that I will say sorry to my fellow & potential WM-Z owners plus Currawong for bringing trouble to what is an informative thread... I won't be posting much anymore as I'd probably only be drawn into some pointless debate with some ultra-intelligent academic and that is not what I joined this site for.

I got to agree with this statement. The Z owners aren't really rude, is just that when someone tries to provide technical information about frequency charts and such, without actually hearing the device in the first place, it really doesn't make sense. I mean, I wouldn't rant on something with just some reviews or frequency charts I have recently read, but only if I tried it out first-hand. These antis could often be kinder with their words, using sentences like "This frequency chart says bad about the Z, but I have not heard it first-hand, so I can't really comment". Something like this would have made the argument much better. 
Jun 3, 2012 at 10:39 AM Post #1,940 of 4,019
Well, I'll be honest... if my Xperia sounded as good as my Z, I'd not have a need for the Z.  Plus it plays games wonderfully... and almost negates the point of my Vita.

I'd buy the next one... if it came with a Tegra 3 and 1024x600 or higher res. ..and might as well through in better than Z audio (or as good would work too).
Jun 3, 2012 at 11:09 AM Post #1,941 of 4,019
Well, I'll be honest... if my Xperia sounded as good as my Z, I'd not have a need for the Z.  Plus it plays games wonderfully... and almost negates the point of my Vita.

I'd buy the next one... if it came with a Tegra 3 and 1024x600 or higher res. ..and might as well through in better than Z audio (or as good would work too).

Nice! Unfortunately it was a failure though... 
Jun 3, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #1,942 of 4,019
Nice! Unfortunately it was a failure though... 

, Agreed.  Had it for were using it for games since company gave me an iPhone 4s for work (which I like the audio even less than my iPlods).
Jun 3, 2012 at 1:50 PM Post #1,944 of 4,019
I thought most kids use an iPhone to play games xD 

lol... not in my house... we have Android up the Wazoo... my love for all things iOS has been falling to the wayside... 
Jun 3, 2012 at 3:51 PM Post #1,945 of 4,019
Hmm, about the flashing lock screen, I did not encounter any case or anything similar. But I do have other problems with the stock players, which led me to use other music application instead of the stock music player. Well, I dare to say that the stock music application isn't really stable(causing lots of problem), such as
1) Lagging lock screen
2) Songs unable to play due to error (Weird, as it plays perfectly on PowerAmp)
3) Made my Z Walkman crash and have to reset in order to play music again
4) Random pause on on track, even with the screen lock
5) More lag issues
Hence, I did move on to other music player like Neutron, Player and PowerAmp and I'm surprised they sounds differently. About the headphones sounding different, it is known that Z Walkman is quite picky on headphones/IEM/earphones(Well, at least at the other forum). Which I sort of agree; my UM3X doesn't sound very nice with it, unless I heavily EQ it.
And no to your question. The player software won't conflict with each other, example...
When I use PowerAmp to play music, then I switch to the stock player (While PowerAmp is still playing), the stock player will stop the PowerAmp before it starts playing their own songs and vice versa.
Apologize for my bad English.

1) I get the lagging lock screen occasionally.
2 &3) Not had this issue at all, that is weird, What is the source (cd or downloads?) and files format do you use and which media player do you use to transfer music to the Z?
I have tried Atrac, AAC and WAV and have used SonicStage, Media Go, DB Poweramp, WMP12 and now Sony X app and not had that problem. 
4) By random pause do you mean a brief 1 second skip in the music? If so I have heard this a couple of times myself but have not investigated it yet as it has only happened a couple of times but this could be either the rip settings if from cd's could be set to fast allowing errors or if anything like Sonicstage used to be this happened because other programs where open and every time I wanted to transfer music using SS to the Walkman I had to close al other programs and leave the laptop alone whilst it done it's thing. 
I only have a pair of MDR-Z1000's headphones and the JH16's which both sound good on the Z so do not know if they are picky or not myself but just meant really how different the MDR-Z cans I have sounded with each of those players I tried. 
I know the players will not conflict because one will shut down if the other one is started up but wandered more if it is like on a windows o/s where a program can conflict with another one in the background even though it is not running at all maybe?
Nothing wrong with your English....... your English is most probably better than if I tried speaking in whatever you native tongue is my firend ; ) 
I'd love to compile a list of full-size headphones that head-fier's are using with the Z. Perhaps anyone who wishes to participate could PM me (rather than litter the thread) with the model and their opinion as to the volume-level they use for normal listening. Referring to the HO rather than LO.
Also, has anyone used the ATH-ES10 with the Sony?
Thanks in advance.

I'd rather litter this thread with something that is relevant to the Z that may benefit other people who read this later on as opposed to the last few pages rubbish written about nothing so will post here ; )
Have a pair of Sony MDR-Z1000's which at the time I never thought I would end up with the Z Walkman to pair it with but they seemed as if they where designed to match each other by the Sony designers. 
HO volume normal listening is approx 50-60/100 on the scale. These cans sound better at lower volume to me with any source as well as the Z which is a first time I have come across this with a pair of Headphones. 
I primarily got the headphones to go with a nice desktop amp & dac later on to use with my cd player and laptop but have to say I am hooked to listening to the Z with my JH16's currently so the MDR-Z's are not getting as much time at the moment even though they are easy to drive with the Z Walkman. 
Well, it's android, so I'm thinking that's normal. I do find lag in my Japanese Z at times too. 

My first Android system as I had a HTC Windows phone and now currently a crapberry (sorry I mean Blackberry) so have not experienced before this how an Android o/s behaves stability wise.
But thought these sort of issues with android phones in the past that had this sort of issue was because there was not a powerful enough processor but that cannot be the case I would of thought with the Tegra chip in the Z so this is a normal phenomenon with android o/s itself regardless of all the different generation of different versions there have been. 
Thought that was what all that beta stuff was for?
IMHO, if this thread continues it's path, it's better off locked - which will benefit no one. My interpretation of this thread in the past few pages is that the loudest speakers are more engrossed own owning this thread and kicking others out than about the talking about the product itself. This thread has started off as a review's not a "fan thread", not a "troll thread", and it's definitely not about "my opinion is better than yours" thread. Let's stick to the topic and talk about the product so others (current and potential owners) can learn.

Can't believe with an administrator watching and it is still happening, shame, real shame.......
It's not the thread that needs to be locked but the posters who cannot help themselves going around in a baiting merry-go round so when someone reads back these pages one day for some useful information they will just come across pages of mind numbing people who thought they had to have the last say on something which was over spilt milk on a subject which should of been transferred to a separate thread if they wanted that discussion. 
Jun 3, 2012 at 6:19 PM Post #1,946 of 4,019
1) I get the lagging lock screen occasionally.
2 &3) Not had this issue at all, that is weird, What is the source (cd or downloads?) and files format do you use and which media player do you use to transfer music to the Z?
I have tried Atrac, AAC and WAV and have used SonicStage, Media Go, DB Poweramp, WMP12 and now Sony X app and not had that problem. 
4) By random pause do you mean a brief 1 second skip in the music? If so I have heard this a couple of times myself but have not investigated it yet as it has only happened a couple of times but this could be either the rip settings if from cd's could be set to fast allowing errors or if anything like Sonicstage used to be this happened because other programs where open and every time I wanted to transfer music using SS to the Walkman I had to close al other programs and leave the laptop alone whilst it done it's thing. 

the only real lagging I get is with the button at the side... I find it quicker to unlock the screen to change track etc... thing has a mind of its own.
my WM-Z (or the other ones) have never crashed and I've never experienced any type of blip or pause during the track playing, I only use the stock player.
SonicStage causes me problems with my PC conflicting with WMP (I've uninstalled MediaGo).... everything is ok providing I'm only using SS once I try to use WMP that's when the fun starts, programs lock-up, the bloody PC won't shut down and then I have to physically unplug the PC to get things going again.... now I've experienced that, people can take a hike if they want something burned via WMP... Atrac lossless all the way for me.
If I'm transferring music to the WM-Z via SonicStage I walk away too.
I would hasten to add I have a Japanese Z1070 and that creates its own problems with regard to music transfer... mind you there is a bonus to the Z1070 as you have to load album art up onto every track, I would suggest you do this in bed as it's like watching 'sheep jumping over the gate'... saves waking-up cuddling the mouse & keyboard

I have a new issue with my WM-Z and its totally self-inflicted... and no I'm not prepared to discuss it at present because I'm too embarrassed... all I will say is that it could be on its way back to Japan on Thurs if Sony can't sort it out online... I'm crap around PC stuff but the music's still playing on the WM-Z

Lastly, I like the fact that if your using headphones, instead of fiddling around trying to turn it off if someone tries to talk to you just pull-out the 'jack' and it turns off... neat trick that.
Jun 4, 2012 at 8:33 AM Post #1,948 of 4,019
My first Android system as I had a HTC Windows phone and now currently a crapberry (sorry I mean Blackberry) so have not experienced before this how an Android o/s behaves stability wise.
But thought these sort of issues with android phones in the past that had this sort of issue was because there was not a powerful enough processor but that cannot be the case I would of thought with the Tegra chip in the Z so this is a normal phenomenon with android o/s itself regardless of all the different generation of different versions there have been. 
Thought that was what all that beta stuff was for?

(Lol), don't even compare windows phone(I'm thinking you're talking about 7) to Android. The difference in smoothness and speed is just too far apart. My Omnia 7 has a processor that is like 2x slower but feels 2x faster on windows phone 7... 

Whether or not the chip is powerful, Android will always have many lag and crashing problems. It's just like Windows, even quad-core processors can still crash or lag. 
Jun 4, 2012 at 2:29 PM Post #1,949 of 4,019
I would like to add that I've seen a test that shows the line out from the Z series is fantastic, and I'm really wanting my own Z series player now. I'm really craving the 64gb model, but sadly it's Japan only. :frowning2:
And, I'm apologizing now to others in this thread. I wanted bring both sides to the table, not arguments. The Z is a sweet player with pros & cons, like any other. Me, I'm a Sony fanboi - I like ALL the details before I buy. I think I have more than enough info - I need me some Z series Walkman!!!

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