NEW - Schiit Asgard 2
Jul 6, 2014 at 2:19 AM Post #1,801 of 2,741
He was talking about the original Asgard though, so isn't there more of a difference between the Magni and the Asgard 2? I've read every chapter and I was under the impression the Asgard was upgraded because the original sounded so similar to the Magni, but the Asgard 2 was better. 

I agree. I didn't get the point of that post since this is the Asgard 2 thread.
Jul 6, 2014 at 8:51 AM Post #1,802 of 2,741
  He was talking about the original Asgard though, so isn't there more of a difference between the Magni and the Asgard 2? I've read every chapter and I was under the impression the Asgard was upgraded because the original sounded so similar to the Magni, but the Asgard 2 was better. 

I have a suspicion that any improvements in distortion between the original Asgard and the 2 may be inaudible to us carbon units. As a matter of principle I like the low feedback Class A end to end DC coupling design of the A2. I have an Asgard 2 and Magni. I've put both on an A/B switch and compared them with numerous headphones, the HD600 and HE-500 included. Both amps sounded the same. I'll simply commend Schiit for doing a great job on the Magni.
Jul 6, 2014 at 10:09 AM Post #1,803 of 2,741
  I have a suspicion that any improvements in distortion between the original Asgard and the 2 may be inaudible to us carbon units. As a matter of principle I like the low feedback Class A end to end DC coupling design of the A2. I have an Asgard 2 and Magni. I've put both on an A/B switch and compared them with numerous headphones, the HD600 and HE-500 included. Both amps sounded the same. I'll simply commend Schiit for doing a great job on the Magni.

I was under the impression that the Magni was a little brighter.
Jul 6, 2014 at 11:44 AM Post #1,804 of 2,741
I was under the impression that the Magni was a little brighter.

That's part of many people repeating this and convincing others. I've done the A/B check and found them to sound the same. More of us should invest in an A/B switch, it's eye opening.
Jul 6, 2014 at 12:43 PM Post #1,807 of 2,741
That's an unfortunate myth that's been perpetuated here on this site. It is not "bright".

That's common thing when cheaper amps are perceived "brighter" than more expensive brethren.
Jul 7, 2014 at 12:25 AM Post #1,808 of 2,741
One guy claims the Asgard 2 and Magni sounds the same, so it HAS to be true. Even more so because he has an A/B switch! Oh and they measure flat.
I honestly have no clue how anyone could hear the two as sounding the same. Almost no amps ever sound the same to me. I wish they did. No, there is not like a night and day difference usually.
The only time I got a near identical sound was with the Vali and Headroom Micro with the Q701. When switching headphone the results were way different.
Ifi Ican and my Micro Amp are also pretty close in sound. I've found those to be a better all-rounder then the O2, which is supposedly neutral/transparent.
I think the general consensus since the Magni came out is that it's a little thin and bright. Basically still neutral. Doesn't mean it's bad. Perhaps Schiit did some sort of silent update, but probably not. I just have to disagree that they sounded the same. That is all..
I know some have said it's not bright at all and sort of warm. Mine had about zero warmth.
Had the Asgard 1 for years before selling it and it definitely sounded nothing like the Magni. I also had the Asgard 2, but found the Magni to sound better. The Asgard sound is just not for me. I'd have loved it with a DT-880/990 perhaps. Some have said the Asgard(1) has a "warm and analog" sound and I would agree with this. Maybe some hear the Magni just like that. I just can't imagine this! I did like the Asgard 1 with the HD-600 and D2000. It seems almost made for those.
I could easily take 2-3 headphones and get two amps to sound the same. IMO the HD-600 and HD-598 sound nearly identical on every amp without much change. The HD-650 seems to improve a little more when I made gear changes, but it still manages to sound great on almost everything as long as it's fairly neutral.
Comparing amps with an HD-600 is kind of silly actually. What's the point. I often could hear more changes with my old KRKs and DJ100 than the HD-600.
Another BTW, many of the amps i've had sort of changed their tune with different headphones. For example, the Vali was terrible with my HD-650/DJ100, but amazing with the Q701.
My Bravo V2 is also great with the HD-650 but hates the Q701. Same with the O2 mostly. I really don't like that much with the Q701.
Oh yeah, for hearing gear changes I found the DT-880/T90 extremely good for this. The T90 was the only time where I felt the Modi was holding it back a little and that's one amazing DAC for the price. I can't imagine what the T1 or HD-800 is like.
Jul 7, 2014 at 1:03 AM Post #1,810 of 2,741
More than one. I'm on that list as well.

It's quite possible I guess. Not saying you're wrong. Is yours a very early Magni? Mine was.
I think I got it on day 1 of it's release. I kept it for maybe a year and ended up swapping it for an O2.
Maybe there was slight tweaks to it's sound.
Prefer the O2 overall, but think the Modi is better than the ODAC (nearly identical there IMO).
I'm quite fond of the Modi+O2 combo

I just need to find the perfect Schiit amp for both my DJ100, HD-650 and Q701. This has been a real challenge! Guess it's probably the Lyr 2.
BTW I'd say the Magni and O2 are much closer in sound to my ears than the Magni and Asgard.
Wish I could get the Vali + Q701 sound in solid state. Maybe the Lyr 2 gets close to that?
Asgard 2 didn't sound anything like the O2 and I guess that's sometimes a good thing.
Jul 7, 2014 at 6:22 AM Post #1,811 of 2,741
  One guy claims the Asgard 2 and Magni sounds the same, so it HAS to be true. Even more so because he has an A/B switch! Oh and they measure flat.

Make that two guys.
I promise that my imagination did not add or subtract from the sound. I'd rather compare with a switch than go along with treble narrative. If anyone wishes to persist with that, it's fine with me, I provide balance.
Jul 7, 2014 at 10:31 AM Post #1,812 of 2,741
I will have to test the A2 with my soon to arrive HE 560, but with my NAD HP50 I find the soundstage very narrow, but I can't be sure the headphone isn't the main factor with that. Do others find the A2 to have a narrow soundstage?
Jul 7, 2014 at 10:37 AM Post #1,813 of 2,741
Sorry for the newbie question. I tried a search but nothing came up. Posting my question wil save me from reading 1800+ posts. I plan on getting an Asgard 2. Is it alright to leave the A2 amp on 24/7? I understand it is class A and runs pretty warm, with the on/off switch on the back I wont have easy access to it. Thanks for the help in advance...

Jul 7, 2014 at 10:40 AM Post #1,814 of 2,741
Sorry for the newbie question. I tried a search but nothing came up. Posting my question wil save me from reading 1800+ posts. I plan on getting an Asgard 2. Is it alright to leave the A2 amp on 24/7? I understand it is class A and runs pretty warm, with the on/off switch on the back I wont have easy access to it. Thanks for the help in advance...


It's generally OK, but Schiit recommends turning it off for night or any extended period of inactivity. You can leave your DAC on 24/7.
Jul 7, 2014 at 10:53 AM Post #1,815 of 2,741
Sorry for the newbie question. I tried a search but nothing came up. Posting my question wil save me from reading 1800+ posts. I plan on getting an Asgard 2. Is it alright to leave the A2 amp on 24/7? I understand it is class A and runs pretty warm, with the on/off switch on the back I wont have easy access to it. Thanks for the help in advance...


It's power consumption rating is also 30 watts. If I'm not mistaken, the Class A design is running at or near full power all the time. There are much greener amp choices if that is important.

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