New Headphones? Post pictures!
Dec 28, 2004 at 4:17 AM Post #32 of 68
I got cd3000 just before christmas.

Dec 28, 2004 at 4:18 AM Post #33 of 68
I got a pair of Beyer DT250-80 for Christmas.
No pictures at this moment....Soon!
Dec 29, 2004 at 2:46 AM Post #35 of 68
BTW, how do you guys upload bigger pics than 25kb? I had to reduce the pic from 2,016kb. Pics look horrible at 25kb.
Dec 29, 2004 at 3:41 AM Post #37 of 68
Thanks isp. HD650 & ZU Mobious cable.


Great tool. Do I have to suscribe to them, pay them a monthly fee, etc?
How do you keep their service?
Dec 29, 2004 at 5:20 AM Post #41 of 68
Heres the new setup I got for Christmas. I got the HD595's, Apple 20gb G4 iPod with the Simpl A1 amp and Super Mini Moy amp (not pictured)! I really love this entire setup. I use the A1 amp for going to the gym and working out as its the most portable and the Super Mini Moy for when I'm not constantly moving around.

The HD595's sound incredible hooked up to my Audigy 2 sound card!

This picture was taken with my new 7.2megapixle sony digital camera that I got for Christmas too. Yes, I had a VERY good christmas!

Dec 30, 2004 at 11:08 PM Post #43 of 68
Well, having roamed these forums for quite some time I was inspired to get the Shure E3c's off Ebay for xmas. My dad was going to order them 2 weeks before xmas but Paypal said he needed to update his account to get more credit or something. So that took five days. By the time we ordered it there were only 5 days of postal time left till xmas, so my xmas present was late. However, due to xmas being on Saturday and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday were bank holidays so no postage then. And because its Xmas obviously there's going to be lots of post to and from America (I live in England). It was my 18th birthday yesterday as well so I was hoping they'd come on time but they didn't. If they don't arrive tomorrow (Friday) it means I'll also have to wait till TUESDAY for any chance of them arriving. Who knows what after then.

It's not Ebay's fault, it's just very very very bad luck.

Anyway, when they arrive, I shall take a photo, edit this post and put it on here.

Sorry I've wasted post space but I'll make sure I do it.

Dec 31, 2004 at 2:42 AM Post #45 of 68

Originally Posted by sony_man
this may be another of my weird questions but what are so great about these grados that people love so much?

They were designed by "those who shall forever burn in torment" and crafted by the dark hands of Lucifer himself. They're primarily composed of human bones, demon spit, and opium.

Not to mention they're addictive as Hell.

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