New Beyerdynamic T5p 2nd generation
Nov 28, 2016 at 7:55 AM Post #917 of 1,969
  The analytical theory with the T5p.2 continues to gain strength.  The T5p.2 sound good with all sources but the analytical equipment seems to take them to the next level.

I just ordered a Jotunheim , with the DAC, which is supposed to be very analytical. I guess I will find out if that theory is true.

Very interested in knowing how they match up.
Dec 14, 2016 at 4:40 PM Post #918 of 1,969
Hi, I've just bought T5p 2 recently. Using it with Cayin N6/C5 bundle and straight from Mojo. My impressions are following>
The good one: SQ... I owned the original one, so I can compare it only from my memory. Yes, there is a change in tuning, but not so much. Bass is more present, mids are cleaner to me and highs are almost the same, but I must admit I liked the shimmering highs more on the first generation of T5p. Separation is better in my oppinion on 2nd gen, also it seems to have a more air between notes. Details - macro & micro - are very good here as well.
The bad ones: for me it's not so comfortable as the first one was. The headband pad was (also) changed on T5p 2nd and now I don't feel it so comfy but I think or hope this is going to change after a time using it more. But the cable noise is horrible and I don't understand how could Beyer underestimate this. I'm very appreciate that it's detachable however when you even move your head the noise of HP cable can distract you from music listening.
Isolation is pretty bad too, but it wasn't good with the original one as well: better than open ones however for closed ones it's only decent; my Alpha Dog isolated more and had less leakage.
Value: hard to say... The new price in Euro is too high for sure. I bought it during the Black Friday for a slightly more than 700€ but I don't feel completely convinced... Even if I'm thinking that this HP is too pricey I like how it sounds. It's more effortless and less fatiqued than the first gen, I think. And I'm sure that with the more capable gear it can go even higher...
Dec 14, 2016 at 11:56 PM Post #919 of 1,969

I just got my Beyer T5p 2nd gens. today too. Running straight from an iPhone they can be cranked up louder than I can stand. Therefore, easy to drive. I'm listening to them as I write this out of my MacBook Pro using the Chord Mojo. No equalization.
I bought these used off eBay but I'm pretty sure they've never been used just by the packaging. They sound new, as in not burned in.
I have had in my mind what another user said about them on this forum recently: lifeless, a sound only Mr. Death would enjoy.
I took that to mean sterile and dark. These are closed cans so they're likely to be a bit darker than open cans, or so I figure anyway. 
I've read comments about them leaking sound and having bad isolation. I'll address all these comments now. 
I'm not sure what that other user was hearing to call them lifeless, but I'm going to assume he was being serious and not just screwing around. I've been trying to catch them being lifeless and only appropriate for Mr. Death. I have found a song or two that don't lend themselves well to these headphones. It was a Moody Blues song and something else that I don't recall but I suspect was recorded poorly. They sound kind of artificial playing that song.  They love Stones songs. These aren't like "fun" cans such as Beats. These are kind of analytical. They're German after all, what else would one expect? I would put the sound on the cooler side instead of the warmer side. Kind of like Sennheisers can be sometimes. A cooler sound than my Grados. I think the person who said they were lifeless believes this to be true and for him/her it is. We all don't like the same things. 
I have been comparing them to my Grado GS1000i, which isn't fair because those have hundreds of hours on them and are as smooth as they come. The GS1000i is one of the most resolving headphones I've ever heard and the T5p is very close to its level of detail retrieval. The GS1000i is more airy, has more depth but I expected that in this comparison. What I don't find in the comparison is any serious lacking in "mood" as I expected I might based on the prior comment. They do fall down somewhat on certain songs but then again, they probably only have the two hours on them that I've put there so far. They need more time.
I'll say this, in some ways the treble seems to extend further than my Grades. On the Diva Dance operatic song, the warbling octave changes way up into the high registers sounded super nice on the T5p. That song sounds superb on the GS1000i too but it was a hair better on the T5p. I'm still liking electronica better on the Grado though, overall.
My purpose in buying the T5p was to listen to music at Starbucks or the library so I need some isolation. Do they isolate perfectly? No. But you have to be listening at pretty loud levels for anyone to notice you. They let in outside sound but not a whole lot. Right now my wife and son are talking in the living room and I have these phones on and I cannot hear them until I take them off. When I put on the Grades I heard them while hearing the music, which is one of the reasons why I'm writing this with the T5ps on my head. I pushed the cushions snug to my head, turned the music up to the point where it began to get uncomfortable and she could hear it, but faintly, she said and she had to come close, like within four feet.
People who claim these "leak badly" possibly have trouble conveying scale in words. A little bit of faint sound escaping might be huge to some people but to others it barely registers. Some people listen to music way too loudly and sound is going to escape at certain decibels no matter what headphone you have. I think there is some leakage due to the pads being shallow, round and maybe not making a super-solid seal all around. You should have no trouble with these in an office, train, even a plane. Compared to my Grados, they hardly leak at all. The Grados let out tons of music and you hear everything outside. 
Dec 15, 2016 at 8:08 AM Post #920 of 1,969
I just got my Beyer T5p 2nd gens. today too. Running straight from an iPhone they can be cranked up louder than I can stand. Therefore, easy to drive. I'm listening to them as I write this out of my MacBook Pro using the Chord Mojo. No equalization.

I bought these used off eBay but I'm pretty sure they've never been used just by the packaging. They sound new, as in not burned in.

I have had in my mind what another user said about them on this forum recently: lifeless, a sound only Mr. Death would enjoy.

I took that to mean sterile and dark. These are closed cans so they're likely to be a bit darker than open cans, or so I figure anyway. 

I've read comments about them leaking sound and having bad isolation. I'll address all these comments now. 

I'm not sure what that other user was hearing to call them lifeless, but I'm going to assume he was being serious and not just screwing around. I've been trying to catch them being lifeless and only appropriate for Mr. Death. I have found a song or two that don't lend themselves well to these headphones. It was a Moody Blues song and something else that I don't recall but I suspect was recorded poorly. They sound kind of artificial playing that song.  They love Stones songs. These aren't like "fun" cans such as Beats. These are kind of analytical. They're German after all, what else would one expect? I would put the sound on the cooler side instead of the warmer side. Kind of like Sennheisers can be sometimes. A cooler sound than my Grados. I think the person who said they were lifeless believes this to be true and for him/her it is. We all don't like the same things. 

I have been comparing them to my Grado GS1000i, which isn't fair because those have hundreds of hours on them and are as smooth as they come. The GS1000i is one of the most resolving headphones I've ever heard and the T5p is very close to its level of detail retrieval. The GS1000i is more airy, has more depth but I expected that in this comparison. What I don't find in the comparison is any serious lacking in "mood" as I expected I might based on the prior comment. They do fall down somewhat on certain songs but then again, they probably only have the two hours on them that I've put there so far. They need more time.

I'll say this, in some ways the treble seems to extend further than my Grades. On the Diva Dance operatic song, the warbling octave changes way up into the high registers sounded super nice on the T5p. That song sounds superb on the GS1000i too but it was a hair better on the T5p. I'm still liking electronica better on the Grado though, overall.

My purpose in buying the T5p was to listen to music at Starbucks or the library so I need some isolation. Do they isolate perfectly? No. But you have to be listening at pretty loud levels for anyone to notice you. They let in outside sound but not a whole lot. Right now my wife and son are talking in the living room and I have these phones on and I cannot hear them until I take them off. When I put on the Grades I heard them while hearing the music, which is one of the reasons why I'm writing this with the T5ps on my head. I pushed the cushions snug to my head, turned the music up to the point where it began to get uncomfortable and she could hear it, but faintly, she said and she had to come close, like within four feet.

People who claim these "leak badly" possibly have trouble conveying scale in words. A little bit of faint sound escaping might be huge to some people but to others it barely registers. Some people listen to music way too loudly and sound is going to escape at certain decibels no matter what headphone you have. I think there is some leakage due to the pads being shallow, round and maybe not making a super-solid seal all around. You should have no trouble with these in an office, train, even a plane. Compared to my Grados, they hardly leak at all. The Grados let out tons of music and you hear everything outside. 

You compared these to a pair of grados and found them cool?( brighter)?
Dec 15, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #921 of 1,969
Liking electronic on a grade over any other fun tells me immediat there's something wrong with the headphone lol. I was the one that mentioned they were lifeless. I wasn't talking about dynamics or just simply analytical. When it comes to instruments or voices I've found there are two types of headphones, ones that let you feel the instrument and ones that don't. heard and not felt is a description I recently heard someone mention on a different thread. The only two headphones I've ever encountered this issue with is the t5p v2 and the oppo pm-1
Dec 15, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #922 of 1,969
Liking electronic on a grade over any other fun tells me immediat there's something wrong with the headphone lol. I was the one that mentioned they were lifeless. I wasn't talking about dynamics or just simply analytical. When it comes to instruments or voices I've found there are two types of headphones, ones that let you feel the instrument and ones that don't. heard and not felt is a description I recently heard someone mention on a different thread. The only two headphones I've ever encountered this issue with is the t5p v2 and the oppo pm-1

I haven't heard T5Pv2 but I agree with you regarding PM-1. I had Oppo PM-2 (which is identical to PM-1 once you change pads) and it was the most lifeless headphone I've ever heard, even Apple EarPods are better than the lifeless PM-2s.
Dec 15, 2016 at 2:54 PM Post #924 of 1,969
Liking electronic on a grade over any other fun tells me immediat there's something wrong with the headphone lol. I was the one that mentioned they were lifeless. I wasn't talking about dynamics or just simply analytical. When it comes to instruments or voices I've found there are two types of headphones, ones that let you feel the instrument and ones that don't. heard and not felt is a description I recently heard someone mention on a different thread. The only two headphones I've ever encountered this issue with is the t5p v2 and the oppo pm-1

Ah, well that helps me understand what you mean. I'll listen for that. Another way you may thinking about it this is in terms of "realism." That is a very hard nut to crack with any headphone and they all fail to some degree. With the T5p I notice that it does feel artificial on some songs. I think every HP has weak points that are displayed in certain songs or types of sounds. On the flip side, I think this T5p is particularly adept with female voices because opera, Nora Jones and Stevie Nicks sounds really good through them. I don't have enough time with them to really say more at this point because I feel I'd just be delving into some kind of defensive posture or something like that and I'm not trying to defend them, only offer what I think I'm hearing. I'll listen tonight and try to get a judgment on how they make me feel, how the instruments feel instead of how they sound.
Here's one more thing I can say: they're better than Grado RS1e headphones to my ears. The RS1e felt like a dentist drill in my head on anything in the upper mids through the trebles. The T5p handles those upper registers very nicely so that I can enjoy them rather than wincing.
Dec 17, 2016 at 1:42 AM Post #925 of 1,969
The analytical theory with the T5p.2 continues to gain strength.  The T5p.2 sound good with all sources but the analytical equipment seems to take them to the next level.

After having ordered a pair of MrSpeakers Ether C Flow and waited one a half months for the shipment I decided to cancel the order and go for the T5p which I quickly auditioned a few days ago.
I'm going to try them straight out of my Chord Hugo DAC and also with the addition of a good head amp, the Cavalli Liquid Carbon 2.0.
I also bought the Beyerdynamic balanced cable to use with the amp.
Let's see if they live up to my expectations or I will return them to Amazon and look for a different solution...
Dec 19, 2016 at 7:54 AM Post #926 of 1,969
  I'm not sure what that other user was hearing to call them lifeless, but I'm going to assume he was being serious and not just screwing around. I've been trying to catch them being lifeless and only appropriate for Mr. Death. I have found a song or two that don't lend themselves well to these headphones. It was a Moody Blues song and something else that I don't recall but I suspect was recorded poorly. They sound kind of artificial playing that song.  They love Stones songs. These aren't like "fun" cans such as Beats. These are kind of analytical. They're German after all, what else would one expect? I would put the sound on the cooler side instead of the warmer side. Kind of like Sennheisers can be sometimes. A cooler sound than my Grados. I think the person who said they were lifeless believes this to be true and for him/her it is. We all don't like the same things. 

That wasn't me who called them lifeless, however I agree to that kind assessment. When I compare my T5p II directly to my Fostex TH-X00, the Beyers just lack natural warmth, generosity and body, thus sounding lifeless, dry and boring. Unfortunately I don't enjoy them anymore. For critical listening maybe they are good, but not pleasure and enjoyment.
Dec 19, 2016 at 8:36 AM Post #927 of 1,969
That wasn't me who called them lifeless, however I agree to that kind assessment. When I compare my T5p II directly to my Fostex TH-X00, the Beyers just lack natural warmth, generosity and body, thus sounding lifeless, dry and boring. Unfortunately I don't enjoy them anymore. For critical listening maybe they are good, but not pleasure and enjoyment.

I'm glad I bought Fostex TH-610 instead then (I considered buying T5P2 as well). I will get my TH-610s this week (shipped from Deutschland), hopefully I'll like them.
Dec 19, 2016 at 8:54 AM Post #928 of 1,969
I'm glad I bought Fostex TH-610 instead then (I considered buying T5P2 as well). I will get my TH-610s this week (shipped from Deutschland), hopefully I'll like them.

If you like big-hearted, natural, lush and bassy sound signature without midbass bleed and wooliness, you'll surely love them (I haven't heard the TH-610, but TH-X00 are reportedly very similar).
Dec 19, 2016 at 11:18 AM Post #929 of 1,969
That wasn't me who called them lifeless, however I agree to that kind assessment. When I compare my T5p II directly to my Fostex TH-X00, the Beyers just lack natural warmth, generosity and body, thus sounding lifeless, dry and boring. Unfortunately I don't enjoy them anymore. For critical listening maybe they are good, but not pleasure and enjoyment.

I think the T5p.2 is very source dependent.  I haven't heard the Fostex-X00 but I have heard the Fostex TH-600.  The T5p.2's compare favorably to the Fostex on my system.  The T5p.2 don't have as much bass quantity but the bass has more impact.  There is also more detail and better imaging with the T5p.2 vs the Fostex on my system.  On a warmer source, I think the T5p.2's are still good but don't stand out nearly as much as they do on an analytical source.
Dec 19, 2016 at 2:38 PM Post #930 of 1,969
  I think the T5p.2 is very source dependent.  I haven't heard the Fostex-X00 but I have heard the Fostex TH-600.  The T5p.2's compare favorably to the Fostex on my system.  The T5p.2 don't have as much bass quantity but the bass has more impact.  There is also more detail and better imaging with the T5p.2 vs the Fostex on my system.  On a warmer source, I think the T5p.2's are still good but don't stand out nearly as much as they do on an analytical source.

I have mostly used the T5p with my DX80, QP1R, X5 II and AK100 Mk2 DAPs (the first two are pretty powerful) and occasionally with Centrance DACPort HD. It was also tested with Chord Mojo. On all occassions the general dry and cold sound signature didn't change much.

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