New Beyerdynamic Pro X line: DT 700 Pro X and DT 900 Pro X
Apr 3, 2024 at 6:23 AM Post #886 of 908
Just as an update, the 1770s seem to be catching up - I've left music playing through both over last few nights and the initial recessed issues with the 1770s have subsided and it is sounding better. 700s still leading however.

Will continue listening, but 900s are definitely going back - whilst they're very good, I prefer the bass on the 700s/1770s and for the guitar practice, I can hear the unplugged string sounds with the 900s unless I raise the volume levels much higher and that's not sustainable for long periods. Closed back is better for that purpose fyi if anyone considering them for that use case.
Apr 3, 2024 at 6:40 AM Post #887 of 908
So currently, for guitar practice and I think mixing, the 700s do well.

But for music listening, I think 1770s are more engaging but will need to do more listening. The 1770s still have sibilance. Will continue throughout the day.
Apr 3, 2024 at 10:07 AM Post #888 of 908
So currently, for guitar practice and I think mixing, the 700s do well.

But for music listening, I think 1770s are more engaging but will need to do more listening. The 1770s still have sibilance. Will continue throughout the day.
I do think the Tesla drivers are more musical and engaging overall than the Stellar.45 drivers. Though I find both musical and engaging just the Tesla crank it up a notch. Both are obviously Beyers to me but there are some different strengths and weaknesses between the two driver techs.

I found the consumer oriented versions of the Tesla drivers such as the Amiron Home, T1.3/T5.3 I found have less sibilance than the pro ones but they’re also tuned differently. The Tesla drivers are also very system sensitive in regards to treble quality and presentation. I heard the DT 1770 and DT 1990 have very nice treble presentation and also quite unpleasant depending on the system.
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Apr 3, 2024 at 10:34 AM Post #889 of 908
I’m still spending a lot of time with the DT 700 Pro X, figuring out and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses more. I do have them on a headphone stand which has a narrow section for the headband to rest on so using this as a way to help wear down a strip of the middle of the headband padding faster to improve headband comfort and eliminate potential hot spot issues (problem I had with the DT 900 Pro X). If this works out nicely on the headband comfort I’ll consider grabbing the DT 900 Pro X again.

Sonically and ear cup/pad wise this is pretty much what I want from a closed-back. I don’t like pleather pads usually so having some sort of velour or cloth is a big boon and not enough closed-backs have them imho.
Apr 3, 2024 at 1:33 PM Post #890 of 908
It is decided.

I'm keeping the 700 Pro X, both the 900 and 1770 are being returned.

Whilst there are some good things about the 1770, it just sounds weird. I wonder what the outcome would be if the lead engineers who worked on the 700/900, would get a chance to revamp the 1770/1990 series with those Tesla drivers.... Drop have shown it can be done but I haven't heard the 177x.

700 is a great closed back and I highly recommend it over the 770 and the 1770. The 900 is great too, but this will come down to one's use case and preferences for dat bass.
Apr 3, 2024 at 2:06 PM Post #891 of 908
It is decided.

I'm keeping the 700 Pro X, both the 900 and 1770 are being returned.

Whilst there are some good things about the 1770, it just sounds weird. I wonder what the outcome would be if the lead engineers who worked on the 700/900, would get a chance to revamp the 1770/1990 series with those Tesla drivers.... Drop have shown it can be done but I haven't heard the 177x.

700 is a great closed back and I highly recommend it over the 770 and the 1770. The 900 is great too, but this will come down to one's use case and preferences for dat bass.
I thought the DT 1770 was a bit weird too tuning wise, I liked it but wasn’t quite right. The open DT 1990 was much better tuned imho and is the Pro Tesla to get imho. I also like T1.2, T1.3, T5.3, and Amiron Home a lot, but they are following a different target/curve. Haven’t heard the 177X Go either.
Apr 3, 2024 at 2:13 PM Post #892 of 908
I thought the DT 1770 was a bit weird too tuning wise, I liked it but wasn’t quite right. The open DT 1990 was much better tuned imho and is the Pro Tesla to get imho. I also like T1.2, T1.3, T5.3, and Amiron Home a lot, but they are following a different target/curve. Haven’t heard the 177X Go either.

I'm curious to try the stock 1990. I did try it back in 2021 from Custom Cans (before they had the 8K filter mod) and I didn't like it at that time. I would be interested in trying it again as stock with the B pads. It's got a higher treble peak than the 1770, which I found sibilant so would be interesting to see how that fares. I would like to try the 177X though I can't find a measurements comparison between the stock 1770 (velour) vs the 177X (velour).

I had the T1.2 for a time but similar to the 1770 found it odd sounding. I'd put the 1770 over the T1.2 but both just sound weird.
Apr 3, 2024 at 2:17 PM Post #893 of 908
I'm curious to try the stock 1990. I did try it back in 2021 from Custom Cans (before they had the 8K filter mod) and I didn't like it at that time. I would be interested in trying it again as stock with the B pads. It's got a higher treble peak than the 1770, which I found sibilant so would be interesting to see how that fares. I would like to try the 177X though I can't find a measurements comparison between the stock 1770 (velour) vs the 177X (velour).

I had the T1.2 for a time but similar to the 1770 found it odd sounding. I'd put the 1770 over the T1.2 but both just sound weird.
Oh that makes sense. I used the balanced pads with the DT 1990 (uses different drivers than the DT 1770) I didn’t like it with the analytical pads.

The thing about the T1.2 there may be two different sounding variants of it. A brighter leaner sounding one and a warmer bassier one (late production). I prefer the warm sounding ones. But the T1.2 had a bit of resonance in the upper mids which hurt its transparency a problem the Amiron Home (which uses DT 1770 drivers) didn’t have nor did the T1.3 have.

Despite the large bass shelf on the T1.3 it always sounded more “right” to me than the T1.2. I understand a lot of people being put off by Gen 3’s unique tuning but it never sounded odd to me.

Another headphone I’m finding sounds a bit odd from a different manufacturer despite liking it in many ways is the Senn HD 660S2, which sounds a tad strange in the upper mids, which I don’t find the case on the HD 660S/650/600. I don’t dislike it, I actually like the headphone a lot. I only dislike the HD 650 of the HD 6xx line, my favorite is probably the HD 600 of that line, with the S2 being second.
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Apr 14, 2024 at 5:42 PM Post #895 of 908
I guess I know what inspired the designer of the 700 PRO X
Apr 15, 2024 at 12:12 AM Post #896 of 908
Which one would have more bass impact between DT770 Pro 250ohm and DT700 Pro X, when both have the same pads, foam discs and clamping force?
Can't swap pads between the DT 700 Pro X and the DT 770 Pro, different pad mounting mechanisms. The foams can be swapped though. There is a headphone that exists that will answer that quest, the DT 770 Pro X Limited Edition. It has the Stellar.45 drivers in a DT 770 chassis. Though it's drivers venting is a bit different than the DT 700/900 Pro X's but I gather you can put those drivers in as the drivers are easily swappable. Early impressions I read I think indicated the DT 770 Pro X LE has more bass impact than the DT 770 Pro. I haven't heard a DT 770 so can't really say anything about them personally.
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Apr 28, 2024 at 12:48 AM Post #898 of 908
I have really grown to love the DT700 Pro X. Pairing it with the AQ Cobalt is a delight. The sound for me is actually similar to the Meze 109s. Very happy with them. :)
The DT 700 Pro X and the DT 900 Pro X are honestly seriously overlooked headphones. I've become very partial to the DT 900 Pro X recently, may possibly become my favorite more neutrally tuned headphone I have and I have a lot of those.
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Jun 13, 2024 at 4:12 PM Post #899 of 908
I picked these up on a whim from Amazon this week because a friend raves about his Beyers (I think his are 770s, I picked up the 900s) and I was like "oh what the hell, let's see".

Three songs in so far (I've been on a kick of Billie Eilish's new album recently, so threw that on for a first test) and I am beyond impressed. Not just for the far-more-affordable-than-most-of-the-stuff-in-my-signature price of $240, just outright impressed with what I'm hearing, for any price. Nevermind these being by an overwhelming amount the most comfortable headphone pads to ever touch my head.

I guess I've been missing out having never managed to touch a Beyer in the past... 10 years or so of owning "real" headphones, huh?

EDIT: Gave it a go on the rest of Hit Me Hard And Soft, perfect match. Tuning reminded me of... some fusion of Caldera and Verite, honestly. Deftone's White Pony sounds great, though the hi-hats in Digital Bath are *right* on the edge of piercing. Could probably EQ that range down if I cared. Now on to Foo Fighter's The Colour and The Shape, which needs a +5dB bass shelf from the ADI-2 to my ears, but then sounds... almost exactly correct to me. Driver takes this EQ (after RME's preamp compensation of course) like a champ, no distortion. This headphone is nuts.
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