New Audeze LCD3
Dec 23, 2011 at 11:16 PM Post #2,671 of 11,521

It will be interesting to see how the recent batch of LCD-3's sound.  

Wait, what? Now is there like a Rev 2 of the LCD-3's or something?
Dec 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM Post #2,673 of 11,521

Wait, what? Now is there like a Rev 2 of the LCD-3's or something?

No, the Rev.2 LCD-2 was only released to account for the rash of recent failures Audeze had on the Rev.1 LCD-2s.
Dec 24, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #2,675 of 11,521

Well given how many LCD3 returns ive seen, there may very well be an LCD3-R2

There have been a few...but there are always returns with every headphone. Just have a look at the F/S section for all the LCD-2 rev. 2s, HD800s, T1s, SR007s, and D7000s that are up for sale. Your statement makes no sense. Have you even heard them?

Dec 24, 2011 at 11:46 AM Post #2,677 of 11,521

Returns because of driver failure....

Again...there have been  a few with every headphone (including the LCD-2 R.2s). I know of Head-fiers with T1s, HD800s, and D7000s with blown drivers. The issue a few pages back doesn't seem like a driver issue, but rather a loose solder connection as it kept cutting out.
The rates of "issues" on the LCD-3s seem to be in that range. Especially compared to the last batch of LCD-2 rev. 1s just before the change over.
Dec 24, 2011 at 11:56 AM Post #2,678 of 11,521
Whatever the cause, i've had a LCD-3 and driver eventually went dead and never came back, as have alot of ppl here.
I've had a D7000 for a while, no problems.
Whether its a bad batch, general headphone issues, who can tell.
Im just saying, it could very well warrant a R2 as well, if there is a legitimate problems with driver cutouts in general that needs to be addressed, or may have already well been addressed in the latest batch of LCD-3s of which im currently waiting on my return unit.
Dec 24, 2011 at 12:03 PM Post #2,679 of 11,521

Whatever the cause, i've had a LCD-3 and driver eventually went dead and never came back, as have alot of ppl here.
I've had a D7000 for a while, no problems.
Weather its a bad batch, general headphone issues, who can tell.
Im just saying, it could very well warrant a R2 as well, if there is a legitimate problems with driver cutouts in general that needs to be addressed, or may have already well been addressed in the latest batch of LCD-3s of which im current waiting on my return unit.

The "fix" for the LCD-2 r1 driver was to make the r2 driver half the thickness. This would enable the flexible circuit to be well...more flexible. The LCD-3 driver is already 1/6th the thickness of the LCD-2 driver. I've owned 3 pairs of Audeze headphones (LCD-2 r1, LCD-2 r2 and the LCD-3) all without issue. There have been D7000 and T1 owners again that I personally know of that have had one driver blow out on them. Unfortunately crap happens. I can understand your frustration though. I've had a driver blow out on my Ed.8s too.
The driver cutouts again do not seem driver related, but rather a connection issue.
Dec 24, 2011 at 1:39 PM Post #2,680 of 11,521

No, the Rev.2 LCD-2 was only released to account for the rash of recent failures Audeze had on the Rev.1 LCD-2s.

Ah. I see, thanks for the clarification. It seems like Audez'e is always pumping out updates. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw an Audez'e LCD-4 at next years CanJam.
Dec 24, 2011 at 1:52 PM Post #2,681 of 11,521

Dude, seriously?
I'm not saying there is a problem with the driver, im saying, the problem can be anything, and may warrant a revision change.
If audeze finds there is significant enough returns of faulty LCD-3 that they need to address some manufacture process to fix what's causing the headphones to blow out, and decide to call it, LCD-3 Rev 2, so customers know the rev 2 doesn't have the flaw in question, then what's stopping them from doing that? And like i said if there is a widespread problem, it may have already been caught and fixes incorporated into the new batch of LCD-3s.

And i personally dont think the issues is driver related, dont know where you got that impression.
Tightening the lock knots at the rare of the headphones temporarily resolved the issues for some, but ultimately still went dead. I think something there is the problem. In any event, once audeze has it under control, weather its called rev 2 1.1 or plain old LCD3 doesnt matter.
Great response from Audeze thus far all things considered. (As far as im concerned, dont know about the wait times others experienced)
The "fix" for the LCD-2 r1 driver was to make the r2 driver half the thickness. This would enable the flexible circuit to be well...more flexible. The LCD-3 driver is already 1/6th the thickness of the LCD-2 driver. I've owned 3 pairs of Audeze headphones (LCD-2 r1, LCD-2 r2 and the LCD-3) all without issue. There have been D7000 and T1 owners again that I personally know of that have had one driver blow out on them. Unfortunately crap happens. I can understand your frustration though. I've had a driver blow out on my Ed.8s too.
The driver cutouts again do not seem driver related, but rather a connection issue.

Dec 24, 2011 at 1:55 PM Post #2,682 of 11,521

I'm pretty sure what you are describing is the slight "bloom" in the mids that Tyll termed and I think this term is correct.  I heard it right away as well but it never bothered me to a large degree, I described it as resonance early on and the best cure was to break away some of the seal by pulling the pads as far towards the back of the head as possible.  I certainly could imagine someone being particularly senstive to this narrow band.

Could it be just the way the LCD2 "color" its midrange, in a similar way that most Audio Technica headphones have this honky midrange to one degree or another and you simply don't like it in the same way that the ATH's honkiness is intolerable to me? 
Because I have an older pair of LCD2 from last year (fitted with new pads and Silver Dragon v3 cables) and comparing it with the SR-202/SRM-1 at hand I've never noticed any midrange resonance whatsoever. Or perhaps I just lucked out and got a pair with better drivers? 

I'd be hard pressed to call what I've hard in the Audeze's bloom, I think they are two separate things.  Midrange bloom the way I understand it is more of a warm tonal coloration and is not necessarily a bad thing, it is often quite pleasing in fact or at least not that bothersome to me.  Grados have it, Sextetts have it, sure the ATH woodies, many headphones.  Those phones have other problems but I'm not sure the extra midrange warmth is one of them.  The reverb in the Audeze sounds very different from anything I've heard in any other headphone, it sound like the instruments are reflecting off the walls in the studio, in the LCD-2 it was a full on tunnel effect and in the LCD-3 it's more of a light glare over the midrange.  It's sharper than a bloom, bloom suggests richness and smoothness.
Maybe I have a different understanding of it than you, but I can't imagine hearing this and thinking it is a good thing unless you like picturing every artist playing in a cement basement or something because that's what it made me think of with the 2's.  It's not that extreme in the LCD3 of course, in the 3 it is much more benign. 
I'm trying not to make too big a deal of it since these threads can get very dramatic, and this doesn't bother most people so it isn't a big deal, especially in the 3's.  Not something to worry about at all. 
Dec 24, 2011 at 2:07 PM Post #2,683 of 11,521
If mid-range "resonance" is getting in the way of your sound stage with the LCD-2 (and LCD-3 probably), EQ the lower mid-range down slightly. I started to use a very gradual drop from about 150 Hz to 1 kHz, only -1 dB total. You might want to use more, I already loved the tonality. The effect is subtle as expected from a 1 dB difference, but it opens the sound up slightly and appears to move things like bass guitar and low male vocals a little farther back in the sound stage.
Then while I was at it I used a sine wave generator to check for obvious peaks in the sound, found two for me at 6.5 kHz and 12.5 kHz. EQed those down a bit and brought the rest of the upper mid-range and lower treble up a bit. All very small changes, 2 dB max between the lowest and highest point.
Dec 24, 2011 at 2:15 PM Post #2,685 of 11,521
An EQ cannot fix something that's not FR related. 

No, but I expect the "resonance" people were talking about that's ruining soundstage is FR related, unlike the treble resonance.
The sensation that notes are coming right from within the cup. I reduced it by reducing the lower mid-range. It's because it was a little too loud, not (or not just) because of resonance.

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