New 24/192 dac from china-nice!
Feb 19, 2006 at 4:27 PM Post #436 of 1,341
the opa627bp cost a lot more then the dy2000

has anyone compared the sound quality of both



Originally Posted by Sean H
Ah, I see, thanks! Anybody ever find a way to get the DY2000? Can't find a way to get it. If not I'm going for the OPA627.

Feb 19, 2006 at 5:39 PM Post #437 of 1,341

Originally Posted by Comfy
How does the clock upgrade improve the sound?

Can a person with no DIY-skills (me) upgrade the clock later on? How about the headphone amp upgrade? Has anyone here upgraded them by themselves?

I'm tempted to order the basic DAC now (with the DY2000), and catch up with the other upgrades once they get more headphone amp upgrades in stock.

You can install the clock later--very easy.The new clock will give you a little cleaner sound.
Feb 19, 2006 at 5:41 PM Post #438 of 1,341

Originally Posted by Sean H
I think jimmysilvers posted earlier in this thread that he got the headphone amp upgrade after he had already got the DAC and installed it himself. You might sift through this thread and find his post about how the installation went or PM him. From what I have gathered going for the DY2000 or another high quality chip will result in the most noticeable improvement, then the clock and ps upgrades improve some but to a somewhat lesser degree. Everyone should consider getting an IEC adapter and putting a good power cord on th DAC - which Roger was touting earlier in this thread - which should make for a pretty darn noticeable improvement too.

I have the dy 2000 along with all of his upgrades.The fun thing about this dac is being able to try out different opamps.They sure change the sound.I would like to know how the opa627 sounds in this dac.
Feb 20, 2006 at 12:05 AM Post #440 of 1,341
I have never heard of an op amp called DY2000. It must be something else. There are only a few companies that make them for this application, I would guess. Or at least there's only a few companies that would make anything that you would actually want to have in the output stage in a nice DAC. JRC, BB, AD and maybe a few others like LM used in Corda amps or NE in Xin stuff. JRC are usually crap and are found in a lot of Sony stuff and many others I would imagine. I know that certain op amps can sound great or just mediocre depending on how they're powered and the circuit design, etc. However, the BB 627/637 is almost unanimously regarded as one of the great op amps out there.
Feb 20, 2006 at 1:52 AM Post #441 of 1,341
No doubt, and that's why I'm going for the OPA627.
I really liked them a lot in my old PPA. Tried out a whole bunch of AD's and had an LM but the 627 was always the fav. The DY2000 is an elusive bugger. I've done searches and can't find anything. Somebody here, maybe Roger, thougth it must be a AD chip.

This thing is crazy good with the headphone upgrade at a bit over 100 hours now - and outside the headphone upgrade it's all stock. Very airy, open, full, punchy and cohesive now.
Feb 20, 2006 at 6:03 PM Post #442 of 1,341
the opamp used in the zhaolu is opa2604
the best sound is opa627bp
the best buy is ad823an

copied from

Test one: LF 353 Price: £0.40p

This is the op amp that comes supplied with the kit and it really doesn't do the amp much justice sounding shrill, grainy and very "in your face". It is actually very similar sounding to the valves that come supplied with the musical fidelity X-Can V2... on some high notes the LF 353 can produce ear bleeding harshness. Remove this (don't fit it in the first place) and go for something better if you want to hear the amp at its best. 4.5 / 10

Test two: Burr Brown OPA 2604 Price: £2.50

OPA2604 sounded very warm, very laid back and very easy to listen to but slightly veiled in the detail department. "Chocolaty" and "syrupy" though a good easy to listen to Op amp but not my cup of tea as I prefer a greater insight into the mix. Having said that, however, this may just be what the doctor ordered for those who like a laid back, thick, chocolaty, easy going and easy to listen to sound. 6.5 / 10

Test three: Burr Brown OPA 2228 / 2227 Price: £3.00

These chips makes the sound more valve like than the X-Cans ever did if that can possibly make any sense! (I couldn't detect any sonic differences between the 2227 & 222 Melodious, slightly laid back and warm yet it brings out every last bit of detail from a recording. Overall a very nice sound. A kind of hybrid valve and solid state mix which gives the best of both worlds. Nice smooth valve like mids and highs with lovely solid state bass oomph . This is the Op amp for those who prefer a valve like sound but would also like a solid state bottom end delivery. With this Op amp you can have your cake and eat it. 7.5 / 10

Test four: Burr Brown OPA 2132 Price: £4.00

Smooth, highly analytical, warm, uncoloured, laid back yet all detail is present (and then some) Very electrostatic quality to the sound with that super solid state bass underpinning the proceedings without overwhelming them. Start and stops are followed by an inky black silence and the timbre of the drums is very realistic indeed. Something that is very evident with this op amp is it's inherent ability to provide accurate timing which I really do like! There is no bass overhang, the drums start and stop as they should and, as a result, the timing is pretty much spot on. This is like listening to music with a stethoscope with the metronome ticking away in the background but it also adds a touch of valium to make the experience very bearable and extremely enjoyable. 7.5 / 10

Test Five: AD 823 AN (Analogue Devices) Price: £3.00

Without a shadow of a doubt this op amp is the star of the show so far. From the moment I rolled this into the amp I knew it was a winner. It provided very similar results to the OPA 2132 but each component of the sound was treated to an additional air of realism and effortless delivery that was immediately evident. Easy to listen to, easy to pick out every last detail and ever so natural. There was an ethereal quality to the sound that I have only ever heard on high quality loudspeaker based systems. It's hard to put what this op amp does into words but listening to the sound with it on board is as close to headphone heaven I have yet been. 9 / 10

Test Six: AD 712 JN (Analogue Devices) Price: £4.50

A "Very" revealing chip, similar to the AD823 but rougher around the edges. I don't know if the roughness was on the actual recording or if it was attributable to the AD712 but I found this chip gave out "way" too much information for my liking. It is analytical to the point that certain pieces of music can become impossible to listen to, especially bad recordings, it reproduces every last detail / imperfection with microscopic accuracy which, at times, can be detrimental to the overall enjoyment of the music. For those that love a warts and all insight into the music then this is the star of the show but it may not be to everyones liking. 8.5 / 10

Test Seven: Burr Brown OPA 627 BP on Browndog adaptor Price: £28 each (Total £56 for 2 singles) Browndog adaptor £5 Total: £61

Two words sum this chip up........ "absolute class" This is the only single chip in the test (the rest all being duals) and it was necessary to fit two single channel 627's onto a single to dual Browndog adaptor which Adapts two single-channel DIP-8 op-amps to a dual DIP-8 pinout. These 2 single channel op amps absolutely trounced anything that had gone before them in this test..... the width of the soundstage, the clarity and the sheer presence make this my choice of op amp for use in the Chiarra without a shadow of a doubt. The sound is just so "clean", so "natural", so "musical" and so "detailed" with the 627's on board. I said the AD 823 was "as close to headphone heaven I have yet been" The Burr Brown 627 "is" headphone heaven....... absolute class act. 10 / 10
Feb 20, 2006 at 7:03 PM Post #443 of 1,341
Cool, thanks! Very interesting, hadn't seen that before. That's a great resource. I placed an order for an OPA627 just this morning!
Feb 20, 2006 at 11:17 PM Post #444 of 1,341

Originally Posted by Sean H
Cool, thanks! Very interesting, hadn't seen that before. That's a great resource. I placed an order for an OPA627 just this morning!

Let me know what you think of it.Nice read.
Feb 21, 2006 at 6:15 PM Post #445 of 1,341
Did anyone try a set of 627's on a Zhaolu DAC, if possible?
Feb 21, 2006 at 9:23 PM Post #446 of 1,341

Originally Posted by udo
Did anyone try a set of 627's on a Zhaolu DAC, if possible?

I don't think I have seen anyone say they have tried the OPA627 yet. As I posted in a few posts up I ordered one and it should be here tomorrow morning. I'll post some impressions. BTW - it's just the one chip that needs to be changed, the other two chips aligned in the same direction are for the balanced outputs so they don't need to be changed if you are not running balanced.
Feb 21, 2006 at 9:38 PM Post #447 of 1,341

Originally Posted by Sean H
I don't think I have seen anyone say they have tried the OPA627 yet. As I posted in a few posts up I ordered one and it should be here tomorrow morning. I'll post some impressions. BTW - it's just the one chip that needs to be changed, the other two chips aligned in the same direction are for the balanced outputs so they don't need to be changed if you are not running balanced.

Hey Sean, a question for you about opamp rooling...I have a 627 and I tried to change the DY2000? at first the sound was beautiful, more low ends. then a few minutes later it started to sound distorded and now there is no sound at all. I put the DY200 opamp back and I now only get the sound out of teh left chanel. Did I messed it up real bad?
Feb 21, 2006 at 9:56 PM Post #448 of 1,341

Originally Posted by jamesp
Hey Sean, a question for you about opamp rooling...I have a 627 and I tried to change the DY2000? at first the sound was beautiful, more low ends. then a few minutes later it started to sound distorded and now there is no sound at all. I put the DY200 opamp back and I now only get the sound out of teh left chanel. Did I messed it up real bad?

Ouch no kidding? Um, shoot, I don't know. Did you have the chip oriented the same way? I think the 2604 and 627 both have a little square in one corner which I think is "pin 1." Did you note where that sqaure was on the 2604 before removing and then putting the 627 in using the same (pin 1) orientation?
Feb 21, 2006 at 11:23 PM Post #449 of 1,341
let me know what happens with the 627 in teh zhalou! I would love to know!..

as for you losing sound, maybe ask lawrences opinion, or try reversing the 627 in the zhalou.

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