100+ Head-Fier
Probably best to start by describing what I have, and what I'd like to achieve. First thing to note is that I am not an audiophile really (in terms of knowing tech stuff), but I have good ears (although slightly age declined at 62) and certainly very much appreciate great sound.
So apart from my home system, which I'm quite pleased with, my portable sound is:
Shanling M3s DAP with FLAC files
Koss BT540i over ear phones which are usually used with the M3s DAP
Xiaomi Mi 8 Smartphone with MP3 files (which are bottom end gutless, but only 25% of the size)
Xiaomi BT Earbuds which are reasonably good but only if I keep holding them pushed into my head.....
On my PC I run JRiver MC23 with the same FLAC files ripped with dbPowerAmp. For that I use either the Koss BT5401 phones or a Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio 2 BT speaker (which is also used in the woodworking shed with the M3s). JRiver have just announced that they will have an Android version out pretty soon, so I'll jump on that (the app that comes with the phone is rubbish and full of adverts)
For shed use I do have a pair of 3M Worktunes ear muffs (corded) but it has to be said that they are pretty gutless, esp compared to the Koss phones. I will look into getting the drivers replaced.
So, it seems to me that ear buds don't suit my ear canals. I can't get the damn things to stay in! I have noticed this before when I used some Apple buds, and the Xiaomi buds keep falling out, particularly in my right ear. Even fitting sound-blocking ear plugs is not so easy, so I'm figuring that my ear canals must be smaller than usual. As noted above, if I keep the Xiaomi buds pressed in then I get what you'd have to call pretty good bass response, albeit from MP3 files in that case. But as soon as I let go the pressure (i.e. behave relatively normally as I'm walking down to the shops) the bass response falls away dramatically.
This will not do! Are there perhaps smaller profile soft rubber "bits" for ear buds available?
I have been considering getting some balanced IEMs, but the ear bud experience has dissuaded me somewhat. Furthermore, I have read that balanced output has less bass response, even though separation and clarity of instruments is improved. I definitely don't want to lose bass.
On the other hand, as the weather warms up here in Australia, I'm finding that the Koss phones are causing a sweat problem, even though I live in a higher altitude (1017 metres, which is around 3300 feet, and 34° latitude, so about the same latitude as Atlanta GA, or Buenos Aires). Another factor in favour of buds/IEMs is that they are much more brimmed hat friendly, and that is an absolute must here when outdoors (my hairline ain't what it used to be either....).
So, any thoughts from the Brains Trust on this dilemma?
Another question that I have is whether or not a separate amp will be of any use with the M3s/Koss combination. It's plenty loud enough, but when I hook up the M3s to the main sound system in the lounge the volume is significantly below that of playing a CD.
Probably best to start by describing what I have, and what I'd like to achieve. First thing to note is that I am not an audiophile really (in terms of knowing tech stuff), but I have good ears (although slightly age declined at 62) and certainly very much appreciate great sound.
So apart from my home system, which I'm quite pleased with, my portable sound is:
Shanling M3s DAP with FLAC files
Koss BT540i over ear phones which are usually used with the M3s DAP
Xiaomi Mi 8 Smartphone with MP3 files (which are bottom end gutless, but only 25% of the size)
Xiaomi BT Earbuds which are reasonably good but only if I keep holding them pushed into my head.....
On my PC I run JRiver MC23 with the same FLAC files ripped with dbPowerAmp. For that I use either the Koss BT5401 phones or a Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio 2 BT speaker (which is also used in the woodworking shed with the M3s). JRiver have just announced that they will have an Android version out pretty soon, so I'll jump on that (the app that comes with the phone is rubbish and full of adverts)
For shed use I do have a pair of 3M Worktunes ear muffs (corded) but it has to be said that they are pretty gutless, esp compared to the Koss phones. I will look into getting the drivers replaced.
So, it seems to me that ear buds don't suit my ear canals. I can't get the damn things to stay in! I have noticed this before when I used some Apple buds, and the Xiaomi buds keep falling out, particularly in my right ear. Even fitting sound-blocking ear plugs is not so easy, so I'm figuring that my ear canals must be smaller than usual. As noted above, if I keep the Xiaomi buds pressed in then I get what you'd have to call pretty good bass response, albeit from MP3 files in that case. But as soon as I let go the pressure (i.e. behave relatively normally as I'm walking down to the shops) the bass response falls away dramatically.
This will not do! Are there perhaps smaller profile soft rubber "bits" for ear buds available?
I have been considering getting some balanced IEMs, but the ear bud experience has dissuaded me somewhat. Furthermore, I have read that balanced output has less bass response, even though separation and clarity of instruments is improved. I definitely don't want to lose bass.
On the other hand, as the weather warms up here in Australia, I'm finding that the Koss phones are causing a sweat problem, even though I live in a higher altitude (1017 metres, which is around 3300 feet, and 34° latitude, so about the same latitude as Atlanta GA, or Buenos Aires). Another factor in favour of buds/IEMs is that they are much more brimmed hat friendly, and that is an absolute must here when outdoors (my hairline ain't what it used to be either....).
So, any thoughts from the Brains Trust on this dilemma?
Another question that I have is whether or not a separate amp will be of any use with the M3s/Koss combination. It's plenty loud enough, but when I hook up the M3s to the main sound system in the lounge the volume is significantly below that of playing a CD.