Need some Advice: $800 to spend
Dec 15, 2003 at 1:35 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 15


Aug 12, 2003
I can't believe I am making this post.

I feel I know everything imaginable about the headphones on the market right now but I just need some fresh opinions.

Okay, first tell me if this was a good deal (cause I missed it)

Earlier today on ebay there was an Omega I (not 2) plus T1-S amp plus that ED-1 equalizer Stax once made, the setup was used ofcourse, $1500
Good or bad deal, I don't know. I just couldn't bring myself to spend that much money. But if I screwed up tell me!

Next, I want to spend $800 on a headphone plus amp.

I like all types of music really, love the human voice, no heavy metal but you know the usual: some classical, some Pink Floyd (yes they deserve their own catagory), the odd bit of pop/rock but again I listen to whatever is good. Hell it could be jazz next week, who knows.

I hate bright or harsh headphones, I just cannot stand heaphones like the new Grado's (apart from SR-60, comfy pads must limit the bright) Mind you when I tried the HD-600 (stock cable) the recessed treble and lack of edge annoyed me.
I want a balance, (don't we all) But no harsh highs, just can't take it, brightness seems to be magnified because of proximity.

I worry that stax like the 3030 are harsh on some recordings, I have heard people say that. Anyway, please give me some advice, I put myself at the mercy of you experts.
Dec 15, 2003 at 2:10 AM Post #3 of 15
Alessendro MS-2 + Ra-1 = Nice and natural with high detail - price $ about 600 new/ would be hard to find used - Some people perfer this over the Rs-1

Grado Rs-2 + Flat pads + Ra-1 = simlar to the 325 with flats but with a little less bright sound , perfect for jazz/rock but not harsh the way the other grado's are IMO - price $ about 730 new / about 525 or so used

Alessendro Ms-pro + Ra-1 = Best of the other's listed IMO, big soundstage , overall very good - price $ 1000 new ~ Used will be hard to find

Stax Sr-404 + 313 amp = Heard to be a one of the best headphones and deals around - $825ish new/ not really sure about what a used one would cost

sennheiser Hd-650 + hs ppa = Dark sounding , big soundstage , nice bass , weak in rock but is amazing for jazz/classical~ About 800 new

edit/ Also any of the Joe grado's( Sr-200, sr-300, hp-3,hp-2,hp-1) + Ra-1 or really any good Meta42/PPa amp will fit you like butter on bread. Good luck finding one though~
Dec 15, 2003 at 3:32 AM Post #4 of 15
Search out a pair of AKG K340's, like this pair here. Then have a nice PPA made for you, with a really good external power supply. You will still have enough left over to get a source, or at least some nice IC's.
Dec 15, 2003 at 6:31 AM Post #6 of 15
For $800 a good route would be to try the DT880 and a really nice amp from Headroom or Meier Audio: The 880s sound pretty much like the HD600 up until about 5khz, and then everything from then on up is more intimate. I think that will suit you perfectly as you stated your major complaint is the HD600 didnt have enough treble.

ALL of the Grado SR and RS series headphones have the same basic sonic signature, and if you don't like one of them for fundamental reasons then switching to another isnt going to help anything.

The CD3000 is too bright to be considered. They are as bright as Grados only the brightness occurs up top a bit more (airier) versus creating pure sonic aggression as the grados do. Also, the bass is plasticky and mids are just plain weird.

So there you have it: your best bet is the DT880 with a headroom home amp, meier corda ha-2, or something along those lines. Also, what's your source, and what quality recordings are you listening to? You might be better off with a DT250-80 than anything else; I prefer this headphone to everything else with bad recordings because it does a great job of cutting out graininess/hash as opposed to telling you flat out your recordings suck, as the HD600 does. Then again, if you are using a great source and great recordings, by all means make the plunge for DT880s. I was impressed by the sound of them when I heard them.

Dec 15, 2003 at 7:36 AM Post #7 of 15

Originally posted by Geek
...You might be better off with a DT250-80 than anything else; I prefer this headphone to everything else with bad recordings because it does a great job of cutting out graininess/hash as opposed to telling you flat out your recordings suck, as the HD600 does...


That is just a classic, worthy of a sig imo
Dec 15, 2003 at 7:59 AM Post #8 of 15
in my favourite CD3000 setup, the DT880 are more bright. i think that "my" CD3k's and "your" CD3k's aren't the same. no one in my house ever complained about CD3000's brightness.

the thickest, meatiest (and still balanced) setup i have heard is the DT880+XP-7.
it is less bright then my Porta Corda+CD3000, but ain't exactly to my taste. not contrastic enough, stimulation isn't "fast".. air is a bit too dense.
less "overall" setup to my taste. i listen to everything.

i'm afraid that you won't get the kicks out of the DT880 as well. they sure have more treble then senns, but i don't know about "edge".
i'm very sensitive to trebles.. and i call tell you that i'm positive that in the proper setup, many will enjoy the CD3000 very much.
once you are tuned into the "forms" of the CD3000 and get launched into one of the most beautifully structured reality in the business, you'll forget the environment color.
i agree with geek about they can sound a bit plasticky at first, but it's just different. they sounded more plasticky in brighter setups, which ain't my favourite.
OTOH, they sound more real.. read my review. what do you prefer? transportation into a quarter-real natural environment, or transportation into half-real colored environment? (in which most instruments sound more natural to me then anything.. maybe because they feel mor real)
i used to take naturalness as the first thing to judge a system. it turns out, that there's a lot more then that to get satisfied.

the most important question: what about your source?
Dec 15, 2003 at 8:13 AM Post #9 of 15
I agree that the DT 880s will give you the sound you're looking for. A used pair matched with a used MPX3 will more than likely take you where you want to go for your $800.
Dec 15, 2003 at 5:01 PM Post #10 of 15
Source would be Linn Karik+Numerik.

Yes, it's old but it used to be one of the best cd players in the world. +$5000 in its hey-day. The balance is fantastic, a classic.

What about the HD-650, is it just as laid back as the HD-600. What about the HD-650+tube amp of some kind.

There just seems to be no balanced headphone in my price range, they are either too bright, too mellow, too bassy, there just isn't the choice like speakers.

Still if any of you can think of some magical setup please don't keep it a secret.
Dec 15, 2003 at 6:50 PM Post #11 of 15
In my setup cd3ks arent bright at all.They are just right.They do sound a little artificial but everything else is perfect.So much bass,so much detail,great soundstage and speed,and perfect comfort too.Is rs-1,costing 50% more,really 50% better?
Dec 15, 2003 at 6:54 PM Post #12 of 15
stop! stop!
RS-1 + RA-1 (get a clone). prepare to be amazed. heard it today, i'm selling my CD3000.

(well... i don't know if it's that good because i only heard it for a 1.5 hours...but i'm buying this, if it meens something.. and i'm AdamZuf, note
Dec 15, 2003 at 7:29 PM Post #14 of 15
From your musical and sonic preferences, it sounds like you're destined to join the ranks of team Sennheiser. A wonderful, relaxed, yet very detailed sound that's warm and inviting, never harsh. For your budget, the 600's or 650's would be just right.

For an amp, there are tons of good choices in your price range. Meier HA-2, PPA, Singlepower PPX3 & MPX3, ASL MG Head OTL & OTL32. You could even try and grab some more expensive amps on the used market, such as the RKV, Maxed Out Home, Sugden Headmaster, or ZOTL. As you can see your choices are plentiful, even after the decesion of the Sennheisers. All of these amps have great reputations with the Senns (some with other phones as well). My recommendation is to do alot of research here (mainly with the search tool, and the "full review" sections) and really find out alot about all your choices, narrow down and then really find out everything there is to know about a few favorites. $800 is no chunk change for me, and it took quite a while for me to pony up that kinda dough for a headphone setup.

From my personal experience, I'm using an MG Head OTL with some of the best tubes in it that money can buy (which would still come in under your budget with amp and phones) - and right now, I'd do it all over again, even after hearing a Max in my system.

Dec 15, 2003 at 8:25 PM Post #15 of 15

Originally posted by Iron_Dreamer

I never thought I'd see that! Just the other day ou were buying backup pair of CD3K. The CD3K LF seems too be coming apart at the seams these days.

i wasn't buying a backup pair. a friend of mine wants CD3000 to herself too. she might buy mine (but not for sure, because she didn't get the job she thought she would).

doobooloo is back on track, check out his thread

i still love my CD3000... they are more of a bargain @380 then the RS-1 @ $700, for sure.. but heck, i just want the RS-1 !

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