need ideas for C++
Sep 8, 2006 at 6:43 PM Post #16 of 17

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
I learned the basics of C++ this summer. I thought it was fun, up to a point where the concepts were the same, just a different way of writing them in code.

cout>>"Go code some more stuff!!";

Unless you're an object oriented programmer... ala Java... the concepts of C++ are vastly different from C, Pascal, Basic, PERL, etc. You can write C++ code identical to C but you're not using any of the additional things an object oriented language brings to the table.

As far as this topic is concerned... since it's a C++ class you'll want to create something that would utilize the object oriented programming style. It would be best to have something with objects that override functions from other objects... use inheritance... polymorphisms.

Simple common apps include work order systems, classification systems for things like animals, or maybe a simple classroom app with different students of different majors and class schedules...

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