Need HELP in convincing my friend who is set on buying Dr.Dre to wear outside!
Feb 2, 2010 at 2:25 AM Post #31 of 36
K70x is a no on bass. It's very neutral. It's wonderful if you want to hear the texture of an acoustic bass guitar, but if your friend wants wooommmffff, he'll be greatly disappointed!
I'd say, one of the cheap AKG DJ series, pocket the extra cash for more music or whatever his heart desires.
I have no experience with the DT770's but the bass on my 990 600ohm edition is the best I've heard to date. It if you want bass with authority, that doesn't gunk up the rest of the spectrum, then look no further!
Just my 2 pence.
Feb 3, 2010 at 2:29 AM Post #32 of 36
Get a KSC75 and save the rest.
Feb 6, 2010 at 6:12 PM Post #33 of 36
Well I have been listening to my Sennhesier IE8 after some initial burnin and have to say they rival my HD600 for sound quality, they have a huge soundstage, great bass, nice mids, and wonderfull detailed treble. They are a bit warmer than the HD600 so are probably more like the HD650 in signature. If the OP is wanting one item that does everything his friend wants without needed an expensive amp to drive everything these would do VERY NICELY.

For myself, my hunt is over, I have a great fullsize headphone in my HD600 and now I have as good a quality IEM for on the go.
Feb 6, 2010 at 6:59 PM Post #34 of 36
The Monster Beats Dre headphones catch a lot of flack here lol. They do not actually sound that horrible they sound quite decent. But for their outrageous price...there are headphones that one could purchase and they'd sound BETTER than the Beats.

But they definitely turn some heads. For $300
Feb 6, 2010 at 8:13 PM Post #35 of 36
The D2000's would be a good choice. They look good (Better than beats) and are orders of magnitude higher in regards to comfort than the beats.
Feb 6, 2010 at 8:41 PM Post #36 of 36
You really should have let your friend get the Beats, especially if he liked them. I think it's cool you want to help your friend with nice headphones, but the K702s are probably the worst pair he could have ended up with for his tastes. Nice phones but definately not for portable or bass impact, very far from it. Denons, ATH-M50s, Ultrasones, Beyers, or Sony XB if he wanted to save some $ would have been much better choices if he decided not to go with the beats.

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