Need help deciding which headphones to get!
Mar 5, 2008 at 3:49 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 26


Nov 1, 2006
Hello fellow Head-Fi members,

I've been a member for quite some time now and I've been browsing every now and then. I've always showed interest in sound and music and thats why I love this forum. There are so many audiophiles here that I can learn from. I thought I give you guys a little bit of my background before I ask my questions.

My audio related equipments: (I'm a small-time audiophile, please don't laugh.

-Klipsch 2.1 ProMedia computer speakers (Source: Audigy 2 Zs. Might consider upgrading to Chaintech Av-710)
-iPod touch
-Shure e2c (kramer moded, you rock!)
-JVC FX-55

Music preference: Any genre, mainly RnB, canto pop, some rock and hiphop.

I am now debating on rather to get the HD555 and HD580. From what I've read, the HD555 is decent without an amp, the HD580 will need an amp to drive out the best SQ out of it. I was wondering if theres anything else I need to know about these HP.

Thanks for the replies.

****Anyone know where I can get the HD580 in Toronto?? I've searched many places, even classifieds with no luck. I can get a pair of mint HD555 for $80, good price?
Mar 5, 2008 at 4:49 AM Post #2 of 26
I personally love my HD280pro's. They are really good headphones for what I've been using them for. Mostly computer gaming and listening to music through Itunes on my PC. I'm currently looking for an amp to kind of help with the sound power just a little bit. They are great with an Ipod too. For normal listening they're really good but due to some work hazards I need just a little more volume due to some hearing loss.
Mar 5, 2008 at 4:57 AM Post #3 of 26
You're not going to get some in that list below $100. The HD595, in particular, is going to run twice that at the lowest you'll find.

You'll get many opinions, but I'd shoot for the HD485. Full-size, comfy, open, and with lots of juice, jazz, and bass. They come with a nifty little hanger, too. At 32ohms, they have a lot of the sound of expensive Senns without the power demand. Read what Headrooom says about them here:
Sennheiser HD 485 @ HeadRoom - Right Between Your Ears
Mar 5, 2008 at 6:25 AM Post #4 of 26
You sure you can't pony up at least $150? That's around the HD 580 area, and that's the perfect introduction into the serious Sennheiser sound.
Mar 5, 2008 at 6:42 AM Post #5 of 26
Thanks for the great replies guys.

@ serpentor: aww.. sorry to hear that..

@ tomb: I guess the HD595 is out of my range. I've never heard of the HD485, I'll check that link out.

@ TheMarchingMule: I've heard great things about the HD580, if the $50 increase can be justified by the SQ difference then it wouldn't be a problem.

The main source the phones will be running from is my Klipsch. I'm not too techy but I'm guessing the data is being process through the onboard SC then through the Klipsch amp?
Mar 5, 2008 at 6:46 AM Post #6 of 26
It's hard to find the HD580 for $150. I haven't been able to recently. And you do need more power for them. I'd say use the same for the HD595. The HD580 is superior, but you'll need to spend more for quality sound. The HD595 is going to sound better straight from the Touch for instance.
Mar 5, 2008 at 7:20 AM Post #8 of 26
@ blessingx : If the 580 can be had for $150, would you take that or pay more for the 595?

@ tyler j : I heard people say that the HD555 is smooth sounding or even "snoozing/boring", is it true? has it for $107, is that a good price?
Mar 5, 2008 at 10:46 PM Post #10 of 26
x2 for the HD485. They were my main can at work for 2 years. They're as comfortable as any headphones I've used. They're step down in SQ from the HD580, but the step down is not huge. Most importantly, you don't need an amp to drive them. They sound fine right out of an iPod or computer
Mar 5, 2008 at 11:56 PM Post #11 of 26
HD580 isn't hard to find at $150, there are two or three on the forums now for around that price and soon to be another one at around that price (will be posting mine for sale later tonight).

I really love the HD580/HD600, but they really do need nice amplification.

A little advice:
1) Don't run the headphones to the speakers, run it back to the soundcard.
2) Don't get the Audigy 2ZS, it's not very good for music.

If you're just listening to music, consider not even using the computer at all unless you upgrade to something nice, the iPod will have somewhat better quality sound.
Mar 6, 2008 at 12:17 AM Post #13 of 26
I'd also recomend the HD485's especially if you go portable like I do[I didn't want too expensive a headphone since I walk out in the elements quite a bit].
Mar 6, 2008 at 2:13 AM Post #14 of 26
So right now my choices are really the HD485, HD555, and HD580. PM me if you got a pair for sale btw.
Mar 6, 2008 at 2:38 AM Post #15 of 26
@ FallenAngel: So I guess there won't huge noticeable difference if I upgrade from my onboard SC to a Audigy 2 Zs? Not that I disagree with you but telling from my experience, the ipod touch outputs mediocre SQ compared to my computer/speakers. I came to this conclusion experimenting with my JVC FX-55. I noticed a HUGE difference in SQ between the two.

@ Pat1000: I've been thinking about getting the HD555 from too.

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