Need better headphones.
Oct 25, 2003 at 2:57 PM Post #17 of 48

Originally posted by stupid_girl_says
Well then what headphone would you suggest for a less expensive headphone. I want the sound to be overall good and to not just have the headphone sound good with certain genres of music.

Oct 25, 2003 at 3:09 PM Post #18 of 48

Originally posted by stupid_girl_says
Well then what headphone would you suggest for a less expensive headphone. I want the sound to be overall good and to not just have the headphone sound good with certain genres of music.

Difficult to say, as I don't know your taste and requirements (looks, comfort, isolation...). For open constructions I'd recommend to check the AKG K501 (lean sound) and K240S (bassy, groovy sound), Beyerdynamic DT531 (fairly bassy, groovy sound), Grado SR80 (punchy, bright sound), Philips HP890 (lively, airy sound) and Sennheiser HD 580 (fairly neutral, slightly warm sound) - that would give you an impression of the existing flavours you can chose from. I'm not too experienced with closed constructions, though - so far, I'd only recommend the Beyerdynamic DT250/250 (fairly neutral and extended sound), but Ultrasone & Audio Technica might also be worth a try...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini
Oct 25, 2003 at 3:32 PM Post #19 of 48
For this headphone I am not particularly looking at isolation. I bought the Ety's for that. Though as you pointed out, I want something that is not an eyesore.

I have heard that the RS-1 is the best sounding headphone for not listening with an amp. Is that true? What would be the best headphone in your opinion for listening without an amp.
Oct 25, 2003 at 3:39 PM Post #20 of 48

Originally posted by fewtch
Try the CD3000s or RS-1. Try unamped first, get an amp later.

You took the words right out of my mouth.
Oct 25, 2003 at 4:08 PM Post #22 of 48
For me grados dont look good either...and it might start to hurt your ears if you gonna wear it all day about HD650,if what Jazz saying is true,they might be almost as good as CD3000,with the much better looks and equal comfort
Oct 25, 2003 at 4:09 PM Post #23 of 48
To be better or not is subjective buddy, to what are looking for in music, you already know my opinion, get the CD3000, this is good headphone and will grow up as your system does, there is no limit for it, IME at least, the better you go the better it will a can to retire with, if you like the sound of it, and later on you may built a system around it, little by littel, there is no initial/final setup, unless you want ot get Niks......everybody here had spent a lot of money in upgrades later...
Oct 25, 2003 at 4:18 PM Post #24 of 48

Originally posted by cadobhuk
For me grados dont look good either...and it might start to hurt your ears if you gonna wear it all day about HD650,if what Jazz saying is true,they might be almost as good as CD3000,with the much better looks and equal comfort

According to jan it is still more rolled off on the highs than the HD600, IMO how it could be similar to the CD3000 like that? But as I have not heard it, so I would better reserve my opinion for later when I have tried it, if I do, I think that PPA + CD3000 will be my retirement plan at least on this order....
Oct 25, 2003 at 10:31 PM Post #25 of 48

One thing to consider. You don't actually have to spend the most you can possibly send on something, to get what you want. The secret is too really understand what it is your looking for, and be satisfied. Going into a car showroom and saying "give me the best car you have, here is my life savings" would give you a similar problem : P

I've read a few of your posts also. Honestly, I think you owe it to yourself to try something first, or hell, atleast don't buy such an expensive phone such as RS1 without hearing it. Ironically, alot of people are picky about that phone, and you might not like what you hear!!

Good luck...
Hell one other question, now that i'm on the subject. Would you consider a used set of HD600s now that they are a available, and perhaps a meta42 amp? Stuff like that can be bought and sold with ease, and I think the "whole system" effect would impress you much more then a top of the line can out of a box.
Oct 26, 2003 at 2:21 AM Post #27 of 48
If you are pressed to spend alot of money on a headphone, without buying a headphone amp, you might be disappointed by the performance. The headphone amp themselves makes them sound the way they should, especially at the price point you are looking at. That's why i suggest you take a step down, but get an amp as well. Or, you can just get a cd3000 and an emmeline hr2 and be done with it : ]

I just got used hd600s, and i like them alot actually. I also own cd3000. cd3000 superior yes, but way different. Also, you cannot compare the rs1's and cd3000s, completly different sounds. I thinkcd3000 sound better with certain type of equipment, and you might find the cd3000 very bright if u dont have a neutral source, and amp. cd3000 are probably a pickier headphone.
Oct 26, 2003 at 2:27 AM Post #28 of 48

Originally posted by stupid_girl_says
I am leaning now more towards the RS-1 more than the CD3000 just because of how much smaller and better looking they are.

Somehow I thought you might (don't ask why, just one of those vibes
). If you really have a 30 day return policy just grab a pair of Grado RS-1, I doubt you'll be unhappy. And yes, they should sound decent with any kind of music.
Oct 26, 2003 at 2:42 AM Post #30 of 48

Originally posted by stupid_girl_says
I have heard that the RS-1 is the best sounding headphone for not listening with an amp. Is that true? What would be the best headphone in your opinion for listening without an amp.

I couldn't really deny that, but it's a bit like buying a Ferrari, when you're actually living on a farm and usually confined to bumpy roads - which would make an Audi Quattro a much better choice, unless you plan to build your own piece of autobahn soon...

Greetings from Munich!

Manfred / lini

P.S.: As hinted above, you might be better off with a little portable amp plus a much less expensive headphone and a better source. I cannot really give you a hint on what headphone that might be, so I listed a number of existing flavours above (and how I'd sonically describe these in brackets). I'm sorry, but I haven't tried Etymotics, yet, so I have no better reference point to provide you with...

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