Need a show of hands for the Sleek SA6

Sep 5, 2008 at 4:25 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


Jul 10, 2008
I'd appreciate it if those of you who have the Sleek Audio SA6 would vote on their overall sound quality with reference to any one of these:

Shure SE530
Ultimate Ears Triple fi-10
Klipsch Image X10

The scale will be selections from 1 (much worse) to 10 (much better). Please use your experience with any one of the 3 listed canalphones and rate the SA6 in reference to the 3 above. All three of those above will be at 5 (neutral) for purposes of this poll. That isn't to say those 3 are neither good nor bad, I find them outstanding. But, for purposes of this poll, there will need to be leeway on either side so someone who might find the SA6 better than the 3 above may vote likewise. You need only compare the SA6 to one canalphone above, whichever one you find to be the best among them.

If you have experience with the X10s but none of the others, vote comparatively to the X10. If you have experience with all three of those above, vote comparatively with regard to the one that feel is best among them.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Sep 5, 2008 at 5:31 AM Post #2 of 5
Voted 4.

To be frank, I was hoping to vote a 4.5 for SA6. X10 will receive a 4.8. SE530 will be my reference 5, TF10 will receive a 5.2. In the rare occasion when I am in a mood for big warm sound, TF10 will be the reference 5, SE530 will receive the 5.2, but the rest remain the same.
Sep 5, 2008 at 5:38 AM Post #3 of 5
Really? That good? 4.5 Hmmm...I figured maybe around a 3 but that's pretty darn good for the SA6. I may have to scrounge up some money for these if more people vote the same.

Thanks for your vote.
Sep 5, 2008 at 3:13 PM Post #4 of 5
Interesting poll. Never seen a model like this but its interesting!

My judgement would be similar to ClieOS's, except I have not tried and have no hands-on experience with the klipsch images X10.
At different times, more like 50-50 for me, the triplefi's and SE530's would alternate between 5 (being the reference phone) and 5-6 (the other phone in relation to the reference phone). The SA6 would nestle between 4 and 4.5.

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