Naim Audio Uniti Atom Headphone Edition
Jul 27, 2023 at 7:40 PM Post #496 of 710
I saw in your profile that you used to be a Utopia owner yourself. What made you switch?
I would agree. I had the Chord Dave with the Utopia OG, and it didn’t live up to my expectations. Now I am using the Utopia OG with the AIO Naim HE, and I am very happy. I use a Roon core on a MacBook Air M1, with EQ to bring out the best in this combination. One Box - One Headphone = pure pleasure!
Jul 28, 2023 at 3:12 AM Post #497 of 710
I read a few people posting even though technically better, the Naim HE was a more enjoyable pairing with their headphones. I had the Chord Dave w/mscaler and haven’t really missed it. The Naim HE has a nice balance of technical and musical.

I’m attending a local headphone meet next month so I’ll get to test Caldera on a few other setups to see how it compares. Also someone will have a Meze Elite, so I’ll see how that compares.

I posted before that an upgraded power cable can be used to tweak to get last bit of goodness out of the Naim.
@iamoneagain is spot on. It's about balance and priorities in terms of the overall package.

I sold my TT2 after buying the Naim Atom HE. It was technically better in terms of resolution but the bass sounded better on the HE to me. It carried more weight and felt more musical... better PRAT. Features wise it also stood head and shoulders above the TT2. In the end, I found myself gravitating to the HE and the TT2 was unused. I feel the TT2 had the edge on the HE in terms of staging and imaging but it wasn't massively different. Not enough to sacrifice the HE features and more solid rounded sound.

I also had the H2. Great sounding DAC but once again, missing the weight of either the TT2 and especially the HE which has weight and a slight warmth to it in comparison. It sounded very detailed but quite thin in comparison. The H2 would pair up well with a tube amp I feel.

Headphone wise, I have the Meze Elites with Lavricables Grand pure silver cable with Rhodium XLR connectors.
Jul 28, 2023 at 4:52 AM Post #498 of 710
so what would be next in line if I want to move on from the HE?

Mainly looking to improve on soundstage and tonal depth.
Jul 28, 2023 at 5:11 AM Post #500 of 710
so what would be next in line if I want to move on from the HE?

Mainly looking to improve on soundstage and tonal depth.
Improve soundstage... keep the HE and add a tube amp. You'll have all the benefits / features of the HE with the ability to improve on soundstage etc. I've found the HE preamp is very good.

I have a couple now and the Aegis with GEC KT88 or Mullard EL37 tubes & Auris Nirvana with EL34. They have the biggest soundstage of any amp I've heard, especially the Aegis. Tube amps are known for this and excellent timbre. However, I'd recommend trying a good tube amp out first as these things are heavy and reselling later on will cost a bit in postage.

If you're a good DIY'er, check out L0rdGwyn's Aegis amp, it it goes toe to toe with the Auris Nirvana which is a 6k amp and betters it in many ways. Parts are about 2k. You'll have fun building it and as a result, know how to repair it should it need it in the years to come. Excellent and easy to follow instructions and full parts list etc.

Outside of tubes, I've read plenty of very good reviews for Holo DACs and the Holo Bliss amp. You could use a Holo Red as a streamer along with their DAC for a complete system. I would strongly recommend going in store and trying to decide which way to go, Tube or SS, and decide what you like best it'll save money from guessing wrong later on👍🏻
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Jul 28, 2023 at 5:36 AM Post #501 of 710
I saw in your profile that you used to be a Utopia owner yourself. What made you switch?
Yes I used to own the OG Utopia with Danacable Reference. It was an amazing combo with the Naim HE and like others were saying, the Naim brought out better weight, bass, and overall enjoyment factor over the Chord Dave.

I only moved on from the Utopia because when the 22 model came out, it got me curious about upgrading but figured I’d try something different instead. The DCA Expanse first caught my eye. It’s an interesting headphone and very technical. Even with stock cable brings out more detail than the Utopia Danacable. But it was kind of like being back with Chord. Technically better but in the end, less enjoyable. I missed the Utopia.

So the Expanse was out but didn’t want to come back to the Utopia just yet. Either the Meze Elite or the Caldera at this point. Heard the Elite for a few minutes before but never heard any ZMF at all. Took a chance just based on looks. For me, the Caldera was so much more enjoyable that the Expanse. And just like the Utopia, I haven’t found an album that sounded bad. I haven’t done a direct comparison between Caldera and the OG Utopia so can’t say how they truly differ. The Caldera had great bass punch, warmth, liquid mids and airy highs. Soundstage is slightly bigger (stock pads) and little bit warmer, organic sounding compared to the Utopia. Utopia probably has a tighter all around sound. A little more intense. But both sounded great with my whole collection. Caldera gets bonus points for looks and lifetime warranty on drivers.

Oh I also find the Naim HE sounds best out of the 4.4mm balanced, followed by the XLR. The single end has a narrower soundstage with the Caldera.
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Jul 28, 2023 at 5:53 AM Post #502 of 710
As far as soundstage, bigger is not always better. With the Caldera, I can switch to the thick pads and the soundstage is the biggest I’ve owned. Great depth and width and layering and all that. But in the end, I feel a disconnect from the music. I’m now a few rows further away. Loses the intimacy.

Think that’s why I liked the Utopia’s small soundstage in the first place. The Caldera with stock pads is just a little bit bigger but still close and intimate. The Expanse was weird because had good width and depth but it just starts too close. There is no breathing distance. So for me a good soundstage starts a little bit in front and then has a nice 3D holographic sound. Which the Utopia and Caldera both have. Right by the stage but everything nicely separated and layered.
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Jul 28, 2023 at 6:06 AM Post #503 of 710
Yes exactly, perhaps more tonal depth and layering is what I am looking for then, more so than bigger soundstage. I do like the engaging quality of the utopia which in parts does stem from its slightly narrower soundstage.

-> deeper but not wider if that makes sense
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Jul 28, 2023 at 8:46 AM Post #504 of 710
Yes exactly, perhaps more tonal depth and layering is what I am looking for then, more so than bigger soundstage. I do like the engaging quality of the utopia which in parts does stem from its slightly narrower soundstage.

-> deeper but not wider if that makes sense
The Danacable Reference opens things up a little bit and gives richer mids. But yeah, if like the convenience of the Naim, adding a tube amp wouldn’t complicate things too much. I’m in a wait and see mode myself. Really like the sound of the Caldera straight from the Naim, so really need hear how they sound on different setups to get me to change things up.
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Jul 31, 2023 at 5:54 PM Post #505 of 710
Follow up question to my previous inquiry:
if I were to buy an amp and keep only the HE or Hugo 2 as a DAC which is better suited?

-> is the HE or Hugo 2 DAC better?
Jul 31, 2023 at 6:08 PM Post #506 of 710
Follow up question to my previous inquiry:
if I were to buy an amp and keep only the HE or Hugo 2 as a DAC which is better suited?

-> is the HE or Hugo 2 DAC better?
The Hugo 2 never impressed me. It was slightly better than the mojo 2. The 2go attachment is not as stable or as well integrated as the HE. You’re going somewhat backwards in form and function to achieve a very modest improvement in DAC with the H2.

You’ll get the largest sound change with the amp. I’d just use the HE as a preamp into whatever flavor of amp you’re curious about. The DAC in the HE is very good.
Jul 31, 2023 at 6:12 PM Post #507 of 710
The Hugo 2 never impressed me. It was slightly better than the mojo 2. The 2go attachment is not as stable or as well integrated as the HE. You’re going somewhat backwards in form and function to achieve a very modest improvement in DAC with the H2.

You’ll get the largest sound change with the amp. I’d just use the HE as a preamp into whatever flavor of amp you’re curious about. The DAC in the HE is very good.
What do you think of Feliks Euforia EVO + HE for the Utopia?
Jul 31, 2023 at 6:30 PM Post #509 of 710
What do you think of Feliks Euforia EVO + HE for the Utopia?
I’ve heard the Echo and Elise. Both are great amps. Not tubey or euphonic. I’m sure the Euforia will be better. To be honest, I didn’t feel either “blew away” the HE. This was using the Mojo 2 and 2go as the streaming endpoint to the Feliks. I don’t think a tubey sounding tube amp would go well with the HE.

I’ve used the HE as a preamp to the Schiit Folkvangr. I have the FV at about 80% max volume. I get the tube flavor but retain the seamless functionality of the HE.
Jul 31, 2023 at 6:38 PM Post #510 of 710
I’ve heard the Echo and Elise. Both are great amps. Not tubey or euphonic. I’m sure the Euforia will be better. To be honest, I didn’t feel either “blew away” the HE. This was using the Mojo 2 and 2go as the streaming endpoint to the Feliks. I don’t think a tubey sounding tube amp would go well with the HE.

I’ve used the HE as a preamp to the Schiit Folkvangr. I have the FV at about 80% max volume. I get the tube flavor but retain the seamless functionality of the HE.
Let's say I get rid of both the Hugo2 and HE. I now have the Feliks Euforia EVO and about 3000-4000 USD to spend on a DAC. There should be tons of options in that price range that outclass the performance of the HE DAC.

Anything exceptional that comes to mind?

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