NAD D 1050 or TEAC UD 301
Jul 6, 2014 at 3:49 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


New Head-Fier
Nov 8, 2013
Hi all,

I've been searching all day and can't seem to find inspiration.

It's my birthday at the end of the month and I want to buy a new DAC/headphone amp for myself.

I'm trying to decide between the NAD D 1050 and TEAC UD 301. I've read a number of reviews of the NAD and had pretty much made my mind up then started reading reviews of the higher spec TEAC (the 501) which looked impressive, but was above my current budget (was wife's 40th last month which means I'm relatively skint). I then saw there was the 301 which seemed to share a lot of the design points of the 501 and the only review I've found on here seemed to rate it pretty highly but I'd be interested in general opinions of them both, especially if anyone has played with both of them.

For info, current equipment is:

Beyer DT880 250ohm
Soundmagic HP100

Both through HRT microstreamer.

I know, ultimately I'll have to listen to them, but the NAD is only available via a supplier nowhere near where I live in the UK, and it is likely that the TEAC would also gave to be bought then returned if I don't like it, hence I'm trying to guess at which one to try.

Anyway, I've gone on long enough, any opinions welcome (even, those saying "don't bother, go for an......instead" provided I can get hold of them in the UK).


Jul 6, 2014 at 9:45 PM Post #2 of 12
Howdy, James.
I've tried neither of the afforementioned products... though I do own a NAD 356BEE integrated amp with DAC module... and I can see why they are such a beloved brand 
. If you're trying to be budget minded... perhaps you could consider just an amp, using the HRT as your DAC. If I were in your shoes, I would probably also consider upgrading cans as well. You'll get much more out of better transducers than upstream gear. If you're good with the cans you have, you could probably squeeze a little more out of them... but for $550, there are quite a few options that could work well with your HRT until you could upgrade that in the future, if that seems like a path you'd like.  Let's see what others have to say, and feel free to ask any questions!
Jul 7, 2014 at 11:53 AM Post #4 of 12
What do you and don't you like about your current crop of headphones? Some will find that, the HD600 a sidegrade to the 880 while others will find it a upgrade/downgrade depending on the sound they're looking for. I'm one that found it a downgrade because it didn't appeal to me even after dedicated listening for a good 2 weeks. At that time, I fought to urge to just reach for my 880s instead. That eventually won out and the HD600s were sold.
Jul 7, 2014 at 12:08 PM Post #5 of 12
I like both headphones though they are the first two pairs of decent headphones I've bought. The microstreamer is portable and I wanted a more fixed one (the microstreamer and headphones is my entire hifi at present, but seems impermanent, not sure that makes sense) that will also allow me to plug a sonos connect in when I buy one, and possibly have a bit more power to drive other headphones (though it is only an assumption of mine that the microstreamer nay not be able to drive some phones as it is USB powered).

I fancy trying other pairs of headphones, though hadn't given it much thought and imagined a powered amp may - as well as being a fixed point to sit and relax - give me more scope for trying different ones.


Jul 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM Post #6 of 12
The best way to figure out what the best path for you is probably to try to attend a local head-fi meet, or to find a store that has a headphone selection. I know the Magnolia Home Theatre section at the bigger Best Buy's often has cans... good service is another issue though
. I'm lucky enough to have Nice-Cans for auditions, and PM'ing members in your area to audition their gear can't hurt. As my signature says, there's no substitute for an audition. You may love HD600's, or not.
Jul 7, 2014 at 1:52 PM Post #7 of 12
If only it was that easy. Hifi shops here in the UK don't seem to stock huge variety of headphones (or at least not that you can tell from their websites).

I'll have to look and see where the nearest decent one is and arrange to go audition. The NAD seems only to be sold by one chain, who don't have a close branch. Maybe that will end up being one of the deciding factors when I get chance to listen to a few headphones or Amps.

Thanks for your help.


Jul 12, 2014 at 12:10 PM Post #8 of 12
OK, so didn't do any of the above....though perhaps I have been swayed by the help you all gave.
Bought a pair of Denon D7100 (not sure I'd ever justify £1000 for them , but just over £400...) as I decided I fancied something with a bit more bass and when I couldn't see any D7000 went for these instead.
Good old Amazon delivered them this morning (having ordered them yesterday evening!) and I'm currently listening to Wish you were here by Pink Floyd.
I'm sure it could well be "New Toy Syndrome" and I've yet to sit and compare them with my DT880's but I am enjoying them and they sound superb.
I may also be buying a Little Dot iii second hand from another forum (if the person selling ever gets back to me). Will use my Microstreamer as DAC until Christmas (or when I find a spare bit of cash if I can't wait that long) when I will buy something (DAC or DAC/ SS Amp). Not sure how that will work with these phones, but I gather it is meant to sound good with the DT880s and if not, it isn't bank breaking money (someone did tell me when I first joined this forum that it was an expensive hobby!).
Cheers All.
Aug 8, 2014 at 2:00 PM Post #9 of 12
Hi James
Noticed your thread when looking for info on the Teac ud 301
Just from memory I also have a pair of D7100 in my collection and they are low impedance so you need a dac amp which matches.  I had a ud h01 from Teac which is a forerunner of the newer dacs and from memory that drove the d7100 fine with their output.
I did modify my D7100 a while ago enabling different cables to be fitted and that does make a difference ( Does negate the warranty though)  I found the D7100 good for Rock/pop but a bit brittle sometimes and needed a good source to connect to.
I don't use them much now as I have a newer pair of Grado PS1000 which I find better for that style of music ( Including Pink Floyd) and Senn Hd800 for general music styles.
The D7100 seem to sound better with valve amps or Hybrid types than with full solid state in my listening experience and they are rather good on my Musical Fidelity Xcan V8's.
Yes joining Headfi can cost you a lot !!!  I Know !!!
Just to say I found the Glass mannequin heads ,you can buy quite cheaply ,as good headphone stands although the Denons come with a nice unit.
Good luck in you quest for headphone  Nirvanah.

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