n00b looking for an amp with plentiful bass
Jan 11, 2007 at 4:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12


Nov 28, 2006
So I'm relatively new to the head-fi arena, but I've already somehow spent 800+ dollars on headphones/amps within the past year or so. (Curse you headfi!

I have two separate rigs:

Portable (NYC Subway)
5G ipod -> ALO Bling Bling -> RSA Tomahawk -> Super.fi 5 pro's

same -> Senn 595's

Now, I have come to grips with the fact that my portable rig is damn-near flawless, with the Tomahawk doing a fantastic job of driving my Super.fi's. Really couldn't be happier on that front.

The part I find lacking right now is my home rig. I'm using my TH to drive my Senn 595's, and they sound great, but they're a little light on the bass.

I'm very clearly a basshead: I need lots and lots of it with certain types of music, with that SLAM that'll have my head bobbing for hours on end. I've read a ton about the fact that the Senn 650's are far more generous on the low end, but I'm under the impression that my amp is not powerful enough to drive the 300 Ohm 650's, so I think it'd be silly for me to upgrade without upgrading my amp.

For curiosity's sake, I plugged my 595's into my Pioneer VSX-815 receiver's headphone out (which I use as the DAC and headphone amp for the optical out on my desktop's MB), and I EQ'ed the crap out of the songs--achieving ridiculous THUMPS and generally good sensations. Now, the quality of the bass was of course horrendous, but man, these cans are clearly capable of something more than my beloved Tomahawk can provide.

So, this is a question for anyone who's read this far down the post: which amp could I get to really drive the crap out of my current 595's? I like what my TH does for certain genres, but when I flip to hip-hop, reggae, reggaeton and similarly bass-heavy music, I really want to hear more oomph.

(I'm not yet considering switching cans--I like these too much--so let's keep to discussing amps
Jan 11, 2007 at 5:20 AM Post #2 of 12
So you don't want the DT-990(05'e) suggestion
(YET) lol...O.K.

I know Davesrose would suggest a Singlepower to pump your 595s with bass
and a "warm soundstage"... But it is true, in that a very good tube amp, with the right tubes (IE. Mapletree w/GE 5157s) do produce more bass depth and impact, (that the source also must provide) even to my K501s , than I ever thought those cans having the potential for prior.

Which brings me to also look towards your source to provide this slight increase of dynamics and depth to the bass thru your same amp perhaps...

Just an amp recommendation? Perhaps the Heed?

Good luck getting any wheres near the amount of bass out of your 595s with just an amp upgrade, compared to EQing it up. That I do not believe is a realistic expectation for any amp with 595s to be realized IMO...FWIW and just chat to kick around some ideas for ya ;-}

Good luck~

/all due apologies to the wallet presupposed ;-}
Jan 11, 2007 at 5:35 AM Post #3 of 12
even though I'm still new to this "audiophile" business, I believe that you cannot get the bass you want with just an amp. like what was said above, EQ probably affects it more... other than that, I'd take the beyer path too =D your setup is really nice too =)
Jan 11, 2007 at 6:22 AM Post #4 of 12
If you want low-end slam, veer towards solid state. Tubes can be loose and flabby down there. Generally, of course. A good OTL can handle lows fine and, for the record, I love tubes.

But I think there's a near-perfect amp out there for you: the M^3. Solid state, plenty of power, and it can be built with an adjustable bass boost. Only drawback is that it's DIY. Rockhopper used to build them, but no longer. However, there are a few builders out there who will put one together for you. You can find more information here:


Also, DIY is a lot of fun if you're interested in it. The DIY Forum here is a good place to have your questions answered, as well.
Jan 15, 2007 at 3:10 AM Post #5 of 12

Originally Posted by uraflit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
even though I'm still new to this "audiophile" business, I believe that you cannot get the bass you want with just an amp. like what was said above, EQ probably affects it more... other than that, I'd take the beyer path too =D your setup is really nice too =)

I think I'm starting to agree with you. I'm using cleaner sources for my Tomahawk and EQ'ing them, and I'm getting plenty more bass, plus I can accomodate for other musical preferences this way.

Thanks for your suggestions
Jan 15, 2007 at 8:13 PM Post #8 of 12
PPX Slam. My fave amp, bass fun with a good dose of speed and detail too. Lush mids with Grados.

I've come to the revelation though that I just don't have the "lifestyle" for a high voltage tube amp. I'm a semi-basshead too though.

I have 2 little kids so, sitting for ~15 minutes while the tubes warm and reach equilibrium, and then listening for moderate lengths of time is out of the question.

Typically I'm up and down as the kids need me. Only time I have to really SIT and listen is at night when the house is asleep. But by that time I'm exhausted anyways.

So... as much as I LOVE tubes... I'm pretty much forced to go with SS designs.

I recently bought a Larocco PPA, with a nice bass boost feature, which really plumps it up IMHO. Havent had a chance to play around with OP amps yet, so I've just begun to scratch the surface.

I have an earmax, which sonically is a nice contrast to the PPA. Lush tube warmth... versus the speed-detail of the Larocco. I can say this about the earmax (and my millet hybrid for that matter)... they are very stable/robust tube circuits. I power those amps on/off/on repeatedly, sometimes multiple times throughout the day and Ive never had any complaints from either. Supposedly tube amps don't like to be powered up and down like that.

Something for you to consider...
Jan 16, 2007 at 3:30 AM Post #9 of 12

Originally Posted by mrarroyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You want bass,


Erhmm... yes.. I want bass


Well, I think I'm going to try to upgrade my computer source (via an upgraded soundcard seen in the Computer as Source Forum), see if I can just route that through my Tomahawk and EQ it as I have.

I'm currently playing the 595's out of my Pioneer receiver. The EQ is doing all the work here, so the bass is pretty impressive on ALAC rips of songs. Of course, the receiver's integrated amp leaves something to be desired. The low end is still getting clipped, and obviously things could be a little clearer.

If the E-MU 1212 -> Tomahawk doesn't work out, I'll consider all of your suggestions to be sure. Thanks
Jan 16, 2007 at 3:38 AM Post #10 of 12

Originally Posted by Hi-Finthen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know Davesrose would suggest a Singlepower to pump your 595s with bass
and a "warm soundstage"... But it is true, in that a very good tube amp, with the right tubes (IE. Mapletree w/GE 5157s) do produce more bass depth and impact, (that the source also must provide) even to my K501s , than I ever thought those cans having the potential for prior.

Getting in this late, but looks like you're still considering things. Hi-Finthen isn't correct in what I'd say
You should stop this Hi-Finthen
Since you say you want bass.....the SP doesn't make the 595 bass heavy. Since the MapleTree is supposed to be warmer, maybe you should go for that
But actually....I think the cheapest thing for you to do is get the Beyer DT770. That headphone only has bass
It has recessed mids, so bass is it!
Jan 16, 2007 at 5:38 AM Post #12 of 12
It looks like you bought the amp and headphone for the sound you want.

RSA produces very balanced amps that disappear and let you hear the music. I'm speaking from experience with HR-2, SR71 and Hornet (pre-M). So, if those amps are any indication, then I would suspect the Tomahawk delivers a similar experience.

The PINT delivers a little more bass slam and upfront sound but it is no longer widely available. An alternative would be Mister X's XP amp which supposedly shares a similar design with the PINT. I've no idea as I'm just going by the little bits I've read here and there.

I think the suggestion on the M^3 or any other amp with variable boost may be a good fit for you.

As for the headphone, you're trying to make the HD595 something it ain't. If you want similar comfort with more bass, then as already suggested, get a DT990 and stop torturing your HD595.

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