My wallet deserves an apology.....
May 24, 2004 at 7:53 AM Post #16 of 29

Originally Posted by dj_mocok
hmmm...wallet... i once knew what wallet was...

You think that now, but 6 months from now you'll look back to now and see just how relatively wealthy you were now

I know 6 months ago I didn't think I'd have a whole different system that costed 3 times as much, and I had already dropped a lot of money by that point. You certainly don't go into this hobby to save money...
May 24, 2004 at 8:43 AM Post #17 of 29
Bah, you guys suck, I have the will-power to come in here and stop spending more money

I am gonna stick with my SR60 for a little while.
I know there are better cans, but if I haven't heard them, then it won't hurt me.

It's the buddist principle.... or something like that.
May 24, 2004 at 2:08 PM Post #18 of 29
I'm wondering if this a safety in numbers issue more than anything. Why does Head-Fi get us to spend so much? I have a feeling much is because we've so many people here encouraging us to do so..
Here's a hobby we already have a passion for and as a result we find Head-Fi. Once here we find a whole bunch of likeminded individuals who not only encourage us to pursue our lust for new and better equipment, they also give us reasons to do so which make sense to us, and even if they didn't we'd find an angle on it that did make sense to us..

Let's face it, many of us have thought about buying an amazing rig for many years but we didn't; assuming that the funds were available, why do we then do it now?
I imagine many also buy an expensive rig to keep up with the Jones', so to speak.

Yep, I reckon Head-Fi was just the final shove many of us needed to actually go do it and when the wife demands a good reason for our latest acquisition we just come here again and get one..
May 24, 2004 at 2:24 PM Post #19 of 29
Bah...tell your wallet to stop whining!!
May 24, 2004 at 2:34 PM Post #20 of 29
IMHO, having things to look forward to is nice, it energizes your audiophilism, so to speak. But really, you should try to spread out the spending and take the time to enjoy the gear you have spent money to buy... To get your money's worth, at least

Oh, and: wallet-san, gomen-ne!

May 24, 2004 at 2:35 PM Post #21 of 29

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
Bah...tell your wallet to stop whining!!

I did and it gave me the bird..
May 24, 2004 at 2:52 PM Post #23 of 29
I'm sorry... that your wallet apparently isn't man enough to handle this site!
May 24, 2004 at 3:04 PM Post #24 of 29

Originally Posted by dhwilkin
I'm sorry... that your wallet apparently isn't man enough to handle this site!

It can handle the site just fine, it's me it has more trouble with..
May 24, 2004 at 5:09 PM Post #26 of 29

Originally Posted by Big D
I does seem to be taking on the personality traits of my girlfriend?

Her: "Do you really need that?"

Me: "No, but did you need that 30th pair of shoes?!"

Repeat ad nauseum.

Oooo, burn, I'll keep that in mind for future use.
May 24, 2004 at 7:35 PM Post #27 of 29

Originally Posted by ipodstudio
I did and it gave me the bird..

Good to know it wasn't just my wallet that did that to me
May 24, 2004 at 9:12 PM Post #28 of 29

I'm wondering if this a safety in numbers issue more than anything.

Peril in numbers is more like it!


Let's face it, many of us have thought about buying an amazing rig for many years but we didn't; assuming that the funds were available, why do we then do it now?

Actually, until I stumbled across this Eden filled with serpents, I had no idea of what was available or possible. I tasted the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and was lost. Can't speak for anyone else, but much of my recent acquisition has been motivated less from a desire to keep up with anyone than by curiosity. I read the posted impressions of you people, and I wonder if the HD650s really do "sing" with a PPA, or whether electrostatics are actually all that different, or what PC audio can really deliver. "And the thought is father to the deed."

Maybe instead of apologies to anyone's wallet, what we need is a Day of Atonement. "The Head-Fi tempted me, and I did sin."

May 24, 2004 at 9:18 PM Post #29 of 29

Originally Posted by Bill Ward

Peril in numbers is more like it!

Actually, until I stumbled across this Eden filled with serpents, I had no idea of what was available or possible. I tasted the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and was lost. Can't speak for anyone else, but much of my recent acquisition has been motivated less from a desire to keep up with anyone than by curiosity. I read the posted impressions of you people, and I wonder if the HD650s really do "sing" with a PPA, or whether electrostatics are actually all that different, or what PC audio can really deliver. "And the thought is father to the deed."

Maybe instead of apologies to anyone's wallet, what we need is a Day of Atonement. "The Head-Fi tempted me, and I did sin."


Actually, that's pretty much what happened to me, too..
...and "yes, Head-Fi tempted me, and I did sin." But I've repented now and I'm back and I'm bad...!!

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