My new fondness of loud music.....
Jun 23, 2006 at 3:57 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 5


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 8, 2005
Normally I listen to my MS1s at a very comfortable level. Today I had my pimeta turned up for a movie I was watching. Of course I forgot to turn it back down and when I started up some music....well it was louder than I normally woudl listen to. The song was Bad Religion's "The Empire Strikes First". Well to cut to the chase, the sound jsut blew me away, it was almost like the day I first got my MS1s. The opening drums....I really felt the impact that I always assumed to be just a little weak. So I'm wondering, is this just because the music is louder or something to do with having the amp cranking out more power. I know that grados are current hungry but otherwise easy to drive by conventional standards. Should I be looking for an amp that I can crank up the juice on but not have to worry about blasting the music at louder levels than I would normally listen at?
Jun 23, 2006 at 4:07 PM Post #3 of 5
Remember that music just plain sounds better at higher volumes. That is a matter of human perception, and is problematic since long-term heading damage is not all too far down that particular road.

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking about with regard to amps. A good amp can buy you better all around dynamics--especially at low levels--which can buy you some of that high volume excitement without the high volume part. In my experience, all grados improve with a dedicated headphone amp.

Jun 23, 2006 at 4:09 PM Post #4 of 5
The enjoyment is almost certainly due to the sheer volume, and not the removal of constraints on the amp (which probably rises significantly in distortion with volume). Loud listening is certainly enjoyable, I enjoy it myself. Before you get hordes of the low-level listeners warning you about hearing damage, I'll lend my advice. Just make sure:
1) You're not doing it TOO loud (any ear ringing after a session means it's too loud)
2) You're limiting the duration of such sessions (1 hour is very long)
3) You're limiting the frequency of such sessions and giving your ears lots of rest (once a week is much better than daily)

Some people will still encounter hearing problems even with precautions; thus there is a certain risk involved - it's just one of those differences that make us individual. Also, choice of heaphone becomes more crucial at higher volumes - some cans are fatiguing while others are very soothing. Personally I've found the new Grados (SR series, RS1) to be too fatiguing for a good loud listen - I much favor the high-end AT's (L3000, w11, w2002, w5000) and HP1000, the Sennheisers can be good for this too.
Jun 23, 2006 at 4:38 PM Post #5 of 5
The Sennheiser hd650's come to life from medium to loud volumes. Quiet listening makes them feel subdued and lacking in the treble.

For low level listening, I use Grados.


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