My new ARIA has arrived.
Jan 7, 2006 at 4:58 AM Post #211 of 396
Its been fun, but...

I'm selling my Aria and it is listed in the For Sale / Trade Forum. I want to be very clear that the Aria is the ONLY headamp I’ve ever heard, so don’t take my decision as a reflection on the product.

I appreciate everything that this forum has done to help me put my toe in the water, but I’m going to stick with component stereo.
Jan 7, 2006 at 10:28 AM Post #213 of 396
I fear this may be a stupid question but my Aria connects through the usb1 port on my pc but not through a usb2 port - is this a problem? Obviously on one level it isn't as the Aria sounds great through the usb1 port - would it be any better with usb2 (I suspect this is the stupid bit of the question)?

Also, has anyone tried the Aria with Beyer DT880's? I was thinking of getting some as they are quite cheap at Meyer audio.


ps. is there any other forum around that would have helped me part with my money so quickly?
Jan 7, 2006 at 4:47 PM Post #214 of 396

Originally Posted by Ervinos
I fear this may be a stupid question but my Aria connects through the usb1 port on my pc but not through a usb2 port - is this a problem? Obviously on one level it isn't as the Aria sounds great through the usb1 port - would it be any better with usb2 (I suspect this is the stupid bit of the question)?

The default OS drivers for sound is a USB 1.1 spec not USB 2.0. You should be able to run through either, but you wont get an advantage by using USB 2.0.
Jan 7, 2006 at 8:44 PM Post #215 of 396
Well I just got back from checking the mail and still no amp.
Mine shipped on the 27th so I guess it should be getting hear pretty soon. This anticipation is killing me.
Jan 7, 2006 at 10:49 PM Post #216 of 396

Originally Posted by Cousin Patty
Well I just got back from checking the mail and still no amp.
Mine shipped on the 27th so I guess it should be getting hear pretty soon. This anticipation is killing me.

I feel your pain. Mine is likewise MIA, AWOL, whatever. If an amp shipped on the 28th can make it to New Zealand by now, you'd think it could make it to the US. Why the first units took 6 - 7 days to arrive, and now mine will take a minimum of 13 days (if it makes it by Monday, which I sincerely doubt) is a mystery.

I'm ready to give up. I should just sell my lonely K701's and admit defeat.
Jan 8, 2006 at 1:11 AM Post #217 of 396
Yeah it's pretty disheartening when you think about people that far away from Germany already having their amps when they shipped around the same time as ours. But if their amps made it down to New Zealand then they should get to the US alright too...I hope...
Jan 8, 2006 at 2:19 AM Post #218 of 396
I live in Canada. Mine was shipped on Dec 23, and it came on Jan 5 but no one was home. I just got it from the post office today
Burning in right now.
Jan 8, 2006 at 9:05 AM Post #219 of 396

Originally Posted by Cousin Patty
Well I just got back from checking the mail and still no amp.
Mine shipped on the 27th so I guess it should be getting hear pretty soon. This anticipation is killing me.

Mine shipped on 30th, but they should be here tomorrow or the day after that. I actually had a dream of receiving them last night... oh the joy
Jan 8, 2006 at 3:07 PM Post #221 of 396

Originally Posted by Atropos
do I really need foobar and ASIO to use Aria over USB?
I plugged mine just in and turned volume all up using winamp. isnt this enough? or is soundquality better with foobar?

I use my Aria via USB with iTunes, works and sounds great, no issues. No need for FooBar and/or ASIO.
Jan 9, 2006 at 4:03 PM Post #222 of 396
Jan 9, 2006 at 5:07 PM Post #223 of 396
Thought that you might be interested that I have decided to keep my Aria.

BTW: What do Aria owners think of the Crossfeed? At first I thought that I was losing some detail and sense of space so I didn't use it. But last night I did most of my listening with Xfeed on, and found the sound more 'settled'.
Jan 9, 2006 at 5:14 PM Post #224 of 396
For me, Crossfeed is a mandatory feature for a headphone amp. I don;t really like headphone listening without it. YMMV.
Jan 9, 2006 at 5:17 PM Post #225 of 396

Originally Posted by Alwayswantmore
Thought that you might be interested that I have decided to keep my Aria.

BTW: What do Aria owners think of the Crossfeed? At first I thought that I was losing some detail and sense of space so I didn't use it. But last night I did most of my listening with Xfeed on, and found the sound more 'settled'.

Personally I've not noticed much of a difference myself with it either turned on or off so I generally listen with it off... but then I've not heard enough music that I'm used to with it turned on.

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