My guide to making foobar pretty (usable).
Sep 22, 2006 at 6:16 AM Post #151 of 255
1) Install all the plug-ins the original poster links to (you know you have to shut down adn restart it I assume)
2) select "Columns UI" for the display interface
3) go into Columns UI >> Layout
4) and make the UI tree look like what he shows you in the image.

Works fantabulous. I've branched out and set it up how I like it.

Only wish there was a 'video plug-in', as I have AAC iPod videos in my library, so can't 'watch' them (can hear them).
Sep 22, 2006 at 7:48 AM Post #152 of 255

Originally Posted by aaroncort
I'm having trouble figuring out how to make my music library in the same window as my playlist. As it is now my library only appears as a pop up seperate window which i find to be anoying. In the picture on the first page of this post his album library is to the left of his playlist in the same window. How do i set this up? Thanks, Aaron.

If you're using Columns UI, download Album List Panel, and add it to your layout. You can even stack em' (put em' in tabs) by using tabbed panel stack


layout (stacking playlist switcher and album list panel)

Sep 22, 2006 at 7:50 AM Post #153 of 255

Originally Posted by m8o
Only wish there was a 'video plug-in', as I have AAC iPod videos in my library, so can't 'watch' them (can hear them).

it's an audio player, not a media player

Sep 22, 2006 at 5:10 PM Post #154 of 255

Originally Posted by acedriver
If you're using Columns UI, download Album List Panel, and add it to your layout. You can even stack em' (put em' in tabs) by using tabbed panel stack


layout (stacking playlist switcher and album list panel)


I think I fooed up somewere. My prefrences looks nothing like that. I'll start over from the begining and see if i can follow the rules better this time. Thanks though.
Sep 22, 2006 at 5:55 PM Post #155 of 255

Originally Posted by Distroyed
Nice job updating this to 0.9. So many things changed and were broken, I have yet to upgrade since I have things just right in 0.8.

I would make one recommendation - avoid using the foobar library and just use a good file explorer to open music (e.g., directory opus). It's much more efficient and will make foobar load 10x faster and use less resources.

Whats the name of the directory opus plugin? Thanks
Sep 22, 2006 at 7:20 PM Post #157 of 255
Sweet fancy moses i figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know that i had to right click and add all of that stuff. I assumed that it would all be there since it didn't tell me the steps i had to do. I thought I had installed something incorrectly and had to figure that out before I went on.

Now that I know how to do this much it really makes me understand why I see so much posted on this little program here. It's amazing. I really want to learn more about it and how to costomize. I think I have found a fun hobby to help get through the winter. I'm going to do a google search for some more forrums about this. Thanks for all the help though!
Sep 22, 2006 at 11:11 PM Post #159 of 255
First off I have to thank HiFire for help with the beautification

Unfortunately I am having a problem that nobody else has seemed to encounter yet. I set up everything (seemingly) exactly the way hifire did it. My player looks the same and everything but for some reason any other programs I have running behind foobar (gaim, firefox) and my desktop icons flicker every couple seconds now when foobar is also in view. When I minimize foobar the flickering goes away. I am thoroughly perplexed. I have reverted back to vanilla foobar for now but would like to get the pretty way working 100%. Appreciate the help.

edit: I notice now that it seems only my desktop icons and GAIM flicker. I just closed foobar and a warning popped up that said "metadb_handle leaks: 1 objects". Then a window popped up with the title Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library that said "Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe R6025 - pure virtual function call"
Sep 22, 2006 at 11:38 PM Post #160 of 255

Originally Posted by aaroncort
Now that I know how to do this much it really makes me understand why I see so much posted on this little program here. It's amazing. I really want to learn more about it and how to costomize. I think I have found a fun hobby to help get through the winter. I'm going to do a google search for some more forrums about this. Thanks for all the help though!

Congrats on the new hobby

One of the best place to start is the official forum,
Sep 23, 2006 at 12:16 AM Post #161 of 255
In an update from before I seem to have pinpointed the source of my problems in the foo_uie_albumart version which was just added on September 18. I would suggest to any new users wanted to update to avoid the current release of this and go with one of the archived versions.
Sep 23, 2006 at 12:37 AM Post #162 of 255

Originally Posted by adeut85
In an update from before I seem to have pinpointed the source of my problems in the foo_uie_albumart version which was just added on September 18. I would suggest to any new users wanted to update to avoid the current release of this and go with one of the archived versions.

the author uploaded a new build without changing the version number, try that.

also, "metadb_handle leaks: 1 objects" warning usually come out when you use the unofficial playcount plugin. Using the official component (playback statistic) should fix this.
Sep 23, 2006 at 12:39 AM Post #163 of 255

Originally Posted by acedriver
it's an audio player, not a media player

...i'm sure that a plug-in could play the stream in a panel, just like the Album Art panel can show an image....
Sep 23, 2006 at 12:42 AM Post #164 of 255

Originally Posted by J-Pak
Is there a plugin that will automatically download album art?

It's not as slick as other players. The image has to be in the folder with the music or something like that.
Sep 23, 2006 at 1:52 AM Post #165 of 255

Originally Posted by acedriver
the author uploaded a new build without changing the version number, try that.

also, "metadb_handle leaks: 1 objects" warning usually come out when you use the unofficial playcount plugin. Using the official component (playback statistic) should fix this.

This version of album art is still unstable for me but better than the one I had. I'm not getting the metadb_handle leaks warning anymore so I think I am happy with my setup for now.

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