Music of the excellent variety.
Nov 12, 2010 at 12:01 AM Post #17 of 62
Prog rock is good music, though I tend more to the 80's stuff. Still, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple and Jethro Tull for the win! I haven't heard them personally, but a friend who has been spot on with her recommendations music-wise suggested looking up the music of Neu! Also, try Electric Light Orchestra and well, Kansas does count as well, at least part of its music, anyway. Kate Bush also has some music that could be considered prog rock, or at least heavily influenced. You might also want to try out Journey's music. And while we're at it: Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells" is cited as prog rock, though to me-- it's not easy, if at all possible to pigeonhole it into some genre.
Nov 12, 2010 at 12:32 AM Post #18 of 62
These won't cover all of your requirements, but I think you'll enjoy them because we have a good amount of overlap in tastes:

The Elephant 6 collective. Not one band, but a whole bunch of them. A common entry point is "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea," by Neutral Milk Hotel. But you should nose around the other bands, like the Apples in Stereo, Of Montreal, Elf Power, Olivia Tremor Control, and quite a few others. There's a lot to love in there, so run a few searches on E6 and start exploring.

Check out Wilco. You'll probably enjoy the Mermaid Avenue sessions, but my favorite Wilco disc is "Summerteeth." The rest are good to excellent, but "Summerteeth" has been in my rotation for ten years. Give it a try.

For some strings and pop, try "The Juliet Letters" by Elvis Costello. The rest of his work covers quite a range, but you'll find gems throughout.

And then there's ELO. Grab the "Greatest Hits" disc then work into their albums. ELO hits most of what you're looking for. Incredible hooks and you'll find plenty of classical instruments and references blended in. Good stuff!

Edit: Can't believe I left out Brian Wilson's "SMiLE." Just buy it, alright? :)
Nov 12, 2010 at 12:59 AM Post #19 of 62
Wow, Alice's Restaurant. Never thought I'd see that listed here. I also have it completely memorized.
"We had never heard of a dump closed on Thanksgivin' before, and with tears in our eyes, we drove off into the sunset lookin' for.. another place to put the garbage."
"But when we got to the scene of the crime, there was 5 police officers and 3 police cars, bein' the biggest crime of the last fifty years and everybody wanted to get in a newspaper story-about it."
"... where you walk in, get injected, inspected, detected, nee-glected and see-lected."
"An I, An I.. walked over to the, to the, bench there, an there's.. there's group W's where they, where they put you at."
"Mother rapers... father stabbers... FATHER RAPERS... father rapers sittin' right there on the bench next to me, and one.. he was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible"
"That was horrible.... If you wanna end war an' stuff, ya gotta sing loud."
Love it, though people don't usually get it when I play it for them.
Nov 12, 2010 at 2:14 AM Post #20 of 62
Wow, I'm going to have to buy "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea". Thanks Uncle Erik.... Geez you are everywhere! I have some ELO, kind of thinned out to what I like. Journey is good, but not a favorite. I really appreciate all the suggestions, I have discovered a lot of great sounds.
I wish I had a higher bitrate version of Alice's Restaurant, but I suppose it's not so much about the music as it is about the lyrics.
Nov 12, 2010 at 3:51 AM Post #21 of 62
Without looking at your long list of music you like, I'll recommend Mr. Bungle - California for you. You can't find more variety of styles than that album. You can also look at Porcupine Tree's albums if you haven't, maybe start with Stupid Dream.
Nov 21, 2010 at 12:48 AM Post #22 of 62
California is now, without a doubt, one of the strangest albums I have ever heard. Very interesting. Not sure if I like it enough to buy.... Very interesting though.Porcupine Tree sounds great. I like the style of their music. I'm surprised I've never heard of them, They are apparently pretty popular. I appreciate All the suggestions, and I prefer this slow rate, as it allows me to fully explore each artist without being rushed on to the next one :D I am so very selfish! I will make another post about my favorite music for whoever wishes to read it soon. Thank you all!
Nov 22, 2010 at 3:30 PM Post #24 of 62
Thanks beepbeep! I will edit this post later today with more of my music. I was thinking about starting a blog with maybe a weekly entry of 20 songs/artists/albums I like. Dunno If anyone would read it, but seeing as I don't have an english class in college right now, I figure it would be good to be writing something, and not lose the ability to write regularly, you know, stay in practice for next semester.
Dec 13, 2010 at 1:56 AM Post #25 of 62
Music round 2: Since I got my SA6’s, I’ve been listening to a lot of music with more low end oomph, and I’ve also rediscovered the mid-range of a lot of my favorite songs. I love the SA6 mids. Anybody who has any suggestions for my odd tastes, please, go right on ahead.
I’m just going to continue down my list of songs and artists that I feel exhibit copious portions of greatness:
Pinkerton album by Weezer: Weezer is probably the one band I would listen to for the rest of my life if I had to. I just wish they had a little less “reverbiness” on their guitar, because it kind of muddies up their sound IMHO. It’s probably just my source etc. I wish they did a style more like the end of “Unspoken” from Hurley which I think is one of their worst albums as a whole, but I like “Unspoken” a lot. I listened to it for an hour straight once.
“Every Planet We Reach is Dead” by The Gorillaz: I love this beat, along with the simple “wahh wahh wa wawawa” of the guitar that pops in here and there. Very plain song, with nice lyrics and vocals too. I’ve been enjoying the rest of Demon Days as well.
“Under the Bridge” by Red Hot Chili Peppers: I spoke about this song in my last post, but I really listened to it a few times, and I love the bass guitar here. When Anthony Kiedis goes into the chorus, I love his tone. This is the kind of simple texture that I love in a song.
“April 29th 1992” by Sublime: I have always liked this song, kind of a ballad of sorts.
“Black Mamba” by The Academy Is: Again, I have a thing for acoustic guitars in rock songs, along with a predominant drum sound. It’s a combination I find more and more in my favorite songs.
“Hope” by Jack Johnson: I feel like every time I listen to this song, I find some new note or instrument thrown in. There’s lots of songs like this. I would say “The Remedy” by Jason Mraz or “One Week” by Barenaked Ladies also fits this bill.
Everclear: A few of their songs have been blowing me away through my HD448’s (soon to be upgraded!). “Santa Monica”, “Father Of Mine”, “I Will Buy You A New Life”, and “So Much For The Afterglow” I previously had a bad rip, with loads of sibilance. I re-ripped when I noticed it wasn’t just the track. Much better!
“1983” and “In The Next Room” by Neon Trees: I like the vocals of Neon Trees. I recently heard an acoustic version of “Animals” and liked it much more than the normal one.
We Sold Out For Free EP by Body or Brain: A very raw, live sound to their music. Seems very cleanly recorded. Not much editing or processing.
“Little Sister” by Queens of the Stone Age: Needs more cowbell. Need I say more?
“Behind Blue Eyes”, “Bargain”, and Quadrophenia by The Who: if The Who ever goes on tour again, I’ll give an arm and a leg to see them live.  My favorite part of  “Behind Blue Eyes” is the acoustic guitar. Perfection. I love how you can actually feel it in your ear with the RE0’s. Kind of a scratchy feeling. Awesome! The bass guitar is also nicely executed here. The drums aren’t overdone for my tastes either. One of my favorite songs.
“Flaskaboozendancingshoes” “Very Busy People” “The Future” “Dancing At Her Funeral” “Wildfires” by The Limousines: The Limousines opened for the Weezer concert I went to, and I wasn’t very impressed with the sound. I thought they were worth a second look, so I tried their album when I got home. WOW. The venue did not do them justice. I can’t say the same for most live music I’ve heard, but they had something setup wrong. There were NO vocals live, it was completely recessed, the bass was overpowering. (oddly satisfying to truly feel ridiculous amounts of bass, maybe not from a quality standpoint… but it was an experience) Much better off of the CD.
Hot Hot Heat: I think their album, Elevator is one of those that I could listen to over and over again, and never be bored. One of the first CD’s I ever had, that I really listened to and cherished, that was truly mine. (Wow. That was only five years ago…. My tastes have certainly changed)
Cage The Elephant by Cage The Elephant: I saw them live a little while ago, at some small stage outdoor event I can’t remember the name of. They had so much energy, probably some of the best performers I have ever seen. Also one of those special few albums I love every track from.
“The Resolution” “MFEO Pt. 1” “Bruised” “Mixed Tape” by Jack’s Mannequin: A recent addition to my library, my love for Jack’s Mannequin grew when I was lucky enough to discover that one of the children in my mother’s kindergarten class was a nephew of Andrew McMahon, the lead singer of Jack’s Mannequin. I was very privileged to meet him, and he played some live music for my mom’s class. I am one of those people that falls in love with anything after hearing it live (See: Coldplay, Cage The Elephant)
“Every Day Is A Winding Road” “If It Makes You Happy” “All I Wanna Do” by Sheryl Crow: I think that this fills a genre in my library that I find to be very lacking; female vocals. Just catchy songs. I realize that I basically like everybody’s hits… Hmm.
“Foreplay/ Long Time” “Let Me Take You Home Tonight” by Boston: More of that classic-y “I-don’t-know-how-to-categorize-this-type-of-music.” I would like some suggestions for similar music! Same goes for The Who.
“Nobody’s Hero” “Face Up” by Rush: Again, I need more of this music.
Inception OST: Need I say more? Godly. So much emotion. It manages to pump me up, yet leave me feeling kind of sad. So dramatic. BAAAARM BAAARM…….
“Under Control” by Parachute: I downloaded this as a single of the week on iTunes (bleh) a long time ago. It stuck.
“Dry Your Eyes” by Streets: I imagine a young Ricky Gervais is singing. Actually makes me laugh… Am I a terrible person?

“How Bizarre” by OMC: Gotta love one hit wonders. This is such an unusual song. Has anyone seen what this guy looks like? How bizarre……
“Here Withou You” by 3 Doors Down: Ahhhhh more 90’s music. I think it’s that mix again… violins (or something), drums, bass guitar.
“Double Dare (Proper Villains And Jubilee Remix) by Roxy Cottontail: I saw some videogame montage with this in it. It stuck.
“I Write Sins Not Tragedies” by Panic At The Disco: I really wish I knew more descriptive musical terms.
“Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance: Kind of funny lyrics to me… Gives me a chuckle, seeing as I’m the least threatening teen alive.
“Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare” by Matt & Kim: Awesome percussion. Although I think a lot of it is the keyboard. It’s kind of hard to tell.
“Ghost’s n Stuff” by Deadmau5: I like some techno/electronic music. Deadmau5 is one of the few. I also enjoy a little dubstep.
“Daft Punk Is Playing At My House” by LCD Soundsystem: Kick-butt beat. I could listen to this without lyrics, and still love it.
“Illmerica” by Wolfgang Gartner: Great techno. I wish I had more like it.
Anyway, That’s all for the latest installment.
Dec 17, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #29 of 62
Dream Theater is one of those bands I should have taken the time to listen to a long time ago, but just kept getting distracted. I wish I had taken the time. I also wosh I didn't have plugged ears due to a sinus infection at the moment. Then I could really do them musical justice.
Dec 19, 2010 at 3:29 PM Post #30 of 62
Lots of good stuff by the Cowboy Junkies:
Trinity Session
Trinity Revisited
Whites off Earth Now
21st Century Blues
Lay it Down
...and much more, this is just my faves off the top of my head.
This is NOT a country band, more of a mellow bluesy rock kinda thing, great guitar and vocals, SQ is almost always superb.

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