Music City Meet Vol. 3 -- Nashville, TN -- Spring 2015 (April 18, 2015)

Feb 1, 2015 at 11:26 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 513


Headphoneus Supremus
Mar 28, 2010
Welcome to the Third Edition of the Music City Meet in Spring 2015!! 
This is the Official Thread for the third incarnation of Music City Meet in (or around) Nashville, TN-- welcome!!
The Basics:
  1. The event will be held on April 18th, 2015 from 10am until 7pm
  2. The venue will be the conference room at the Best Western in Spring Hill, TN
  3. The address is 104 Kedron Pkwy, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174
Venue Pics:
(Yes, I realize I'm not going to be threatening Ansel Adams any time soon with my photography skills. Just accept it and move along.)




To get an idea of what to expect, please feel free to check out the threads from our previous meets:
Music City Meet Official Thread - Spring 2014
Music City Meet Pictures & Impressions Thread - Spring 2014
Music City Meet - Fall 2014
Music City Meet Pictures & Impressions Thread - Fall 2014
The Pictures & Impressions thread from the last meet was the defacto thread to discuss the upcoming thread until we got the location nailed down, but the thread was (inexplicably) locked, so we'll just chat here instead!

Frequently/Never Asked Questions: 
Who Is Welcome?
How Much Does It Cost? 
Not a thing. Just show up, be friendly, and bring gear if you have some to share!
What Can I Bring? 
Besides a love of good music well reproduced and a friendly demeanor, you don't need to bring anything at all! If you have some personal audio gear that others might like to hear, though, we would love it if you'd bring yours down (as that's one of the key elements to making the meet great for everyone)! Let me know what you decide to bring by posting below. If something changes, no worries-- just post in the thread and I'll try to keep the gear lists updated so people have some idea what's going to be present to check out.
I Don't Have Any Cool Headphone Gear, Can I Bring Something Else to Help Out?
Sure! We can always use extension cables and power strips, and the more the better-- we'll have almost twice as many power outlets (16!) as we did for the first two meets, but as always, we really can't have enough of both! We ended up lining tables along the walls last time and had few enough attendees for it to work with the strips and extensions we had, but if we have a significant increase in attendees this time, we'll definitely need more. Basically, if you have 'em, bring 'em!! :) Also, if there are any shutterbugs among the group (like Eric was in May and September) who are kind enough to bring along cameras and share their pictures with everyone, that would be greatly appreciated!! Because if there's anything that's almost as great as awesome headphones, it's awesome headphone pictures-- a fact which has been scientifically proven for decades. Don't look it up, just trust me here.
What About the Eats??
Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide snacks or food for everyone. However, there is a Frankie's Pizza and Grill that is about 15 feet from the hotel, and a ton of chain restaurants about 2 miles down the road. The owner of the venue is fine with individuals bringing food for themselves and eating it on premise, we just can't bring food for everyone. We'll probably have a table (away from all the gear) where people can sit down and enjoy their food and drinks. One note: I love beer more than anybody, but we have agreed that there will be no alcohol on the premises, so if you need a couple swigs to calm the shakes, take 'em before you come by ;).
Are There Any Additional Festivities? 
I'm open to meeting up for dinner and drinks the night before or after the meet (or both, maybe) with interested parties. If you're interested, let me know!!
Will There Be Any Vendors There? 
At this point, who knows? (Update: a lot!! Check the second post below!) I'm going to reach out to a few, including several that wanted to attend the last one but weren't able to due to some issues with the previous organizer. As I get vendors on board, I'll post the updates here, so stay tuned!!
What Awesome Gear Will Be Present For Me to Check Out?
That depends on what awesome gear you bring! I'll keep a running tally of who's bringing what in the second post, so if you are just dying to hear the new KochleaKrusher 4000, you can see if someone plans on bringing one down to share. I can say that last time we had some pretty stellar gear available (see the links from the Impressions threads above), and I think everybody got to hear a lot of stuff that was new and interesting to them. Just don't bring your next mortgage payment with you when you come-- you might be hopping on websites and buying stuff before you know what happened. Which would be Sad Mac.
Do I Need to Let You Guys Know I'm Coming?
Technically, no-- you can just show up! However, I'd like to have an idea of how many people are coming, and what gear they're bringing, so that I can make sure I keep the logistics of this sucker under control. Should we have too many people show up and not enough chairs, for example, we might have packs of stiff-legged audiophiles roaming the hapless streets of Spring Hill... which would definitely be bad news bears.
So When Is This Whole Soiree Going to Be Happening? 
We'll have the room booked for the whole day, but the 'official' hours are 10am through 7pm. If 7pm rolls around and everybody is still feelin' froggy, we might even extend it a while ;).

Other Thoughts:
Gear to Sell: If you have some gear you'd like to sell and plan on bringing, let me know and I'll make a note that it's for sale in the gear listings. This seems to be popular in some of the big meets in the Northeast I've read up on, and I don't see why we couldn't do the same thing. Plus, if Jay attends, there's a distinct possibility he would buy every single headphone in attendance and resell them before leaving, and that's a spectacle I couldn't possibly bear missing. (Hugs, Jay!! 
IEM Section: I'm thinking it would be interesting to have a separate table or area for IEMs and portable equipment in general. After speaking with Zach at Aurisonics before the last meet, I picked up a bunch of alcohol wipes that can be used to generally clean/sterilize IEM tips. There weren't a lot of people who tried IEMs other than the Aurisonics stuff that was there (which were excellent, btw), but I'll have the wipes here again. Pro Tip: if you plan on listening to a particular set of IEMs somebody mentions bringing, it would be wise to order a set of tips for that IEM in your size prior to the meet, so you can listen to it precisely as you'd hear it with your own two ear-holes-- and you get the bonus of avoiding sharing ear-related heebie jeebies with somebody!! Win-Win FTW!!
Vendors to Invite: I'm already planning on reaching out to Zach at ZMF (of course), Justin at HeadAmp, Dale at Aurisonics, and a few others. Who else would you like to see here? If you have any contacts or compromising photographs that could compel a manufacturer with great gear to attend, please let me know!
Your Thoughts/Ideas: After attending a grand total of five headphone meets in my life (including the ones I set up), I'm willing to concede that there are probably a significant number of great ideas out there I haven't stumbled across yet. Got a great idea? Holla at me!! I'm sure we won't be able to do every awesome thing anyone thinks of, but I'm definitely very interested in making this as great an experience as humanly possible for everyone involved, so don't be bashful-- this is the internet, after all! I'm going to dig through a few other threads for good ideas too, and if I find anything brilliant I'll bring it back for the trial by groupthink.
Standard Demo Tracks: One thing I thought of after attending the last meet was how nice it might be if there was a standard album (or track list) of 10-20 songs that were loaded in the same format, bitrate, etc on each setup at the meet. This might make it easier to compare multiple setups, but it also might be a pain in the mule. Whaddya think, is this worth doing? And if so, what tracks should we shoot for having everyone use? (No flame wars here, please-- no matter how much you feel the need to convince everyone that Bieber really is the Mozart of our generation).
UPDATE: Okay, so we've decided on The Ultimate Headphone Demonstration Disc from Chesky Records. You can get 20% off by using the code UHDD20 as a Head-Fi member! You aren't required to get this, by any means-- it's just an attempt to make your comparative experience more valuable by providing a common ground for many of us to use when evaluating different gear. Also, you're a dork if you don't get it. (Just kidding. Dorkiness seems to come for free with each download on this one...)
Signature Line Advertising: Since few people seem to come to the meet threads, it would be great if those who know about the meet could get the word out to others who might be interested in attending. Besides the normal methods of doing so (posting in boards, sending PMs to members in the area, showing up unannounced at the homes of various members), a few of us did links in our signature lines to let people know about the last one. A few examples might be:
  1. See You in Nashville at the Music City Meet on April 18th!
  2. Awesomeness Embodied: A Deconstructive Analysis of the Subtextual Interstices at the Music City Meet in Nashville, April 18th.
  3. Where I'll Be On April 18th -- Wanna Come?
  4. Putting the "Music" Back In the Music City -- April 18th, 2015!!
Feel free to copy any of these and put 'em in your signature line-- we don't want anybody who would enjoy this to miss it, and you might help somebody find out about it!
Pre-Meet Dinner: In what is becoming a Music City Meet tradition, a few of us will be getting together the night before the meet (Friday, April 17th) for dinner and good conversation. Feel free to join us!!
Dinner Info:
Cool Springs Brewery (
600A Frazier Drive No.135 Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 503.9626
Time: 6:00pm

Closing Thoughts: 
I can honestly say I've learned more about my own tastes in gear and how I wanted to set up my system from meets than all the reading I've done on the internet-- and that's a lot of reading on the internet. If you've never been to a meet before, GO TO A MEET!! We'd love to have you at ours, but even if you can't come to this one, getting to any meet would definitely be worth your time. And if you're an old hat at these meets by now, why, where have you been while Nashville has needed a meet all these years?? Why am I stuck doing this???

Seriously, these meets succeed or fail based on the quality of the people and the gear that show up. I genuinely look forward to seeing the guys from the last meet and meeting some new people at this one!! SEE YOU IN NASHVILLE!!!!
Feb 1, 2015 at 11:27 PM Post #2 of 513
Tentative Attendees & Gear: 
An parenthetical asterisk, like (*), indicates that the piece is also for sale. Yay!
Also, see the Vendors list below for even more great gear that will be making the trip to NashVegas!!
Hifiman HE-6 (modded)
Beyerdynamic T5p (balanced mod)
Beyerdynamic T1
Mr Speakers Alpha Dog
Ultrasone Signature Pro
Aurisonics ASG-2
Etymotic ER-4PT
Sennheiser HD25-1 II
Sennheiser Amperior
Symphones Magnum v4
Beyerdynamic T51i
Beyerdynamic T51p (60 ohm)
Grado GS1000 (original)
Stax SR-003MK2
Audio-gd Master 8
First Watt F5 (Rawson clone)
Leckerton UHA-6S Mk.II
iBasso D-Zero
Meier Audio PCSTEP
JDS Labs O2
Stax SRM-252S
Lynx Hilo
Netbook (basically Civil War-era)
Dell Venue 11 Pro (yes, this is the Tablet That Spawned a Thousand Curses at the last meet)
iBasso DX50
iBasso DX90
Hifiman HE-400i
Beyerdynamic DT1350
Schiit Vali
Schiit Modi 2 Uber
Hifiman HE500 with grill and Fuzzor mods
Grado RS1i
SennGrado V2
ALO Pan Am
Meier Audio Corda HA-2
Cambridge Audio DacMagic 100
Starting Point Systems NOS DAC 
Grado PS500
Grado SR80i
Sennheiser HD-650
Woo Audio WA6
Fiio E10
Audez'e LCD-X (Wywires Red balanced cables and stock SE cables)
Audez'e LCD-XC
Sennheiser HD800
Shure SE535
Bose QC-25
Schiit Mjolnir
Schiit Asgard 2 (*)
Sennheiser HDVA600
Schiit Gungnir
Schiit Uber Bifrost (*)
AudioQuest Dragonfly V1
Apple Macbook Pro
HifiMan HE560
Grado PS500e
Dunu Titan 1
Zero Audio Duoza
Alclair RSM Quad
Schiit Lyr 2
B&K 125.2
Schiit Über Bifrost
Apex Glacier
IFi iDSD Nano
Astell & Kern AK100 Mk II
Apex Glacier 
Audeze LCD3F
Sennheiser HD800
Sennheiser HD650
AKF K240 Sextett LP
Fostex T10
Marantz SE-1S (Electrostatic)
Schiit Ragnarok
ALO Audio MK3B+
Marantz EE-1 (Energizer)
Meier Daccord
MacBook Air w/ Amarra 3.03
Astell & Kern AK100ll
Audeze LCD-2.1
Aurisonics ASG-2.2
V-Moda M-80
Sennheiser Momentums (over-ear)
Woo Audio WA7 + WA7tp
Olive Media One
Audio Technica W5000
AKG K550
AKG K501
AKG K701
AKG K401
Dynahi (DIY designed by Kevin Gilmore)
Hifiman HE 500 (with Jergpads and grill mod)
Sennheiser HD 700
Monster Miles Davis Tribute

Burson Conductor SL
Beyerdynamic T1 (modded to accept mini-XLR)
Grado RS1i
Schiit Modi 2 Uber
Little Dot MKIII
HifiMan HE-500
Maverick Audio Tubemagic D2
Emotiva Mini-X 100
Subpac S2
MrSpeakers Mad Dogs 3.2
Shure SRH840
CEntrance DACport
Audioquest Dragonfly 1.2
Yulong A100
Grado PS1000
Grado G1000i
Grado HF2
Denon 7000
Audio Techinca WTH-1000x Grandioso
Sennheiser HD 600
Bel Canto Dac 2
Glow Amp One
Schiit Magni

Tentative Vendors & Enthusiast Companies: 
These are the companies that have committed to supporting our meet! There may be others there as well, but these are the ones who have already gone on record as contributing to what we are doing, and we are very appreciative!!
Norne Audio: One of the best headphone cable companies on the planet, in my opinion. Gorgeous stuff, reasonable prices, excellent workmanship, and top-notch customer service. I haven't worked with every cable company on the planet, and can't recommend all of the ones I have worked with; but I would definitely recommend Trevor and his work to anyone looking for high quality cables. Check them out if you haven't already!
UPDATE: Per our own Wildcatsare1, Norne will be sending us "Arcane Specialty Cables, designed exclusively for Audeze HPs. The Draug 2 for HiFiMan, Vorpal 8 Wire for two pin IEM/CIEMs (Alclair, Westone, JH, etc.) plus, adapters so the Draug 2 can be used with HD800." If you wanted to check our Norne cables, I doubt you'll get a better opportunity!
HifiMAN: If this doesn't get you excited, I don't know what will-- HifiMAN has generously offered to lend us "some products you won't already have there," but hasn't yet elucidated on which products they're referring to. Full disclosure: I specifically asked about the upcoming flagship/slayer-of-worlds HE-1000, and our contact (Peter) was understandably reticent to promise he could deliver it at the moment. I, however, will be crossing all my fingers and toes, avoiding black cats like the plague, and collecting four-leaf clovers in the intervening time in hopes of swaying Lady Luck to our side. Man, I LOVE these guys!!!
Massdrop: For anyone familiar with the legendary AKG K702 (or its neon-leisure-suited brother the Q702), the latest (and apparently best) version is now here: the Massdrop edition AKG K7XX. These are a series of revisions of the already well-regarded Anniversary editions and manage not to be as gut-wrenchingly expensive as many current cans are. Great sound at a non-exorbitant price? Could be a winner!! Massdrop has generously offered to send us a couple K7XX headphones to check out, and I know I'm not the only who is excited to check 'em out!!
Woo Audio: As inarguably one of the most popular and well-regarded providers of tube DACs and amplifiers in the headphone community, it is very exciting to have Woo Audio contributing to our event!! I will update this post once we have more information on what specifically they will be sending, but considering it's Woo Audio, you can count on it sounding great and looking good enough to cause your significant other serious concern!
UPDATE: Mike at Woo has informed me that they will be sending the (predictably gorgeous) fully balanced WA22 amplifier!! Along with the WA6 and WA7/WA7tp units that members are planning on bringing, Woo should be amply represented at the meet!
Emotiva: Anyone even tangentially familiar with high-value and reasonably-priced home theater gear in the last 10 years already knows all about Emotiva. Based right down the road in Franklin, TN, they have established value/performance benchmarks in a wide range of categories, and have been of particular interest to Head-Fiers for their pro-series DAC and several of their amplifiers (one of which, the Mini-X, is the default recommendation for a great starting point to properly amplify the notoriously inefficient HE-6). I've been hoping to get these guys out to our meets since Day 1, and I know I'm one of many guys who are very excited to get to listen to what they have to offer!!!
Alclair: Alclair is a bit new to me, but has a great reputation around Head-Fi, particularly for their custom in-ear monitors, and they come highly recommended by our own Wildcatsare1, who has most definitely had the experience and knowledge to make his endorsement high praise indeed! (That Quad RSM looks particularly intriguing... Hmmm). Many audio enthusiasts (myself among them) end up listening more to IEMs than full-sized headphones simply due to how convenient and portable they are, so having a well-regarded manufacturer on hand to give us a listen should be a real treat!!
UPDATE: Per our own "guy who knows a guy" Wildcatsare1, Alclair will be sending us their References, RSM Quads, and Curve Universals, so we should have an excellent representative sample of what they're all about!! Check out some of the reviews around here on these-- these should be the real deal!! Addendum: Tyler of Alclair (sounds kinda Downton Abbey-ish... I dig it) will also be bringing a full iFi stack, including the iCan, iDSD Micro, iTube, and iPower, so there should be plenty of options for getting to properly audition the Alclairs! 
Headphone Audiophile: A new company to the personal audio scene, Atlanta-based Headphone Audiophile has agreed to support us by attending the meet! A quick list of what they currently plan on bringing to the meet: Audeze LCD2, Audeze LCD-XC,Sennheiser HD650, Sennheiser HD800, Sennheiser Momentum 2 around ear, Sony MDR-Z7, and Sony MDR-1A headphones; Marantz HD-DAC1, Sony PHA-3, iFi iDSD Micro, iFi iDSD Nano, Sennheiser HDVD 800 (hopefully), and Sony NWZ-A17 amplifiers and sources. In addition, it appears that there will be a discount for attendees at the meet, so if this doesn't get you excited, you sure aren't Jaywillin!!

MrSpeakers: I highly doubt anyone who has even tangentially interacted with Head-Fi in the past few years is unaware of MrSpeakers and their incredibly impressive lineup of headphones. (Confession: I own and love the Alpha Dogs). Dan Clark himself is planning on attending our little soiree, and he should have an incredible array of gear in tow! Along with his trademark headphones (including the Alpha Dog Prime and brand-new Ether headphones... *fingers crossed*), Dan will be sharing his Cavalli Crimson, Woo Audio WA5 (with Royal Princess tubes), and a Ragnarok!! If you like articulate neutrality (in a closed headphone-- which is way more rare than it should be!), you owe it to yourself to check out the Alpha Dogs at the very least. There's a reason Dan's stuff is so popular around here ;)

Trading Post:
Some of the guys have a few items they'll be bringing that they are interested in selling, so if you're feelin' spendy, you'll have plenty of opportunity to sate your ravenous gear lust! (I'm going to try to mark items in the above list that are for sale with an asterisk to make 'em easier to spot as well).  One note: I've linked to the product pages that I'm pretty sure match the right products, but in case I haven't: confirm it with the seller before you assume I'm correct. In fact, you should probably just assume I'm utterly off my rocker and work from there. Couldn't be that far from being true anyway!
Schiit Asgard 2
Schiit Uber Bifrost
Meier Audio Corda Classic
AudioQuest Dragonfly V1
Everything. Literally. This guy is the ultimate wheeler/dealer, so feel free to make an offer on anything he has. Chances are, he's already considered selling it to fund the purchase of [insert something different and awesome here]. And what he has will probably change by the day of the meet, so just know that it's alllll negotiable with Jay

Feb 2, 2015 at 12:49 AM Post #5 of 513
Let the madness begin o/

Oh, it has most certainly begun ;). I called I think 23 different locations yesterday and physically visited 7 before getting tuckered out and going out for beers with my sis and her friends. I got one more visit in today before having to head back for a Super Bowl party. I'm considering running up to check on one more location tomorrow that I didn't want to miss yesterday, but I've got over a dozen callbacks set to come in tomorrow (I'm off work, thankfully) and I don't want to have to pull over every time I get a call. This whole process should be simpler, but hey-- the things we do for love, right?
Also, it looks like I'll be getting some feedback from the graphic designer on the tshirt ideas I sent over a few weeks ago within the next week or so, and we've got a pretty good idea what the logistics look like there in order to have everything done in time for the meet. Hope that works out well!!
And speaking of madness... I'm reading the HE-1000 thread, and looking at my Q4 bonus, and my upcoming tax refund check, and trying to locate that 'self restraint' thing I keep hearing people talk about...
Feb 2, 2015 at 12:58 AM Post #6 of 513
Oh, it has most certainly begun ;). I called I think 23 different locations yesterday and physically visited 7 before getting tuckered out and going out for beers with my sis and her friends. I got one more visit in today before having to head back for a Super Bowl party. I'm considering running up to check on one more location tomorrow that I didn't want to miss yesterday, but I've got over a dozen callbacks set to come in tomorrow (I'm off work, thankfully) and I don't want to have to pull over every time I get a call. This whole process should be simpler, but hey-- the things we do for love, right?

Also, it looks like I'll be getting some feedback from the graphic designer on the tshirt ideas I sent over a few weeks ago within the next week or so, and we've got a pretty good idea what the logistics look like there in order to have everything done in time for the meet. Hope that works out well!!

And speaking of madness... I'm reading the HE-1000 thread, and looking at my Q4 bonus, and my upcoming tax refund check, and trying to locate that 'self restraint' thing I keep hearing people talk about...

Umm, I'm a graphic designer. Let me know if i can pitch in. I can get full color vinyl banners for like $30 too if relevant.

Few samples of my work
Feb 2, 2015 at 1:02 AM Post #7 of 513
Umm, I'm a graphic designer. Let me know if i can pitch in. I can get full color vinyl banners for like $30 too if relevant.

Are you really?? That is... fantastic!! My sister has a guy that's going to look at it and send me over some stuff based on the ideas I sent him, but if that doesn't work out (or takes too long), I may very well take you up on your offer! Thanks man!!
As a guy with absolutely zero artistic ability (visual, musical, or anything else), I guess I'm always amazed and impressed when others actually have such skills. My stick figure drawings end up looking like seismographs or deliberately postmodern doodlings devoid of meaning. Kudos to you!!
Feb 2, 2015 at 1:13 AM Post #8 of 513
As a guy with absolutely zero artistic ability (visual, musical, or anything else), I guess I'm always amazed and impressed when others actually have such skills. My stick figure drawings end up looking like seismographs or deliberately postmodern doodlings devoid of meaning. Kudos to you!!

Lol, you certainly have a way with words, I suspect we shall get a long just fine.
Feb 2, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #9 of 513
Lol, you certainly have a way with words, I suspect we shall get a long just fine.

*Doffs cap*. I thank you kindly, sir. And yep, I'm guessing we'll get along famously!
You know, I've actually thought about that a bit-- how wild and seemingly unlikely it is that in both of the meets we've had thus far (the last one having I think 37 people throughout the course of the day), everyone that shows up is so friendly, engaging, and utterly without pretense. I'm sure part of it is the Southern culture most of us grew up in (or acclimatized to), but it still just seems wild to me that I genuinely like and get along with basically everybody that's showed up thus far. I tend to be an easy going guy (when my electronics aren't defecating and flinging it directly in my face with glee, of course), but in my experience, any group of that many people is going to have at least a couple of dooberheads. Thus far, though? Totally dooberhead-free... Must be something about the area and our hobby in particular that causes it. Whatever the reason, though, I'm definitely grateful. We get to spend our time enjoying music, gear, and each others' company rather than managing personalities and trying to massage someone's ego through an unpleasant social interaction.
Probably because there are essentially no girls there. *Ducks and runs*
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:26 AM Post #12 of 513
Theo, add me and my gear:
Modi 2 Uber
Joe, this wedding news is tragic.  I had planned to hijack your HE-500s for the day!
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:45 AM Post #13 of 513
I'll have to double check. It's not our wedding, but maybe some sort of shower or party???

Anyway, I'll do my very best to make it so you people can play with my toys :)

Just FYI, they'd include:

HE500 with grill and Fuzzor mods
SennGrado V2

ALO Pan Am
DacMagic 100

Probably a few other goodies as well...
Feb 2, 2015 at 8:50 AM Post #14 of 513
I'll have to double check. It's not our wedding, but maybe some sort of shower or party???

Anyway, I'll do my very best to make it so you people can play with my toys

Just FYI, they'd include:

HE500 with grill and Fuzzor mods
SennGrado V2

ALO Pan Am
DacMagic 100

Probably a few other goodies as well...

The 500 is my last nagging doubt on the headphone side.  I really don't see myself spending $1000+ on a pair of headphones, which is what it'd take to get a significant upgrade over the 400i.  
The 500s still haunt me, though, and if I sold the 400i it wouldn't take much (if any) cash to make the move.

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