Most detailed headphones?
Nov 5, 2008 at 9:20 PM Post #106 of 242

Originally Posted by jrosenth
I know this question isn't addressed to me but I'll venture my opinion having owned the 501 on multiple occasions, indifferent versions, with different cables.

The dt 48 simply destroys the 501 in terms of clarity and resolution, even in the vaulted 501's midrange. I do love the 501 but it's not even close.

The 501, being open has greater headstage - and to my ears it was a bit more musical


Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's a lot like that. The K-501 is tonally neutral and has a wide, open soundstage with plenty of air. The DT48 has the same tonal balance in a more closed in soundstage with all the microdetail. The same kind of detail you get from ESLs, ribbons, AMTs, and actually sitting in an orchestra as a player. The K-501 is more like having a great seat in the audience.

[size=small]Thank you very much, kind sirs! Still another ultra detailed phone to add to my hit list, and one that has proven itself to studio professionals for over half a century - hard to top that!

I am getting ready to move out of state. However, it's comforting to know I can still buy this phone new. It will probably benefit greatly from a recable as well.
Nov 5, 2008 at 9:58 PM Post #108 of 242
[size=small]Perhaps another question is in order for anyone who can answer it: how does the DT48 compare to the legendary Joe Grado HP1/2 in terms of transparency? By transparency, I refer to the ability of the phones to audibly get out of the way, allowing the listener to hear the music signal and the effects of other components (amps, source, cable, etc.) more easily.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can answer.[/size]
Nov 7, 2008 at 4:03 PM Post #111 of 242
[size=small] Quote:

Originally Posted by HeadFi Fanatic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi HF,

I know Wmcnamus is planning to do a review sometime soon (after Nov 15th or so - the date of a meet). I believe he has a pair or two of the Joe Grado HP1/2 - he has just about every other phone in existence!

We may have to hold on until then as there can't be too many people owning the DT48 and Joe Grado HP1/2 phones.[/size]
Nov 7, 2008 at 4:37 PM Post #112 of 242

Originally Posted by Jap /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi HF,

I know Wmcnamus is planning to do a review sometime soon (after Nov 15th or so - the date of a meet). I believe he has a pair or two of the Joe Grado HP1/2 - he has just about every other phone is existence!

We may have to hold on until then as there can't be too many people owning the DT48 and Joe Grado HP1/2 phones.[/size]

yes he has a number of stellar phones...can't wait for his impressions!
Nov 7, 2008 at 5:44 PM Post #113 of 242
HeadFi Fanatic. With that user name I expect you to dive straight into it...
Buy a handful of the 'phones suggested here (K1000, SR-007, DT48E, ...), give them a thorough test and comparison. Then let us know about your findings.

Thats what a fanatic would do...
Nov 7, 2008 at 8:23 PM Post #114 of 242
I only can afford one phone at a time so comparing phones is out of the question. I can go to a meet, however there aren't that many people who own Dt48's. If I won the lottery, then I could buy all the detailed cans in the world, but then finding discontinued cans will be the utmost difficult to find such as the qualia. *sigh*

Seriously, has there ever been anyone who compared all the detailed cans in the world? It's best to listen to all of them on your first listening session that way you don't become succumbed or biased towards a particular headphone over time. It's all psychological imo. That is why I must compare them all at once for an unbiased review. Alas I can't.
Nov 7, 2008 at 10:31 PM Post #115 of 242
Found that interesting remark on DT48
DC Audiovisuel - BEYER DT 48

In a few words
Beyer DT 48 headphones are a sound recording classic. It is the complement of Nagra recorders, with 25 ohm model for Nagra 4.2 (earphones in series) and 200 ohm model for Nagra IV-S: Nagra amplifiers were designed specifically for these headphones. Response leaving something to be desired in low frequencies, high damp and sudden depression sensitivity (headphones "resonate"), and heavy weight (tiring) have made them less popular. Many sound mixers prefer sturdier and lighter models, better fitted to new recorders and broadcasting means. Having said that, their medium and high-frequency precision and fidelity remain unparalleled, so much so that some mixers, and not the least, won't use any other models, because their judgement is based on this sound quality.

Nov 8, 2008 at 12:36 AM Post #117 of 242
RE O2 (Mk1) vs 010:

To me, it's a case of perceived detail vs actual detail. The Qualia has a very pristine sound that really pushes microdetail forward. That makes it sound absurdly detailed on first listen. The O2 OTOH has a presentation that's very focused on the overall picture and microdetail is far back in the mix. That's why a lot of headphones - 010, HE90, R10, K1000, even the ER-4S - all sound more detailed than the O2 on first listen. But, if you listen closely, you will hear just how detailed the O2 is. Its detail level is astonishing. I've never heard anything quite like it, and it doesn't flaunt its detail in any way.

The 010 is the most detailed - and fastest - dynamic headphone by a mile though. It's quite remarkable in its own right. I hope Sony doesn't abandon the design principle, though they really should do away with that custom-fit headband. A flagship headphone that you can't resell doesn't really demonstrate a very good understanding of the market.

RE DT48:

Wow, a headphone launched in 1937 that's still competitive. This I have to hear. I love stuff like this. It shows us just exactly how "state of the art" a lot of our current gear is. I got my first taste of it with the K340, which pretty much blew away most things under $1k, and my pair at least is pretty old.
Nov 8, 2008 at 2:27 AM Post #118 of 242
More detailed then the K1000 and 48s? Erik, with his short listening time, felt that the R10's were not revealing any more then 48's..So, it seems like a stand still. Ofcoure, it was only 5 minutes under meet conditions. I do know that the 48's were more revealing then my balanced sa5000 through my DAC1, which is also very detailed. I cherish detail most, even over musicality? I guess I like to examine my music, then purly enjoy it. I'd take the q10's over the R10's.
Nov 8, 2008 at 2:46 AM Post #119 of 242

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I cherish detail most, even over musicality? I guess I like to examine my music, then purly enjoy it.

X2 lol

Actually I like to examine the music then play it on an instrument. Nothing beats the feeling of superiority when you show your friends your ability to transcribe music down to the bone, and playing it on an instrument. If they ask "you must have golden ears, how'd you do it?" I'd say that's classified lmao.

Nobody cares if you own an expensive rig or how much you try to enjoy your music. That's why I chose to transcribe music and play it. In this case, detailed cans is the answer imo.
Nov 8, 2008 at 4:32 AM Post #120 of 242
I feel very strongly that the DT48's are the most detailed closed cans still in production..Unless I'm missing some other studio monitoring cans.

If not the DT48's, try the DT150's..Globs of detail too.. Under 200.

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