Most Comfortable Headphones?
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:07 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 102


100+ Head-Fier
Feb 8, 2005
I want to know what you guys think are the most comfortable headphones. I don't care what they look like, what they sound like or what they smell like. I just want to have the most comfortable headphones of all time.

So what do you guys think?
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:21 AM Post #2 of 102
So you say comfort is the ONLY issue here?

I say BOSE QuietComfort2. It's light, soft earpad, enough room for earlobe.

Sennheiser HD595 comes in close 2nd (slightly heavier, slightly harder pad), ATH-AD series comes 3rd (ear pad hole is bit small for ppl w/ big ears).
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:23 AM Post #3 of 102
regarging the post above, the bose QC2 arent that comfortable IMO. my A900s feel better than them (my friend has them). they feel pretty good, but they're so small, not enough space for MY ear. well it fits RIGHT on and that doesnt feel that nice IMO.

dont know about other headphones thoguh
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:33 AM Post #6 of 102

Originally Posted by rob1031
regarging the post above, the bose QC2 arent that comfortable IMO. my A900s feel better than them (my friend has them). they feel pretty good, but they're so small, not enough space for MY ear. well it fits RIGHT on and that doesnt feel that nice IMO.

dont know about other headphones thoguh

A500/700 is lighter thus more confortable.
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:35 AM Post #7 of 102

Originally Posted by zChan
Triport! Triport!

Something's wrong with you...

Maybe you should try other headphones??

While the earcups themselves may be alright, the cheap flimsy headband hurts my head after thirty minutes, not to mention they snap every four hours.

Most comfortable? Probably something from Sennheiser - they are really focused on that stuff

The AKG K240s also have VERY good comfort levels. The HD595s pads were too cheaply made for me - or atleast they weren't designed properly, as they made my ears ich badly and often.


Originally Posted by zChan
A500/700 is lighter thus more confortable.

Not always. Your TriPorts are a great example of how this is incorrect.
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:35 AM Post #8 of 102
KSC75. I can hardly feel them clinging to my ears. Better than my DT770, EX51, and modded V6. far better than my e2c.

Feb 26, 2005 at 8:36 AM Post #9 of 102
Comfort is as subjective as anything. For full-size cans, the Beyerdynamic DT531 is my favorite. It has the softest pads around (even moreso than the 770/880), puts little pressure on the head (due to it's low weight), and has the very comfortable dual-headband system.

Why other comfortable cans aren't as quite comfortable as the DT531's:

Beyer DT770/880 (pads aren't quite as soft, headband not quite as light, higher clamping force)
various AT's with wing support system (pleather/leather pads get warm)
Sennheiser HD590/570 (harder pads, higher clamping, puts pressure onto one very small spot ont op of the head)
Sennheiser HD580/600/650 (heavier, harder pads, clamps harder)
Sennheiser HD555/595 (harder pads, feels a bit heavier or burdensome on the head)
Sony CD3000/R10 (heavier, pleather/leather pads get warm)
Feb 26, 2005 at 8:48 AM Post #12 of 102
sony eggos

d11, d22, d33, d55, d66, d77.. take your pick.
Feb 26, 2005 at 9:32 AM Post #13 of 102
I often forget I have my Sennheiser HD-590s on when I'm working at the computer. It doesn't get more comfortable than that.

See ya
Feb 26, 2005 at 9:33 AM Post #14 of 102
I cant tell you what the most comfortable headphone is, but I can tell you what the most comfortable one I have is, and its my new HD-650's. Though I dont have alot of the ones listed above, I have tried the Tri-ports and I think that they are more comfortable than them. They are a little heavier but if you adjust the headband right theres no issue.

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