Most comfortable headphones - POLL added
Mar 4, 2004 at 7:45 PM Post #31 of 45
Anybody try either the HD-280's or the Ultrasone 550's?

Said to be most comfortable..
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:16 PM Post #32 of 45

Originally posted by doug zdanivsky
Anybody try either the HD-280's or the Ultrasone 550's?

Said to be most comfortable..

I tried the HD 280 Pro and the comfort was, in my opinion....

maybe my head is too big but damn were these uncomfortable. the cups didnt extend enough so the headband really pressed against my head. actually my head is not that big. plus they are closed headphones and supposed to provide good isolation thus resulting in a relatively high calmping force.

I've never tried the ultrasones 550 but i own the ultrasones 650 dvd edition myself and the same applies here regarding being closed and rather high clapming force. nevertheless, i find these much more comfy than the hd 280 pros. maybe the senns just dont work for me.

for best comfort, circumaural headphones intended for home use (less clamping force) with a large driver (more space for your ears inside the cups) are still the best when it comes to comfort. also, usually open headphones are more comfortable because you dont sweat in them, at least that's my point of view. still, the sony cd780 are comfy although they are closed.
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:25 PM Post #33 of 45
DT-880s are incredibly comfortable; you can barely feel them sitting on your head and that soft velvet(I think) feels sooooo luxurious. And you can't forget the wonderful sound that these cans produce.
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:28 PM Post #34 of 45
How was the sound quality of the 650's over the 280, Panda?
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:33 PM Post #35 of 45

Originally posted by doug zdanivsky
How was the sound quality of the 650's over the 280, Panda?

I only auditioned the HD280 for like 10 min but I wasn't very impressed to be quite frank. I'd say for portable use I'd prefer the Ultrasones 650 dvd edition (they are also more expensive...around 160$ new). soundstage is pretty amazong for a closed can, the bass is opverwhelming, which is really good because in a portable situation i just want to groove along the beat by having a really good bass. note that the bass is still very tight and well-defined and not bloated like the sony mdr dj series, which also have bass but the overall sound is crappy.
i think there's a lot of info in the forums about closed portable cans.

EDIT: just read in your profile that you have the HD25, so you might have already done a lot of research and know all this

The HD25 is pretty much among the best portable closed cans on the market if not the best according to many opinions. i just picked the ultrasones because they have more bass
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:36 PM Post #36 of 45
Ya, I need a strictly stay at home set.. Not portable..

Got HD-25's but not very comfortable... Looking for best comfort/sound combo..

And I need closed cans cause I'm a gamer in a loud laundry room.. : )

Boy, say that 5 times fast LOL
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:39 PM Post #37 of 45

Originally posted by doug zdanivsky
Ya, I need a strictly stay at home set..

Got HD-25's but not very comfortable...

i think after a while the clamping force lessens because I've tried the hd25 at two different stores. one had the hd25 new and at the other store, the hd25 have been on a glasshead for quite a long time. therefore the clamping force was less and quite comfortable for closed can. maybe you dont like its supraaural character.
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:46 PM Post #38 of 45
Dunno.. Just gets all hot and sweaty in there.. start to feel it on my earlobes after a half hour..

They sound great, though..

Hoping a bigger 'muff will solve both problems..

Wish I could get one like the Beyer's.. they look comfy with that velvet.. But I'm told the ultrasones are better..

I'm going to do a head to head with the 25's and the 280's, and if I like neither I'll get the Ultrasone 650's..
Mar 4, 2004 at 8:52 PM Post #39 of 45
well, just that you know, once you start researching for a home setup you'll probably end up spending soooo much money

i was also looking for a portable setup in the first place when the audiophile-disease took me by surprise
Mar 4, 2004 at 9:04 PM Post #40 of 45
I'm looking at spending 200 US on headphones, and 400 on an amp..
Mar 4, 2004 at 9:07 PM Post #41 of 45
Headphones will depend on your taste and whether you want to buy new or used. As for the amp, I would lunge for a Deluxe Maxed-Out LaRocco Pocket Reference.
Mar 4, 2004 at 9:11 PM Post #42 of 45
Looking at a tricked out PPA..
Mar 5, 2004 at 9:47 PM Post #43 of 45
i found the Sony MDR F1 to be extremely comfortable and will be getting them once I've got a little bit more money to spend.

and i thought the hd580/600 had too much clamping force to be comfortable.

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