More of a tube sound
Oct 27, 2017 at 11:27 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 10


Headphoneus Supremus
Mar 23, 2017

I have a Jot and a LYR2.
The thing I've noticed most is that both amps are quite similar in their sound signatures no matter what tubes I roll in the L2.

If someone was willing to trade straight out for my L2, what amp would have more of a tube sound versus a solid state SS? Doesn't have to be a Schiit amp either.

Also, I could sell the L2 and purchase another amp. What would be a better choice as I have a lot of easily driven HP's that I'd use the amp for and I'd like something with more of a "tubie" sound and a bit more warm/lush/mellow SS? I love my TH900's and both my amps are just to bright sounding for this HP. I'm not going to get rid of the 900's period :))) as those are my go-to's. Please check my sig for the rest of my HP's in my collection. I don't want to spend much more money if any at all if and when I swap out either via trade or purchase.

Also, I do not want an amp that requires 4 tubes, but one that uses 2. 4 tubes starts to get expensive and I don't want to get mixed up in possible financial ruin buying 4 tubes each time I want to roll something else into the amp.

I'm just so inexperienced in tube amps thus the reason I'm reaching out to you guys.

Any and all feedback/suggestions would be so appreciated as I'm open to any and everything you have to say.

Edit: I predominately listen to progressive metal, progressive rock, Djent instrumental and Djent with vocals (think TessercT) with a smattering of progressive jazz.

Thanx guys
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Oct 27, 2017 at 11:40 AM Post #2 of 10
The best choice would be a Le Figaro or Darkvoice 336c. Roll in one RCA 6AS7 and either an RCA gray glass 6sn7 or Kenrad Black Glass 6sn7 and you will tame the brightness and get a nice warm, lush and textured sounding amp. You can source the used tubes from ebay for about $30 for the two.
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Oct 27, 2017 at 11:42 AM Post #3 of 10
Darkvoice is popular for the price, as is the Bottlehead Crack. Schiit tube amps supposedly sound very similar to solid state but I would have imagined rolling tubes would help. Either way I think the DVD or BHC would fit the bill nicely for you!
Oct 27, 2017 at 12:39 PM Post #4 of 10
As mentioned above,The La Figaro 339 is a very versatile OTL that can drive pretty much any headphone you throw at it,including planars and low ohm/high sensitivity.
Tube rolling impacts the sound quite a bit,and its reasonably priced.
Oct 27, 2017 at 1:08 PM Post #5 of 10
Thanx guys. In my inexperienced exuberance, I've bought so many tubes already for the Lyr2 which I'm now regretting. I hope I can recoup some of my investment if I decide to get rid of the L2. Maybe offer a package for amp with tubes. I believe it was kind of foolish but at the same time I kept experimenting trying to find a more tubie SS versus a solid state SS.

The La Figaro 339 looks really good but a little pricey at this time for me. Not to say it isn't a great value or awesome amp, it's just me and finances. Maybe the BC could be a good option as I've read and heard so many good things about it. They're in the classifies often for a descent price too.

If anyone else wants to chime in with a hidden gem or just their take, I'm open for more suggestions.
Oct 27, 2017 at 1:19 PM Post #7 of 10
Yes,'re correct. My bad. I was referring to the other 2. I need to look into the Darkvoice 336. I remember reading about this amp in the past before I traded for the L2 and it did look really good. There's something with me and Schiit amps and Dacs that draw me to them. That isn't necessarily the case when you own 2 amps from the same maker.
Thanx man, I'll check it out.
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Oct 28, 2017 at 3:52 AM Post #8 of 10
Also, I do not want an amp that requires 4 tubes, but one that uses 2. 4 tubes starts to get expensive and I don't want to get mixed up in possible financial ruin buying 4 tubes each time I want to roll something else into the amp.

You're basically not going to get the kind of tube amp that has the sound you want and low impedance power. Lyr2 uses only two rectifier tubes because instead of driver tubes, it has a solid state output stage. A pure tube amp will have several tubes because each tube type serves a different purpose, like rectifiers on the preamp stage and a driver tube for the output stage, plus you typically need one on each side. Some tubes do have two channels running through them so it's not rare to have a tube with one stereo rectifier and two mono driver tubes.

You can still get a pure tube amp for not a lot of money and uses only two tubes, but it will be an OTL amp using dual channel tubes, like the Darkvoice DV336se - each tube carries the signal on both channels. The problem is that, being an output transformerless design, its power delivery is very different: high output impedance, max output at 300ohms, min output at 32ohms. Basically, not the best idea for your headphones.

Cheapest all tube, transformer coupled amp out there is the Woo WA6 but it still costs a bit more over the Lyr2.
Oct 28, 2017 at 7:52 AM Post #9 of 10
You're basically not going to get the kind of tube amp that has the sound you want and low impedance power. Lyr2 uses only two rectifier tubes because instead of driver tubes, it has a solid state output stage. A pure tube amp will have several tubes because each tube type serves a different purpose, like rectifiers on the preamp stage and a driver tube for the output stage, plus you typically need one on each side. Some tubes do have two channels running through them so it's not rare to have a tube with one stereo rectifier and two mono driver tubes.

You can still get a pure tube amp for not a lot of money and uses only two tubes, but it will be an OTL amp using dual channel tubes, like the Darkvoice DV336se - each tube carries the signal on both channels. The problem is that, being an output transformerless design, its power delivery is very different: high output impedance, max output at 300ohms, min output at 32ohms. Basically, not the best idea for your headphones.

Cheapest all tube, transformer coupled amp out there is the Woo WA6 but it still costs a bit more over the Lyr2.

Thank you, that was a really good explanation and exactly what I needed to know.

So with my current line-up of HP’s, if I want to use them all to get the tube sound I’m looking for, I’m basically SOL unless I want to spend some bigger bucks, or I’m just going to have to deal with what I have.

Ok man, you educated me enough here where my decision would be to sell the Jot so I don’t have basically the same type of sound out of both amps. As much as I want more of a “tubie” sound, it doesn’t look to be in the cards at present time.
Much appreciated on your response.
Oct 28, 2017 at 12:27 PM Post #10 of 10
Sell your Jot and grab a 339.
It drives high ohm headphones,low ohm headphones and planars very well.

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